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Re: [ot]

Date1999-05-28 17:33
FromJim Stevenson
SubjectRe: [ot]
/fabct proposes that I fire a very valuable research assistant for his off topic
posts. That is about as ovserd as his views that Capitalism is worse than
Comunism or Nazism, and responsible for all the worlds hunger.

For the record, I have ordered my research assistent not to flame or post
off topic to the csound list from a NASA account, or during work hours.

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From: Jeffrey John Hall 
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Necesito la Direcci=F3n del "Simposio Nacional de Computaci=F3n, =

              M=FAsica e Im=E1gen 1999" para enviarles el formulario y el C=
             =BFLa direcci=F3n era de La Universidad de C=F3rdoba?, =

                La noticia y el formulario vino por medio de
                esta lista.....
              I need the address of the "National Simposium for          =

              Computing, Music and Image"
               in order to send them the form and my CD.
             The address was that of the University of C=F3rdoba?,
                 The notice and form came on this list.
                   (I downloaded the form but forgot to save the
                                     Thanks, and Luck to All,
                                           Jeff Hall
                                        Woodbridge, Virginia

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Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 02:14:24 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Thomas Huber 
Subject: loscil3 problem
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For me, loscil3 still does not work. Could somebody please test this
simple orc/sco ? (Take any aiff sample as violin00.aif)
On my linux machine, 'loscil' works whereas 'loscil3' produces
no sound at all... I could reproduce the problem on versions 3.49-3.54.



sr = 44100
kr = 441
ksmps = 100
nchnls = 1

instr 1
kgate		adsr 0.2,0.5,0.8,0.5

; works ok
;asrc		loscil 10000*kgate, 1000, 2

; does not produce any sound for me
asrc		loscil3 10000*kgate, 1000, 2

                out   asrc


f2 0 65536 1 "violin.aif" 0 0 1

t 0 80

i1 0 0.5
i1 0.8 0.5
i1 1 0.2

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Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 02:24:25 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Thomas Huber 
Subject: "Patch librarian"
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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My csound instruments normally use a large number of
'midictrl' opcodes, so I can modify the sound with my
faderbox in a wide range. Now I'd like to save the fader
positions somehow, because at the moment, I have
to try out all the knobs each time until I have found
the desired sound.
What I need is a program that monitors the MIDI controller
messages and is able to save a set of them into an object
with an identifier, so that I can then easily browse
through my controller-sets ("patches") for the different
sounds. Does such a software exist ?


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Date: 28 May 99 18:20:00 PDT
From: Todd Hodges 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [Re: MIDI Files]
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Yes, the files saved as Format 0, using other programs (I've tried Digita=
Orchestrator Plus, Midisoft's Recording Session, Cakewalk Home Studio,
Opcode's Vision for Windows) all work between themselves. Additionally, t=
all play in other players, like the Window's Media Player. (I will test C=
soon, but haven't had the chance yet.) =

I haven't recently tested MIDI files from a Mac in these programs, but I =
think that there was a problem. I'll check and get back to you. =

I think that there is a byte turnaround between Mac and Windows files, th=
I've been able to save MIDI files created on a Mac on a PC disk and open =
on a PC without doing anything other than making sure there was a .mid
extension on the filename. The same was true for playing PC MIDI files on=
Mac. So, if there is a byte turnaround between the platforms, it doesn't =
to make a difference as far as MIDI files are concerned. =

I have been told (by someone who has looked at the files in a hex editor)=
one possible reason Cakewalk files aren't working is that Cakewalk may be=

adding some meta information to the files. While this info is a part of t=
MIDI standard, CSound may not be handling well. That's out of my realm of=

knowledge, but I'll put it out there in case that makes sense to anyone. =

Todd Hodges

Keenan Lawler  wrote:
> Does anyone know why Csound doesn't accept Format 0 files from Cakewalk=

> (and various other applications, as Todd reports)?  Todd, do the "Forma=
> 0" files created on Windows with different applications work between
> those applications, and do the files created on the MAC work for those
> applications?  What is the difference between a MAC-created and a
> Windows-created file with the same MIDI data?  It would be peculiar if
> the Windows programs had it all wrong the right way (of all right the
> wrong way, I'm getting confused here).  =

> =

> Job van Zuijlen

Get free e-mail and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=3D=

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> What is the difference between a MAC-created and a
> Windows-created file with the same MIDI data?


MIDI files (as long as they are standard) transfer from Macs to 
peecees and back without problems as long as

  * the stupid mac type is MIDI
  * the stupid peecee extension is mid
  * the transfer is binary
  * you actually transfer the data fork (mac -> pc)

Byte swapping (ie, big/low-endianness) is _not_ an issue since
MIDI files consist of bytes only.

Standard compliance, however, may be a problem. Programs are 
supposed to skip unrecognized meta messages, but for system and
channel messages the picture is a bit less clear since they 
haven't been anticipated to change.  Meantime, however, port
and cable messages were added, which (if they are actually used)
may confuse older programs--and which definitely would break the
csound parser.  

Some csound binaries seem to have a bug with respect to program
changes.  In particular the binary that comes with the IRIX 
version of Jean Piche's (and Alex Burton's) Cecilia.  Other than
that, however, it should parse everything ok.

Again, if you encounter a file that doesn't work with Csound, 
feel free to strip it down to ideally only the offending message
and post it.


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while searching for mousing, a program for windows that tries to emulate
a theremin, i ran across this:

check it out!  it uses brainwaves to control your mouse pointer.  sounds
like fun, but it costs $2000.  anyone here own one?


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Have you ever used VMCI? It still doesn't recognize external controller
messages, but has severa virtual faderboxes and can save and restore
original position of each fader. It runs under Win95. Look at my site.
Next versions will have several extra features.
Gabriel Maldonado


Thomas Huber wrote:
> My csound instruments normally use a large number of
> 'midictrl' opcodes, so I can modify the sound with my
> faderbox in a wide range. Now I'd like to save the fader
> positions somehow, because at the moment, I have
> to try out all the knobs each time until I have found
> the desired sound.
> What I need is a program that monitors the MIDI controller
> messages and is able to save a set of them into an object
> with an identifier, so that I can then easily browse
> through my controller-sets ("patches") for the different
> sounds. Does such a software exist ?
> Thomas

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Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 10:48:43 +0200
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
From: Luca Pavan 
Subject: stereo enhancer orc/sco
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Hi to all,

I realized an instrument which can be usuful especially to composers, to
get a better stereo sound from loudspeakers. This instrument should be
used, in a piece, only as last step (after reverberation). The idea has
some similarities with a patent by Wilde, Martens and Kendall. I tested it
also on old and bad stereo recordings of the 50's and seems to give good
results. Comments are appreciated.



;===                      Stereo enhancer                          ===
;===                     Luca Pavan - 1999                         ===
;===             Input :  a mono or stereo soundfile               ===
;===                   Output:  a stereo file                      ===
;===                                                               ===

sr = 44100
kr = 44100
ksmps  = 1
nchnls = 2

instr 1
idur   = p3
iamp   = p4  ;amplitude [1 = original amplitude]
ipan   = p5  ;panning (0 = left, .5 = center, 1 = right) 
iatt   = p6  ;attack time
idec   = p7  ;decay time
kdec   = p8  ;"enhancing" level (0-1) [1=maximum]

kamp linen iamp, iatt, p3, idec
ilev  = .01          ;feedback level
id    = 0            ;no delay
icomp = 1.3          ;amplitude compensatory factor

;==== ch1 ====
;asig1  soundin "test.wav", 0        ;use this line for mono input
;asig2 = asig1                        ;use this line for mono input
asig1, asig1a soundin "test.wav", 0  ;use this line for stereo input
afil1   butterbp asig1, 50, 60
adel1   alpass afil1, id, ilev 
afil2   butterbp asig1, 200, 240
afil3   butterbp asig1, 800, 960
adel3   alpass afil3, id, ilev
afil4   butterbp asig1, 3200, 3840
afil5   butterbp asig1, 12800, 15360
adel5   alpass afil5, id, ilev
;==== ch2 ====
asig2a, asig2 soundin "test.wav", 0  ;use this line for stereo input
afil1a  butterbp asig2, 50, 60
afil2a  butterbp asig2, 200, 240
adel2a  alpass afil2a, id, ilev
afil3a  butterbp asig2, 800, 960
afil4a  butterbp asig2, 3200, 3840
adel4a  alpass afil4a, id, ilev
afil5a  butterbp asig2, 12800, 15360
aoutch1 = adel1+afil2+adel3+afil4+adel5
aoutch2 = afil1a+adel2a+afil3a+adel4a+afil5a
aoutch1m = (asig1 * (1 - kdec)) + (aoutch1 * kdec)
;aoutch2m = (asig1 * (1 - kdec)) + (aoutch2 * kdec) ;use this line for mono
aoutch2m = (asig2 * (1 - kdec)) + (aoutch2 * kdec) ;use this line for
stereo in
 outs  aoutch1m * sqrt(ipan) * kamp * icomp, aoutch2m * sqrt(1 - ipan) *
kamp * icomp


;--- Stereo enhancer ---
;--- Luca Pavan --- 1999

;p4 = amplitude [1 = original amplitude]
;p5 = panning (0 = left, .5 = center, 1 = right) 
;p6 = attack time [s]
;p7 = decay time [s]
;p8 = "enhancing" level (0-1) [1=maximum]
;   start  dur amp  pan att  dec  lev  
i1   0     30   1   .5  .05  .05   1

Luca Pavan                              e-mail: pavan@panservice.it
Latina - Italy                          http://people.panservice.it/pa2278
"The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,
 The furrow followed free;
 We were the first that ever burst
 Into that silent sea."

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On a Mac with system 7.6.1 & CSound 3.54  the score you sent with loscil3
works fine.

Thomas Huber a =E9crit:
> For me, loscil3 still does not work. Could somebody please test this
> simple orc/sco ? (Take any aiff sample as violin00.aif)
> On my linux machine, 'loscil' works whereas 'loscil3' produces
> no sound at all... I could reproduce the problem on versions 3.49-3.54.
> Thomas
> -------------------------------------
> ;orchestra:
> sr =3D 44100
> kr =3D 441
> ksmps =3D 100
> nchnls =3D 1
> instr 1
> kgate           adsr 0.2,0.5,0.8,0.5
> ; works ok
> ;asrc           loscil 10000*kgate, 1000, 2
> ; does not produce any sound for me
> asrc            loscil3 10000*kgate, 1000, 2
>                 out   asrc
> endin;
> ;score:
> f2 0 65536 1 "violin.aif" 0 0 1
> t 0 80
> i1 0 0.5
> i1 0.8 0.5
> i1 1 0.2
> e
