| Hi!
I'm trying to figure out how to use Csound. I've read all of
help files, the tutorials, and the FAQ, and I
still can't actually get any sound out of my machine. (I'm using
Windows 95 and winsound.exe) As far as I can figure it, when I select
orc and sco files and then click Render, Csound is supposed to create
some file in my Csound\Rendered folder which I should then be able to
back. It does in fact create a file in the Rendered folder, but with no
extensions. I thought it would create a wav or aiff file or something
that could then be played with something like Cool Edit. Am I totally
wrong? Am I supposed to hear something just by rendering it? I added
the necessary lines to the autoexec.bat, but am I also supposed to add
stuff to the config.sys? I realize this is a basic question that would
considered a waste of time by most of you, but... Help!
P.S. I appologize if anyone already read and responded to this, but I
wasn't actually subscribed to the list yet the first time I sent the
message, so I never got anything back.
P.P.S If you never got this message in the first place, ignore the P.S.
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20 Mar 99 20:13 GMT
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Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 15:16:44 -0500
From: Blake Markle
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To: "csound@maths.ex.ac.uk"
Subject: hetro/adsyn
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Good day fellow Csounders,
We're still getting bad quality resynthesis using Hetro/adsyn. We are
analyzing a sustained piano note in hetro, and resynthesizing it with
adsyn. Even with many (50+) harmonics included and many (1024)
amplitude breakpoints checked, we get bad transient response (attack)
and distortion. We have an "owl" sounding hoot in the attack and lots
of high frequency noise distortion.
We are using the latest csound edition (csound_con.zip) with winsound
for the adsyn process. The file format is wav. We would welcome any
wisdom on the subject. If it is possible to create a reasonably
realistic analysis/resynthesis, please let us know.
Greg and Blake
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20 Mar 99 21:38 GMT
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Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 16:37:43 -0500
From: Kevin Gallagher
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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: C sound/No sound
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You probably already tried this, but how about changing the filename of the
output file ("test", right?) to "test.wav" after Csound creates it?
James Veltri wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm trying to figure out how to use Csound. I've read all of
> the
> help files, the tutorials, and the FAQ, and I
> still can't actually get any sound out of my machine. (I'm using
> Windows 95 and winsound.exe) As far as I can figure it, when I select
> orc and sco files and then click Render, Csound is supposed to create
> some file in my Csound\Rendered folder which I should then be able to
> play
> back. It does in fact create a file in the Rendered folder, but with no
> extensions. I thought it would create a wav or aiff file or something
> that could then be played with something like Cool Edit. Am I totally
> wrong? Am I supposed to hear something just by rendering it? I added
> the necessary lines to the autoexec.bat, but am I also supposed to add
> stuff to the config.sys? I realize this is a basic question that would
> be
> considered a waste of time by most of you, but... Help!
> thanks,
> james
> P.S. I appologize if anyone already read and responded to this, but I
> wasn't actually subscribed to the list yet the first time I sent the
> message, so I never got anything back.
> P.P.S If you never got this message in the first place, ignore the P.S.
Kevin Gallagher
Composer, Guitarist, Music Copyist
Email: kgallagh@astro.temple.edu
Web site: http://astro.temple.edu/~kgallagh
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Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 04:15:41 +0100
From: rasmus ekman
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CC: Csound list
Subject: Re: C sound/No sound
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James Veltri wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out how to use Csound. I've read all of
> the help files, the tutorials, and the FAQ, and I
> still can't actually get any sound out of my machine.
Did you try following the hints in the Getting started section?
(you mentioned the help file). Otherwise the same notes are
available from http://hem.passagen.se/rasmuse/Csound.htm
(look for "Installation notes")
You must tell some more for anyone to diagnose your problem:
What's the command line? What were the actual orc/sco files?
What did Winsound say about it? Check the output shown after
rendering, it says what has happened.
Oops, Winsound, so you didn't use a command line... Did you
set a name for the output soundfile in the "Output File" box?
Did you check the WAV option in the Format box?
And so on.
hth, else post again,
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Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 09:19:51
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
From: Philippe Lacherez
Subject: request
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Can anybody tell me how to generate white noise? If there are any orc.
files I could download it would be much appreciated as my programming
skills are very limited.
Thank you very much
Philippe Lacherez
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21 Mar 99 12:54 GMT
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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
From: Lars Luthman
Subject: Re: request
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
>Can anybody tell me how to generate white noise? If there are any orc.
>files I could download it would be much appreciated as my programming
>skills are very limited.
>Thank you very much
>Philippe Lacherez
Something like this?
sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
instr 1
anoise rand 10000
out anoise