| Dear C sound list
I would sincerely like to thank all of you for your wonderful support
and encouragements as I wrestle with understanding computer sound
design. I feel very lucky to have acces to such a wellspring of
experienced individuals who are so willing to help and share their
Pat Pagano, Director
South East Just Intonation Society
Gainesville Florida
Resonate and Extenuate
p.s. please continue to send me all delay/reverb examples you can!!hah
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Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 20:23:26 +0100
From: Fokke de Jong
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I'm having some trouble using the 'rescale to 24 bit' function in
Csound. This doesn't seem to write the right header (i.e. it writes a
16-bit header). Does anyone else have this problem?
Just for the record, I'm using the 3.51 Macintosh version.
cheers, Fokke.
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From: Anders Andersson
To: The CSound mailinglist
Date: Thu, 06 May 1999 20:45:42 +0200
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Subject: Optimizations
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I've read about the optimization discussion going on..
Yesterday when browsing through some old books at the university-library
(where I work) I found a horrifying example on how things can go wrong when
you try to optimize "by the book", and have old books..
It was an algorithm that used 8 muls, but they "optimized" it to "only" 7
muls and 11 adds.
This would be great, if the CPU would perform 11 adds quicker than 1 mul, as
was the case pre 1990.
Nowadays (post 1990), that code would be more than twice as slow as the
"unoptimized", as todays CPU's are VERY optimized for multiplications, so
that a mul is almost faster than an add.
I guess there might be alot of this examples deep down in the code for the
most "basic" (and thus oldest) opcodes in CSound, as indeed, it was a very
common way to optimize on a few years ago. (The famous Bresenham DDA
linedrawer is a very good example!)
// Anders (That still uses a CPU dated pre 1990 (MC68030), thus the mul's
are about 10 times slower than the add's =D)
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Date: Thu, 06 May 1999 20:04:01 +0100
From: Richard Dobson
Organization: Composers Desktop Project
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Subject: Re: tempo
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As Eric Scheirer hasn't picked up on this question (yet), hopefully he
won't mind if I mention his research into just this problem:
He is now making the source-code available for non-commercial research
purposes: from his recent post to the music-dsp list:
"The code is available at
for research purposes only. You're free to use the code for your
personal experiments or for research work, but if you want to
it in a product, you have to license it from MIT (this could be free,
but we'd have to go through the formality). Please credit me if you
do follow-on work using the software."
Richard Dobson
Dew Drops wrote:
> Does anyone know of a program or something that's been written that can
> take in a piece of music and determine it's tempo ?
> Drew
Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
CDP homepage: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/CDP/CDP.htm
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To: Anders Andersson
cc: The CSound mailinglist
Subject: Re: Optimizations
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Date: Thu, 06 May 1999 14:08:06 -0700
From: Ed Hall
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
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On Thu, 06 May 1999 20:45:42 you wrote:
> . . .
> Yesterday when browsing through some old books at the university-library
> (where I work) I found a horrifying example on how things can go wrong when
> you try to optimize "by the book", and have old books..
> . . .
Absolutely true! Counting instruction cycles is no longer the way to
optimize. Main memory is only about 2.5 times faster than it was ten
years ago, while CPU's are 25 times faster. As you note, some
instructions (like multiply) have been sped up even more. Optimizations
have to focus on the cache architecture and the wide range of latencies
between level one and two (and sometimes level three) cache and main
memory. Since a single 64K Csound function table or 1.5 second delay
will completely fill most PC's cache, main memory latency affects Csound
more than most applications.
The CPU/memory ratio has shifted so far that optimizations that were
common a few years ago, such as using lookup tables to avoid complex
calculations, can actually slow programs down. Nonlinear waveshapers
take note: it might be faster to compute your polynomial directly
(though Csound has a high enough per-operation overhead that this
likely isn't true for a coded expression, but would be for a polynomial
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7 May 99 0:51 BST
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Date: Thu, 6 May 1999 16:48:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Matt J. Ingalls"
Reply-To: "Matt J. Ingalls"
To: Fokke de Jong
cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: 24 bit?
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> I'm having some trouble using the 'rescale to 24 bit' function in
> Csound. This doesn't seem to write the right header (i.e. it writes a
> 16-bit header). Does anyone else have this problem?
what are you using to read the 24 bit file? (csound doesnt support
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7 May 99 4:54 BST
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Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 13:53:20 +1000
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
From: Terry McDermott
Subject: Re: Optimizations
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
>On Thu, 06 May 1999 20:45:42 you wrote:
>> . . .
>> Yesterday when browsing through some old books at the university-library
>> (where I work) I found a horrifying example on how things can go wrong when
>> you try to optimize "by the book", and have old books..
>> . . .
>Absolutely true! Counting instruction cycles is no longer the way to
>optimize. Main memory is only about 2.5 times faster than it was ten
>years ago, while CPU's are 25 times faster. As you note, some
>instructions (like multiply) have been sped up even more. Optimizations
>have to focus on the cache architecture and the wide range of latencies
>between level one and two (and sometimes level three) cache and main
>memory. Since a single 64K Csound function table or 1.5 second delay
>will completely fill most PC's cache, main memory latency affects Csound
>more than most applications.
>The CPU/memory ratio has shifted so far that optimizations that were
>common a few years ago, such as using lookup tables to avoid complex
>calculations, can actually slow programs down. Nonlinear waveshapers
>take note: it might be faster to compute your polynomial directly
>(though Csound has a high enough per-operation overhead that this
>likely isn't true for a coded expression, but would be for a polynomial
> -Ed
I have a hazy recollection that there is some programming trick often used
by engineers to generate a sine wave in real time (calculate the values on
the fly, rather than accessing lookup tables) which calculates the locus of
a circle in the imaginary z plane, and voila there is a sinusoidal behavior
on the real axis. If this recollection is correct, then maybe this could be
an alternative way of making sine waves in csound, and given the speed of
CPUs these days as opposed to memory access, perhaps a more efficient
method?? Maybe its already been done?
Terry McDermott
Music Department
School of Arts & Media
Latrobe University
Bundoora, Victoria, 3083
email: T.McDermott@latrobe.edu.au
Telephone +61 3 9479 2167
Fax +61 3 9479 3651
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From: Anders Andersson
To: The CSound mailinglist
Date: Fri, 07 May 1999 08:11:43 +0200
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Subject: (OT!) Bandpass
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I'm quite a newbie with electronics, but I still would like to try some
things out..
For a project I need a *very* narrow BP-filter (fixed frequency, but still
adjustable so that I could have several modules with different frequency).
It does not have to be "noisefree".
Is it possible to construct in many ways, or are there some general rule you
always use when building BP-filters?
What would be the best way in this case?
(I want to know what things I should read moe about, and what I can skip)
// Anders
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From: Andrew Lyons
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: pvanel file format
Date: Fri, 07 May 1999 18:44:34 EST
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Majordomo asked me to say hi! and refer you to my web page . . .
Can anyone provide some description of the file format that pvanel writes
out? Id like to try reading them from another unix mounted application.
Thanks in advance
Andrew Lyons - 4D - A/V | alyons@vislab.usyd.edu.au | 61 2 9351 1889
Time - Space - Texture | http://www.vislab.usyd.edu.au/user/alyons
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