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Date1998-05-03 17:59
FromBertolt Sobolik
k-rate amplitude values don't seem to work in wgflute.  This orchestra
yields a 0 amp file.  The max is around 23000 if iamp is substituted for
kamp in the call to wgflute


   instr 1

iamp = 31129.60
kamp line iamp,p3,iamp

ar wgflute kamp, 440, 0.32, 0.1, 0.1, 0.15, 5.925, 0.05, 1

out ar

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Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 13:13:16 -0400
From: Dave Phillips 
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To: Csound list 
Subject: Re: antiorp?
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  I would strongly object to removing antiorp from this list, and I
agree with Carlton Wilkinson: antiorp's posts are often most
interesting, witness the recent exchange between him and Richard Dobson.

  As for his "pseudocode", let me get this straight: you can read Csound
or C or Fortran or Whatever, and you can't understand this guy's posts
??? Come one, try at least a little bit. He's consistent (which will
likely annoy him) and readable.

  Of course, perhaps not having a background in higher mathematics is a
help ? (Aaargh, I'm kidding, I'm kidding !!!)


== Dave Phillips


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Subject: Csound mnemonics revealed-episode one
Date: Sun, 3 May 98 23:34:58 -0000
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From: Drew Skyfyre 
To: Marc Resibois , 
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>Do your bit, post results, get corrections
>and send to Marc Resibois so he can put it up...

I've tried to translate a few terms and here are the results.?=I'm not 
sure how to express it,or I'm clueless.I'm hoping that it will  become a 
comprehensive "dictionary" with ALL terms,even the transparent 
ones,listed in two ways ; alphabetically and categorically .
This could help make Csound less daunting and gain more users.
Jean says I should send it to Marc,so I have.
Oy,Marc, do you have a web site or something that you might put this up 
when it's complete ?It would be nice to have it as HTML viewable pages 
and a file
for download.

Value Convertors:
ftlen=function table length
dbamp=linear amplitude to decibels
sqrt=square root
ampdb=decibels to linear amplitude

Pitch Convertors:
octpch=octave point decimal to octave pitch-class (8ve.pc)
pchoct=octave pitch-class to octave point decimal
cpspch=Cycles per second (Hz) to Octave pitch-class
cpsoct=cycles per second to octave pitch-class
sr= sample rate
kr= control rate
ksmps=control samples per second
nchnls=no. of channels

linseg=line segment
expseg=exponential segments

oscili=oscilllator using interpolation


adsyn=additive synthesis
pvoc=phase vocoder

fof=fonctions d'ondes formantiques (French) Formant wave 


randh=random with holding
randi=random with interpolation

Signal Modifiers:

linen=linear envelope

tone=tone,low-pass filter like knob on boombox
reson=resonant filter
atone="anti-tone",the opposite of tone
areson= like above

lpread=read linear predictive 

upsample=opp. of downsample
samphold=sample and hold


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Subject: Re: antiorp?
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Dave Phillips wrote:
>   As for his "pseudocode", let me get this straight: you can read Csound
> or C or Fortran or Whatever, and you can't understand this guy's posts
> ??? Come one, try at least a little bit

It's not that i can't understand anything of what he writes, but it is
taking just too much time and besides i never managed to decipher one
I still don't filter his posts because i just hate to do so.

Kicking people off the list is no way. Who do we think we are?


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Date:     Sun, 3 May 98 21:38:27 BST
From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Subject:  Re: hrtfer
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Message written at 01 May 1998 21:13:36 +0100
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HTRF requires the HTRF data, which it expects to find in the file
HTRFcompact and as it is the result of some analysis, it looks for it
in the analysis directory.  You need to down-load the file from one of
the servers.
==John ffitch

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From: Jim Stevenson 
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Subject: Re: antiorp?
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After reading some of his posts which were stated in English, I withdraw
my request for his dismissle. He does make in important contribution when he 
chooses to.


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Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 16:38:29 -0700
From: Tobias Kunze 
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Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 18:29:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Wayne Freno 
To: Drew Skyfyre 
Cc: Contribute 
Subject: Re: Csound abbrevations/mnemonics
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You can tell when you look at Csound abbreviations that it was
written in C.  That kind of word contraction is typical of C.
During these days a cheap storage/memory I don't know why 
programmers still contract words so much, I thought it used to
be done during 20Meg hard drive days.  I guess it saves keystrokes.

I think anyone who is familiar with Csound
(given the inclination) should be able to do what you are asking, it
is all pretty well explained in the manual.  As for myself, I am hoping
the Boulanger book due out this summer will be like an
introductory book on programming which would teach both the language
and what things actually mean.  (not like the manual)

On Sun, 3 May 1998, Drew Skyfyre wrote:

> Would it be possible for someone to put together a dictionary/thesaurus 
> of all Csound abbrevations/mnemonics ?
> Just a simple list would be great,like "oscil = oscillator".It can be  
> migraine inducing looking at 'words' like  
> envlpx,noctdft,ifxdbak,isizea,garvbsig,poscil.
> Orwellian!
> I believe it would be of immense help to newbies and even some 
> veterans.I,for one,would be very grateful.
> --------------------------------
> About =cw4t7abs,I find those messages more than annoying,but he/her/it 
> appears to say some interesting things,from what I sometimes decipher.To 
> each his/her/it's own.There's room for all sorts.One of the nice things 
> about today's world is that ,unlike Van Gogh's time, eccentrics don't 
> HAVE to go insane and kill themselves.
> Cheers,
> Drew

end soundbite

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Subject: Re: come.to/wollbubble
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=cw4t7abs wrote:

> composers, especially modern ones=pozerz

Since I've been exposed for the clown that I am I can quit carrying the
statue of Beethoven around on my puny shoulders, what a relief.

=cw4t7abs' posts are refreshing and obviously provocative, what more do
you want?  So what if he has an attitude, you would too if you were the
bastard spawn of Artoodeetoo.

> >http://come.to/kraak
> >http://come.to/wollbubble

Plus he makes weird music.

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Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 04:03:19 -0600
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
From: =cw4t7abs 
Subject: IRIX 6.5-BETA-1274425944 IP22 \\ kap!t ald elad ouleur
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

- n.as.a.kausat.!v.tranz!t.!v.tr

>Richard Dobson 
>Now this is interesting!  Allen Holub makes a similar point in his lovely b=
>'Enough Rope to Shoot Yourself in the Foot' (where he compares the Mac
>with a pencil, for just the reasons you give).

The Pencil ; The Evolution of Useful Things ;Design Paradigms=20
named an outstanding book in 1994 by the Professional and
*Scholarly* Publishing Division of the Association of American Publishers

>> >http://come.to/kraak
>> >http://come.to/wollbubble
>Plus he makes weird music.

plz. kred!t abv urlz 2 "dVD" 
=3D [w!ll tsj!k awt, az ai downt no diz won...zprzmakz!n.takx]

=3Dcw4t7abs.urlz.  [no!sz.cd.etc]
http://www.tezcat.com/~antiorp/punkt-||_protokol.html  [gfx]     [rand.javaskr!ptz + no!sz]
hTTp://            [rand.javaskr!ptz + no!sz]       [etc]
[no!sz + gfx + m9dfukc app]

>Tobias Kunze 
>...- TaNdSiNcEyOuDoN'TwAnTt +.....

plan + e-lab.orate.faze \\ model!ng zystemz.
1 zystem !n ze `reaL veLt` || zoftkode =3D ovr.wel.m!ngl+e
komplcz.  =3D ne.sase.r+e 2 d.konztrukt !t zo dzat
=3D  poz!bl 2 man.age ze komp.lecz!t+e [punkt00]
ze chunkx =3D modelz
modelz abs.trakt ze eSSent!al azpektz ov ze zystem [rumbaugh97]
uml =3D un!f!ed model!ng lang due2
!t =3D 1 lang !ntendd 2 d.zkr!be modelz ov zystemz baszd on
kon.sept [punkt00]

z.ampl modelz \\ $00010000 - 2konserv band.w!dTh.
sndnewchannel . sndstartf!leplay .

   sIn CeT hEr EiSs Om UcH aPp Re CiA.-t I o NoF h Ar
   .D-TorE aD-Y eT-St IlL
   WaNk Y mE
   sS aGe SoNt HiSl IsT aNdS iN cEy OuD oN' TwA nT
 k Ic KaN yOn EoF fIwI lLh EnC eFoRt
   H jOi NtH  eBaN dWaG o NaN dEn CrY pT mY sTiLl
   ToT a LlYb Or InG tIr.Ad.Es.
   y  Ou  Gu  Y  sR  e  AlL  y  aVe  To
   O                 H
   c  HtIm EoN y OuR h AnDs

.-unz-t=3Dp2ra_n0ja] w!rtsch2Ft=3Dt0t

1klass w!th lo.koh!j!on
per4mz 2man+e un.relatd th!n6z || per4mz 2much verk
ztch klassez =3D und-z!rabl due2 sufr 4rom
d!ff 2 komprehend : d!ff 2 reuze : d!ff 2 ma!nta!n : del!kate

rezultat =3D 1 schoneneueveLt . qu!etcmd . sndd!z_poze.channel


krop3rom_|-a9ff -\\_ -f---3.m2sk1n3nkunzt
                                _- aud!o.v!deo.kode.web.d-s!gn
                anTi_s!g-naTure_kampa!gn.10-62.k   _1
||||||||||||://|||||||||.|||||||||||||||||||||.||||||||| |||||||||
|||||||||||| |||||| |||||||||||| |||||||||||| 3,000=B1  .erreur l.amour.
http://www.wired.com/news/news/culture/story/11678.html ||

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Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 05:21:38 -0600
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
From: =cw4t7abs 
Subject: Re: antiorp
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addtL [n!sr_ + mak!ntosch onl+e]

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On Sat, 2 May 1998, Larry Troxler wrote:

> Maybe a newsgroup would be more interesting for this.
> Or maybe not.
> One thing is true, is that there doesn't seem to be a general computer
> music list.

Actually, there is, sort of.  It's on American University's listserv
(listserv@american.edu) and it's called EMUSIC-L.  It's an electronic
music list, which I suppose doesn't necessarily include computers, but
I doubt there are too many people composing electronic music without
computers nowadays.

Best regards,
Robert Tucker