| Nathan Day wrote:
> FTERROR, ftable 10: illegal table length
> f 10 0.0052480.00 1.00 "Sound.aif" ...
Well, the problem is just what the warning says. 52480 is an illegal
table length. Tables must be a power of two. The output is just
missing a space between arguments, which might be confusing.
Use table length 32768 or 65536.
BTW, if you manage to pick up Csound 3.53 or later, you can also
use ftsr() to read the sample rate from the ftable:
ibasfrq = ftsr(insnd) / ftlen(insnd)
Good luck,
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As suggested by the welcome email, I'm briefly introducing myself as a new
I'm an (extremely) novice Csound user, but I have been deeply interested in
synthetic and computer music for over 20 years, since I first composed
electronic and concrete music in college in the late 70's (on a Grey Meanie Arp
2600 - which I still own). I've also worked with MIDI quite a lot. Careerwise,
I've been working in the fields of computer graphics and animation for the last
15 years, and now am what you'd call a technology analyst, working in Cambridge
So far my experience with Csound has been mostly on the PC, but as we recently
bought an iMac at home I will also be using the PowerPC version.
I was curious - does anyone on the list have experience running Csound on one of
the new Athlon (AMD-K7) processors? The floating-point on these processors is
pretty impressive, compared to the PIII.
Looking forward to learning lots through the list.
- Jeremy Schwartz.
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Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 23:26:34 +0930
Subject: Re: when 52450 becomes 0.0052480.00
From: Nathan Day
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Ok I worked out you have have to hav len of 2^n, unless for losic
> I tried this (below)straight out of the csound manual, just change
> "Sound.wav" and the length to "Sound.aif" and 52480, and it doesn't work, I
> get this error
> FTERROR, ftable 10: illegal table length
> f 10 0.0052480.00 1.00 "Sound.aif" ...
> I've tried different text editors, I'm using PPC version 'perf' 3.56 on an
> iMac. I was originally tring it with my own .orc and .sco was getting the
> same errors.
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; graintest.orc
> instr 1
> insnd = 10
> ibasfrq = 32000 / ftlen(insnd) ; Use original sample rate of insnd file
> kamp expseg 8000, p3/2, 8000, p3/2, 16000
> kpitch line ibasfrq, p3, ibasfrq * .8
> kdens line 600, p3, 200
> kaoff line 0, p3, 5000
> kpoff line 0, p3, ibasfrq * .5
> kgdur line .4, p3, .1
> imaxgdur = .5
> ar grain kamp, kpitch, kdens, kaoff, kpoff, kgdur, insnd, 5, imaxgdur, 0.0
> out ar
> endin
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; graintest.sco
> f5 0 512 20 2 ; Hanning window
> f10 0 52480 1 "Sound.aif" 0 0 0
> i1 0 10
> e
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To: liste CSound
Subject: Re: Rezzy {was:Re: oscil1i problem}
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Here is the working .orc using moogvcf.
It's been changed a bit however from the rezzy version wich used buzz as =
sound generator. Here I used vco.
Well, I said that I used the same parameters than with rezzy but of cours=
e as
you pointed out I scaled resonance 1-100 for rezzy and 0-1 for moogvcf.
Actually moogvcf works fine here for my purpose.
By the way, what is the difference musically between rezzy and moogvcf?
Hans Mikelson a =E9crit:
> Hi,
> >I tried moogvcf instead of rezzy and it works fine with the exact same
> >parameters. And it gives what I wanted.
> >I think rezzy is bugged.
> I think rezzy does not like having a zero cut-off frequency. Try:
> f2 0 1025 7 0.0100 102 ...
> When I tried moogvcf I had to leave the input signal normalized to 1 to=
> it to work. Also resonance/Q should be between 0-1 for moogvcf and bet=
> 1 and about 100 for rezzy. You might run into trouble if you try to pu=
> the moogvcf Q value much above 1 or 2.
> Maybe you could post your working moogvcf code so I could check it out.
> Bye,
> Hans Mikelson
; Moog.orc
instr 1
kpw=3Dp9 ;between 0-1
iwave =3D 3 ; Selected wave form 1=3DSaw, 2=3DSquare/PWM, 3=3DTri/Saw-Ram=
isine =3D 1
imaxd =3D 1/ifqc*2 ; Allows pitch bend down of two octaves
;kpw1 oscil .25, ifqc/200, 1
;kpw =3D kpw1 + .5
asig vco 0.8, ifqc, iwave, kpw, isine, imaxd
kfco oscil1i 0, 1,idur,2=20
kfco2 wrap kfco, imodep, ifco
kenv oscil1i 0, iamp, idur,3
kdclick linseg 0, .002, 1, idur-.004, 1, .002, 0
;;irez =96 amount of resonance(0 to 1).
apulse1 buzz 1,ifqc, sr/2/ifqc, 1 ; Avoid aliasing
; asaw integ apulse1
; axn =3D asaw-.5
ayn moogvcf asig, kfco2, irez
out ayn*kdclick*kenv
f1 0 65536 10 1 =20
f2 0 1024 7 0.9740 102 1.0000 51 0.9796 5=
2 =20
0.8366 154 0.4930 153 0.3621 154 0.1764 51
0.1439 52 0.1216 153 0.0631 154 0.0000 =20
f3 0 1024 7 0.0000 51 1.0000 51 0.9803 5=
2 =20
0.8422 154 0.5103 153 0.3839 154 0.2045 51
0.1731 52 0.1516 153 0.0951 154 0.0341 =20
;p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 =20
i1 0.0000 0.1980 20000 41 195.4700 0.9935 0.6111 0=
i1 0.1990 0.1980 20000 41 4966.7700 0.5293 0.1554 0=
i1 0.3980 0.1980 20000 41 2650.5100 0.8449 0.9437 0=
i1 0.5970 0.1980 20000 41 4222.0500 0.6910 0.3695 0=
i1 0.7960 0.1980 20000 41 3453.8700 0.7627 0.8596 0=
i1 0.9950 0.1980 20000 41 3817.4400 0.6415 0.2839 0=
i1 1.1940 0.1980 20000 41 3205.6300 0.2999 0.9264 0=
i1 1.3930 0.1980 20000 41 1501.1700 0.1499 0.6196 0=
i1 1.5920 0.1980 20000 41 752.5400 0.0026 0.7773 0=
i1 1.7910 0.1980 20000 41 15.6400 1.0000 0.4973 0.1079 =20
i1 1.9900 0.1980 20000 41 5000.0000 0.4902 0.1079 0=
i1 2.1890 0.1980 20000 41 2451.1300 0.8592 0.9753 0=
i1 2.3880 0.1980 20000 41 4296.3300 0.6806 0.5540 0=
i1 2.5870 0.1980 20000 41 3403.0500 0.7692 0.8038 0=
i1 2.7860 0.1980 20000 41 3844.8000 0.6415 0.4608 0=
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Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 15:00:35 -0700
From: Sean Costello
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To: Richard Dobson
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Subject: Re: Better link //Re: Have you guys checked out this site?
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Richard Dobson wrote:
> There is also the admonition:
> "
> It is a free software. However, You can not make a SAMPLE CD, or SAMPLE
> CD-ROM with this compiled sound. It is prohibited. You have to discuss
> to sound designer who makes a original Csound orchestra file such as Dr.
> Richard Boulanger and me.
> "
> I have not come across this particular restriction with Csound before. A
> Sample CD is not something I have any interest in making, but I can
> imagine there are plenty that might want to do such a thing.
I think that this is referring to compiling specific orchestras - i.e. you are
not allowed to download Dr. Richard Boulanger's .orc and .sco files, compile
these, and put the resulting sound on a sample CD. I doubt that they are trying
to keep you from putting your own work on a sample CD.
Of course, I could be wrong...
Sean Costello
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From: Hans Mikelson
To: liste CSound
Subject: Re: Rezzy {was:Re: oscil1i problem}
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 18:16:51 -0500
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>By the way, what is the difference musically between rezzy and moogvcf?
Rezzy is two-pole and moogvcf is four-pole, rezzy has a little coarser
character and moogvcf has a smoother self oscillation, moogvcf has a built
in band limited limiter (a cubic) which causes the filter to blow up if the
signal is not between -1 and 1 in amplitude, rezzy was played with
empirically until it tended not to blow up any more, rezzy has a high pass
mode. I usually try both of them and see which one sounds better.
Hans Mikelson
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Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 05:04:25 -0600
To: csound
From: "17.hzV.tRL.478"
Subject: Re: lowpass
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>Could someone answer me this?
>Will this alter the quality of a 44100 sound (asig0..):
>asig1 butterlp asig0, 22050 ?
da + da - nu!
unde este strada k.
afara ploua. c=EEt costa 1 ceasca de cafea.
partidul communist roman. da da da.
d!ktz!onar german-roman.
>Have a nice day, Orc-ers!
la revedere +?
>Radu Grigorovici
elena lodi
|abs| - krvava gruda-plodna zemlja
punKtproTokol[4'7c m9ndfukc.macht.fre! < http://m9ndfukc.com
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Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 16:51:28 +0100
To: Csound list
From: Lars Luthman
Subject: Global variables in conditional statements
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I think I have found a bug... I'm using the PPC 3.56 version.
I have a global k-rate variable that should have different values depending
on the value of another global k-rate variable. I tried using ( ? : ), but
got two strange error messages:
error: input arg '' used before defined, line 21:
gkSpeed = (gkIsChanging == 0 ? kSldToNorm : gkSpeed)
error: input arg '' of type ? not allowed, line 21:
gkSpeed = (gkIsChanging == 0 ? kSldToNorm : gkSpeed)
I tried using an if ... goto statement, but I got the same errors. Then I
copied the value of the global variable into a "normal" k-rate variable.
And now it worked!
Doesn't any global variables work in conditional statements? Maybe it's not
a bug, but I didn't find anything about it in the manual.
Here is the code if you want to see it:
This one doesn't work...
instr 1
iNorm = p4
iSlide init 5/kr
; Slide to normal speed if gkIsChanging != 1
kSldToNorm = (abs(gkSpeed-iNorm) < iSlide ? iNorm :
gkSpeed = (gkIsChanging == 0 ? kSldToNorm : gkSpeed)
; Get the data from the file...
aOut diskin "vivaldi.aiff", gkSpeed, 0, 1, 4
; ...and reset gkIsChanging
gkIsChanging = 0
out aOut
...but this one does.
instr 1
iNorm = p4
iSlide init 5/kr
kIsChanging = gkIsChanging
; Slide to normal speed if gkIsChanging != 1
kSldToNorm = (abs(gkSpeed-iNorm) < iSlide ? iNorm :
gkSpeed = (kIsChanging == 0 ? kSldToNorm : gkSpeed)
; Get the data from the file...
aOut diskin "vivaldi.aiff", gkSpeed, 0, 1, 4
; ...and reset gkIsChanging
gkIsChanging = 0
out aOut