| I suggest you use SDIF as this is more in keeping with the public-domain
character of our work. I also believe it would be technically adequate.
As an alternative, I suggest using Extensible Markup Language (tagged text
files) as it is easier to code readers and writers for this type of format,
and to use it from and for other applications.
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Dobson
To: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Date: Monday, March 15, 1999 5:01 AM
Subject: Re: Linear Prediction in Csound
>I have to catch up on a lot of emails, as I have been away; but I have
>amn immediate follow-up to this;
>in CDP we use WAVE and AIFF file formats to store pvoc analysis data -
>each naturally respects the appropriate byte-order. For historical
>reasons we use our own proprietary mechanism in the header for storing
>relevant information, but this could easily be converted into a
>converntional 'chunk' format. I agree that a generaic cross-platform
>pvoc analysis format is needed - the question is whart format(s) to
>I could for example define pvoc chunks for both WAVE and AIFF formats,
>and have a common extension of .ANA for them 9the parsing code will need
>to read the header to determine which format the file is in - we do this
>in CDP and it works very well).
>Alternatively, the new WAVE-EX format form Microsoft would seem to be an
>ideal candidate for pvoc files - as new format, using it will not break
>or confuse other applications, and it can be announced to the world as
>the 'official' pvoc format for Csound. Of course, as a WAVE-based format
>the data is little-endian, which suits Intel machines but not others.
>If this is a problem, then a further alternative is to define a new
>IFF-style format from first principles, which includes byte-order in the
>header information.
>There is also the SDIF (CNMAT) format, which might be worth considering.
>Richard Dobson
>jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:
>> Message written at 14 Mar 1999 20:39:13 +0000
>> --- Copy of mail to vlabs@singnet.com.sg ---
>> Are you being confused by byte order? I ask as one piece of
>> unfinished business is to make all analysis files byte-order
>> independent. Just a thought..... the lpc stuff was written my Marc
>> Resbois, from whom I have not heard of late. Are you still listening
>> Marc?
>> ==John ffitch
>Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
>CDP homepage: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/CDP/CDP.htm
Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa08252;
15 Mar 99 13:36 GMT
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for ; Mon, 15 Mar 1999 20:48:13 +0800 (SGT)
Message-ID: <002a01be6ee1$e6e64460$d9c515a5@vlabs>
From: "John J. Samuel"
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
MMDF-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at UK.AC.Bath.maths.omphalos
Subject: Linear Prediction, Byte-Ordering, Csound, and SDIF
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 20:46:52 +0800
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The issue I wrote on does not seem related to byte ordering,
because the auxiliary information - rms energies, pitch, error,
get read accurately. In order to make sense of the data,
I've been doing analyses with as few as two poles. The
imaginary components are sometimes pi or its sub-multiples -
not something which you'd expect to see with z transforms.
The SDIF format sounds good. However, the support for it
seems not to have gained any momentum, in the couple of
years the page at CNMAT has been up. I hear that Xavier
Serra's SMS uses it. I was at the CNMAT site a few days
ago, and note that many aspects of the full specification
are still not done.
Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa08398;
15 Mar 99 14:22 GMT
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Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 14:05:57 +0000
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CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: Csound Performance on Multiprocessor Intel Systems?
References: <199903150651.AA064490708@bstde026.bbn.hp.com>
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Jens Kilian wrote:
> As I keep telling people: A processor rated for 300MHz is a processor which
> has ALREADY failed at 450MHz, during the final test at the fab.
My 300mHz Celeron has been running continuously at 464mHz for over two
months. I had to bump the core voltage to 2.3 and use a heat sink with
three cooling fans.
I think what you are saying used to be true. Today however, marketing
probably plays a greater role. I'm sure Intel doesn't want an $80
Celeron competing with the much more expensive and profitable
Pentium II 450.
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15 Mar 99 14:22 GMT
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Mon, 15 Mar 1999 08:29:13 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <003901be6ee7$e6a004e0$79d496c0@Realizer.ngt.sungard.com>
From: Michael Gogins
To: Richard Dobson , jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
MMDF-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at UK.AC.Bath.maths.omphalos
Cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
MMDF-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at UK.AC.Bath.maths.omphalos
Subject: Re: Linear Prediction in Csound
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 08:29:38 -0500
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I suggest you use SDIF as this is more in keeping with the public-domain
character of our work. I also believe it would be technically adequate.
As an alternative, I suggest using Extensible Markup Language (tagged text
files) as it is easier to code readers and writers for this type of format,
and to use it from and for other applications.
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Dobson
To: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Date: Monday, March 15, 1999 5:01 AM
Subject: Re: Linear Prediction in Csound
>I have to catch up on a lot of emails, as I have been away; but I have
>amn immediate follow-up to this;
>in CDP we use WAVE and AIFF file formats to store pvoc analysis data -
>each naturally respects the appropriate byte-order. For historical
>reasons we use our own proprietary mechanism in the header for storing
>relevant information, but this could easily be converted into a
>converntional 'chunk' format. I agree that a generaic cross-platform
>pvoc analysis format is needed - the question is whart format(s) to
>I could for example define pvoc chunks for both WAVE and AIFF formats,
>and have a common extension of .ANA for them 9the parsing code will need
>to read the header to determine which format the file is in - we do this
>in CDP and it works very well).
>Alternatively, the new WAVE-EX format form Microsoft would seem to be an
>ideal candidate for pvoc files - as new format, using it will not break
>or confuse other applications, and it can be announced to the world as
>the 'official' pvoc format for Csound. Of course, as a WAVE-based format
>the data is little-endian, which suits Intel machines but not others.
>If this is a problem, then a further alternative is to define a new
>IFF-style format from first principles, which includes byte-order in the
>header information.
>There is also the SDIF (CNMAT) format, which might be worth considering.
>Richard Dobson
>jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:
>> Message written at 14 Mar 1999 20:39:13 +0000
>> --- Copy of mail to vlabs@singnet.com.sg ---
>> Are you being confused by byte order? I ask as one piece of
>> unfinished business is to make all analysis files byte-order
>> independent. Just a thought..... the lpc stuff was written my Marc
>> Resbois, from whom I have not heard of late. Are you still listening
>> Marc?
>> ==John ffitch
>Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
>CDP homepage: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/CDP/CDP.htm
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15 Mar 99 15:45 GMT
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Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 02:22:55 +1100
From: Bob Douglas
Reply-To: rdouglas@mail.usyd.edu.au
Organization: Sydney Conservatorium
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To: CSound list
Subject: Re: Csound Performance on Multiprocessor Intel Systems?
References: <199903150651.AA064490708@bstde026.bbn.hp.com> <36ED13C5.DA337F1B@cygnus.com>
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Why stop at 2 processors - or 3?
I would be interested in the possibility of Csound running on a large array ,
where issues like synchronisation and the allocation of differing processing
loads (running Csound sub-tasks) were dealt with by the system itself.
I might be very wrong, but aren't these the sort of things that arrays do well?
Perhaps the Parallel Real-Time Systems and Speech Processing & Acoustics
Research Group in the Dept of Electronics at University of York can shed some
light on the idea of Csound and arrays.
One of their number - John Tuffen - is/was working on something last year
called "Dynamic load balancing on systolic array processors for use in music synthesis".
See www.amp.york.ac.uk/external/aseg/restaff.htm for further details.
Can anyone tell me how an array of processors differs from a neural net?
Bob Douglas
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15 Mar 99 19:35 GMT
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Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 19:36:37 +0000
From: Richard Dobson
Organization: Composers Desktop Project
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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: Linear Prediction in Csound
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I will take another look at the SDIF spec. If the format is still fluid,
than this may be an excuse to get it solidified. I remember feeling that
too many essential items of information were delegated to optional
A pvoc analysis file can be megabytes in size - easily larger than the
soundfile it represents. Can anyone really want to deal with it in text
Richard Dobson
Michael Gogins wrote:
> I suggest you use SDIF as this is more in keeping with the public-domain
> character of our work. I also believe it would be technically adequate.
> As an alternative, I suggest using Extensible Markup Language (tagged text
> files) as it is easier to code readers and writers for this type of format,
> and to use it from and for other applications.
Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
CDP homepage: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/CDP/CDP.htm
Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa09414;
15 Mar 99 20:20 GMT
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Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 12:16:17 -0800
From: Sean Costello
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 [en] (Win95; U)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Richard Dobson
CC: CSound list
Subject: Re: Csound Performance on Multiprocessor Intel Systems?
References: <199903150651.AA064490708@bstde026.bbn.hp.com> <36ED13C5.DA337F1B@cygnus.com> <36ED25CB.27393AA1@mail.usyd.edu.au> <36ED602C.225E2089@cableinet.co.uk>
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
Richard Dobson wrote:
> Long long ago, in a University in Durham, a massively parallel version
> of Csound was developed using 160 transputers. Each node implemented an
> opcode (or possibly a whole instrument), and each received a copy of the
> score (as I recall; I last read about this long long ago...). The
> Project was led by Peter Manning.
This was written up in Computer Music Journal Vol. 21:4 (Winter 1997).
I'll reread the article when I get home tonight.
> I am not even sure whether Transputers still exist, as such; but
> possibly the architecture is still valid. Arbitrating message-passing
> and data-passing between nodes would seem to be the tricky part.
I don't think that they are still made, but maybe the programming
techniques used would be useful for implementing Csound on a multinode
Beowulf-type "rendering" system. I don't think that such a system would
be useful for real-time work; my friends who know more about this than I
do feel that Beowulf-type distributed systems are great for batch number
crunching, but are not very good at the type of scheduling needed for
real-time music. Still, it would be great to have a number of cheap
motherboards all working on the same composition, especially if phase
vocoding or sndwarp are being heavily used. Having a minute of sound
generated in a minute or two, rather than 20 minutes, would greatly help
the creative and debugging process, even if the output is not generated
in real-time.
I am sure that there are other hardware configurations that allow
multiple processors to be used in real time. The appeal of the Beowulf
system is that it uses commonly available components (each node would
consist of a motherboard with processor, memory, maybe a hard drive, and
an Ethernet card for connecting to the other nodes). I don't know of
any commonly available motherboards that use more than 2 processors; I
haven't seen 4 processor motherboards for sale outside of Intel
workstations. With Beowulf, a 160-node network is certainly attainable.
Check out http://www.beowulf.org for more info.
> There is a huge array of SHARC processors in a rack at Bristol
> University, nominally for video work, but I don't think they really
> budgeted for anyone to actually work with it, so it is mostly twiddling
> its thumbs, consuming 30amps, and the fan makes an almighty racket.
> Maybe I'll get a chance to burn my brain on it some time - but I get the
> impression that B.U would be glad for anyone to go in and use it for
> ...something!
Could you contact Analog Devices and see if they could give you XTCsound
implementation help? I would think that getting something like this up
and running would be a nice advertisement for what the SHARC chips can
do in a musical environment. Now the SHARC array should be able to do
real-time work. That would be pretty darned nifty, to say the least.
Sean Costello
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15 Mar 99 20:30 GMT
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Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 15:22:16 -0500
To: Csound List
From: Charles Starrett
Subject: phasor & tablemix
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
In the following orc/sco, I've been trying to do cross-fades in the orc
file using tablemix and have run into two problems:
(1) even when I set the period of phasor to 1/p3, it still appears to run a
bit over (see the "printk" statement)
(2) I'm getting "clicks" where I don't think I should be getting them.
They occur at the point when new f-tables are swapped into tablemix. I
have tried to compensate for this by making sure that they swap under the
following circumstances:
BEFORE: f199 = (fA)*0 + (fB)*1
AFTER: f199 = (fB)*1 + (fC)*0
It seems to be okay, but there may be a problem in the coordination of the
fade with the f-table swap which I can't work out...
Can anyone help me out here?
sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 1
instr 3
iamp = p4 ;
ipitch = p5 ; base pitch
iseqfn = p6 ; f-table selection f-table
istart = p7 ; start position on seqfn
idir = p8/abs(p8) ; step dir. through table (1 or -1)
idur = abs(p3/p8) ; duration of each crossfade
irange = p8 - idir ; # of positions to step through
; lookup starting and ending f-tables for each cross-fade
kphs phasor 1/p3
kndx = kphs*p8
knxtndx = kndx+idir
ktbl table kndx, iseqfn, 0, istart
knxttbl table knxtndx, iseqfn, 0, istart
printk (idur/2), kphs
; crossfade between two tables using ramp (f198) and write to f199
kross oscili 1, 1/idur, 198
kfade = 1 - kross
tablemix 199, 0, 4096, ktbl, 0, kfade, knxttbl, 0,
tablegpw 199
iattrel = .05 ; attack and release times
kenv linseg 0, iattrel, iamp, p3-2*iattrel, iamp, iattrel, 0
asig oscil kenv, cpspch(ipitch), 199, -.5
out asig
; function tables \
f1 0 4097 10 1
f2 0 4097 10 1 0 .333333 0 .111111 0 .037037 0 .012345
f3 0 4097 10 0 0 1
f4 0 4097 10 0 0 0 0 1
f5 0 4097 10 0 0 1 0 1
f6 0 4097 10 0 0 1 0 .6 0 1
f7 0 4097 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
f8 0 4097 10 1 .5 .333333 .25 .2 .166666 .142857 .125 .111111 .1
f9 0 4097 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
; lists of function tables to fade between
f191 0 16 -2 2 8 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 9
; other function tables
f198 0 17 -7 0 4 0 8 1 4 1
f199 0 4097 10 1 ; oscil table
; note statements \
;i3 0 2 10000 5.05 191 3 1
;i3 + 7 10000 5.10 191 0 +9
i3 + 14 10000 5.05 191 9 -9
/----Charles D. Starrett-----\ "I do not feel that
| / | ____ | | ____ | | my research suffered unduly
| /\ | |-- |-| ___| | | from the fact that I enjoyed it."
| |___ |____| | |_____| | *Daniel Miller,
\--starrett@fas.harvard.edu--/ Modernity--an Ethnographic Approach
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15 Mar 99 20:37 GMT
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I've got Csound installed on my Sun SPARCstation-10 running Solaris 5.7 (this
is UNIX), I can get it to render my .orc and .sco files, and it says no errors
in performance etc...
But I can't get it to play the soundfile.
...can someone help me with the comand and/or point me to a page on the
internet with this sort of useful info specific to unix users of csound?
Nate Pease
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From: Rosati
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Subject: Balancing loudness
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 16:27:06 -0500
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If, for example, a sine tone was gliss. from 64 to 20000 cps at a constant
amplitude, it appears to get louder as the pitch increases. Does anyone
know what is the easiest way to balance this so that loudness remains
constant across the frequency spectrum?
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15 Mar 99 22:18 GMT
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Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 16:18:08 -0600
From: pete moss
Organization: pete moss GmbH
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To: Rosati , csound
Subject: Re: Balancing loudness
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it does this because human ears dont perceive all frequencies at the same
loudness even if they have the same amplitude. you could find a table in
almost any acoustics book that shows the relative loudness for all freqs. you
could then make a table of the inverse of that function that would be used to
raise or lower the amplitude at different freqs so that it would sound the
same loudness across the spectrum. however, every ear is different, so not
everyone would perceive it properly.
Rosati wrote:
> Greetings-
> If, for example, a sine tone was gliss. from 64 to 20000 cps at a constant
> amplitude, it appears to get louder as the pitch increases. Does anyone
> know what is the easiest way to balance this so that loudness remains
> constant across the frequency spectrum?
> thanks,
> dante
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15 Mar 99 23:12 GMT
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Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 18:08:59 -0500
From: jim altieri
Subject: Re: Balancing loudness
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At 04:18 PM 3/15/99 -0600, pete moss wrote:
>it does this because human ears dont perceive all frequencies at the same
>loudness even if they have the same amplitude. you could find a table in
>almost any acoustics book that shows the relative loudness for all freqs. you
>could then make a table of the inverse of that function that would be used to
>raise or lower the amplitude at different freqs so that it would sound the
>same loudness across the spectrum. however, every ear is different, so not
>everyone would perceive it properly.
bessel functions possibly? they're pretty.
-jim altieri
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16 Mar 99 1:11 GMT
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Mon, 15 Mar 1999 20:07:57 -0500 (EST)
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Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 00:08:15 +0000
From: Larry Troxler
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To: Sergey Batov
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: Question, write one note then have it repeat x times with 1 pitch inc.
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Sergey Batov wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm reading you conversation with interest and suddenly thought:
> Csound can do MIDI-out. Is it possible to save this MIDI-out stream
> as a standard MIDI-file? If it's so one can create some fantastic
> (algoritmic)
> compositions using any program language (BASIC, PERL, e.t.c.) and transform
> it
> through Csound to MIDI-file. It's possible to do, of course, directly
> (without Csound)
> but in this case it's necessary to learn MIDI-file format.
> Excuse me if this "moment notice" seems too foolish...
> Regards,
> Sergey Batov batov@glasnet.ru
I'm wondering why you would need to use Csound at all in this case.
Perhaps I don't understand what your idea. There are a number (two that
I know of, so probably more than that), of text<->midi converters
available. They convert between a text-format description of the MIDI
events, and the binary MIDI file format. One such converter is (if
memory serves) included with the old MIDITOOLS package.
-- Larry Troxler -- lt@westnet.com -- Patterson, NY USA --
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16 Mar 99 2:40 GMT
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Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 18:40:47 -0800 (PST)
From: Michal Seta
Subject: Re: Question, write one note then have it repeat x times with 1 pitch inc.
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There's always a Perl program for composing MIDI files in a variety of
ways, programmable and all. The name escapes me but I'm sure someone
else on the list has heard of it.
---Larry Troxler wrote:
> Sergey Batov wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > I'm reading you conversation with interest and suddenly thought:
> > Csound can do MIDI-out. Is it possible to save this MIDI-out stream
> > as a standard MIDI-file? If it's so one can create some fantastic
> > (algoritmic)
> > compositions using any program language (BASIC, PERL, e.t.c.) and
> > it
> > through Csound to MIDI-file. It's possible to do, of course,
> > (without Csound)
> > but in this case it's necessary to learn MIDI-file format.
> >
> > Excuse me if this "moment notice" seems too foolish...
> >
> > Regards,
> > Sergey Batov batov@glasnet.ru
> >
> I'm wondering why you would need to use Csound at all in this case.
> Perhaps I don't understand what your idea. There are a number (two
> I know of, so probably more than that), of text<->midi converters
> available. They convert between a text-format description of the MIDI
> events, and the binary MIDI file format. One such converter is (if
> memory serves) included with the old MIDITOOLS package.
> Larry
> -- Larry Troxler -- lt@westnet.com -- Patterson, NY USA --
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
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Message-ID: <001601be6f58$f0b8ca40$79d496c0@Realizer.ngt.sungard.com>
From: Michael Gogins
To: Richard Dobson , csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Subject: Re: Linear Prediction in Csound
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As for dealing with pvoc in text form, my disk is 14 gigabytes and only half
full, even though loaded with C++, VB, Java, Csound, Silence, Mathematica,
MS Office, all my pieces in mp3s, the master for one album and part of
another. I think I can handle a few megabytes. Oh, and some games, Cool Edit
Pro, and Emagic Gold. Oh, and parts of jam sessions recorded to HD in
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Dobson
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Date: Monday, March 15, 1999 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: Linear Prediction in Csound
>I will take another look at the SDIF spec. If the format is still fluid,
>than this may be an excuse to get it solidified. I remember feeling that
>too many essential items of information were delegated to optional
>A pvoc analysis file can be megabytes in size - easily larger than the
>soundfile it represents. Can anyone really want to deal with it in text
>Richard Dobson
>Michael Gogins wrote:
>> I suggest you use SDIF as this is more in keeping with the public-domain
>> character of our work. I also believe it would be technically adequate.
>> As an alternative, I suggest using Extensible Markup Language (tagged
>> files) as it is easier to code readers and writers for this type of
>> and to use it from and for other applications.
>Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
>CDP homepage: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/CDP/CDP.htm
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From: Michael Gogins
To: Rosati , csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Subject: Re: Balancing loudness
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This is not easy. Look up "Fletcher-Munson curve" or "constant-loudness
curve" in a book on psychoacoustics. The nonlinearity of loudness changes
with loudness, too. That's why there's a "loudness" knob on most stereo
preamps or receivers.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rosati
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Date: Monday, March 15, 1999 4:31 PM
Subject: Balancing loudness
>If, for example, a sine tone was gliss. from 64 to 20000 cps at a constant
>amplitude, it appears to get louder as the pitch increases. Does anyone
>know what is the easiest way to balance this so that loudness remains
>constant across the frequency spectrum?
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To: Csound Q&A list
Subject: Opinions...The best DSP music and sound books?
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My use of csound has gotten me very curious as to what is actually
making Csound work and I must know more about DSP, C++ code that
generated and manipulates sound so...
What are your favorite DSP, audio in C/C++ books!
Everybody with an opinion please respond.
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16 Mar 99 3:16 GMT
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Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 21:37:45 -0600
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: Balancing loudness
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
>it does this because human ears dont perceive all frequencies at the same
>loudness even if they have the same amplitude. you could find a table in
>almost any acoustics book that shows the relative loudness for all freqs. you
>could then make a table of the inverse of that function that would be used to
>raise or lower the amplitude at different freqs so that it would sound the
>same loudness across the spectrum. however, every ear is different, so not
>everyone would perceive it properly.
much luvl!nesz. beaut! = w!nz. humanz = loze 2jourz || enkor kom vouz voulez
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Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 02:31:17 +0000
From: Larry Troxler
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To: Michal Seta
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Perl - was: Re: Question, write one note then have it repeat x times with 1 pitch inc.
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Michal Seta wrote:
> There's always a Perl program for composing MIDI files in a variety of
> ways, programmable and all. The name escapes me but I'm sure someone
> else on the list has heard of it.
> MS
I vaguely remember something called midiperl. Maybe that's it, not sure
-- Larry Troxler -- lt@westnet.com -- Patterson, NY USA --
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Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 02:36:15 +0000
From: Larry Troxler
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Subject: Off topic - noise / was :Re: Balancing loudness
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I had high hopes when this guy said he was going to boycott the mailing
lists. Guess the boycott didn't last too long. Oh well, there's far
greater annoyances to contend with than this.
It was a pleasant thought, for a while, though :-)
f1f0@m9ndfukc.com wrote:
< some random combination of characters >
-- Larry Troxler -- lt@westnet.com -- Patterson, NY USA --
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Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 21:36:06 -0800 (PST)
From: Qian Chen
Subject: Re: play file?
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Have you tested whether your SPARCStation 10 CAN play sound? First,
some Sun's SPARCStation does not have sound card in the box for some
reason. Check if your workstation have audio in/out, line out beside
the box. If it really has, run /usr/openwin/bin/audiotool to play
some audio files under /usr/demo/SOUND/sounds. You could choose which
output device(internal speaker or external ones) is used by selecting
"Volume/Play.../" on the menu.
If all the things are correct, you should have listened to the sound.
In that case, there might be something wrong with your audio file
generated by Csound. Please use the simplest orc+sco(they could be
downloaded from
toot1.orc and toot1.sco will be OK.) to see if it works. If it
sounds, please check your own Csound orc+sco to find the errors.
Maybe the frequency is too low or too high, maybe the amp is not very
proper... If it does not, check if the output format is au, which can
be recognized and played on Sun OS. Then I think you could here the
sound by using the audiotool.
Hope those info can help you. :)
Chen, Qian
---Nmpease@aol.com wrote:
> I've got Csound installed on my Sun SPARCstation-10 running Solaris
5.7 (this
> is UNIX), I can get it to render my .orc and .sco files, and it says
no errors
> in performance etc...
> But I can't get it to play the soundfile.
> ...can someone help me with the comand and/or point me to a page on
> internet with this sort of useful info specific to unix users of
> Thanks.
> Nate Pease
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
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Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 01:47:21 -0500
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Subject: Re: Csound Performance on Multiprocessor Intel Systems?
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For those who want more information on the subject of overclocking from
someone who seems to know what he is talking about, go to:
Job van Zuijlen
Jens Kilian wrote:
> > Overclock a Celeron 300A to 450MHz (or in some cases 464 MHz) using a BX
> > motherboard and add a cpu cooling fan. That's the cheapest you can get
> > and it's _very_ reliable.
> As I keep telling people: A processor rated for 300MHz is a processor which
> has ALREADY failed at 450MHz, during the final test at the fab.
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Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 08:03:06 +0000 (GMT)
From: Manning
Reply-To: Manning
To: Sean Costello
cc: Richard Dobson ,
CSound list , nick@polonious.demon.co.uk
Subject: Re: Csound Performance on Multiprocessor Intel Systems?
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Richard and Sean are absolutely right on this one, so here is some
additional information which may be useful:-
The article in CMJ 21/4 describes more recent work (Itagaki, Manning,
Purvis) which tackled the central issue of how to distribute audio
synthesis across a massively parallel bank of processors. This did not
involve Csound using instead optimised code for oscillators written in
transputer code. The technology (transputers) is dead in the water, but
the principles are not.
Of special and more immediate interest perhaps to csounders is earlier
work by Nick Bailey, now working at the University of Leeds (UK) - email
nick@polunious.demon.co.uk - which successfully created a three transputer
version of Csound in parallel mode (it still works!). Since then basic
processor speeds have multiplied xxx times of course, but there is much
useful work here to be picked up since all the key scheduling algorithms
were written in C. To this end I have copied this Email to Nick Bailey
and suggest those keen to know more contact him direct..
Peter Manning
University of Durham, UK
On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Sean Costello wrote:
> Richard Dobson wrote:
> >
> > Long long ago, in a University in Durham, a massively parallel version
> > of Csound was developed using 160 transputers. Each node implemented an
> > opcode (or possibly a whole instrument), and each received a copy of the
> > score (as I recall; I last read about this long long ago...). The
> > Project was led by Peter Manning.
> This was written up in Computer Music Journal Vol. 21:4 (Winter 1997).
> I'll reread the article when I get home tonight.
> > I am not even sure whether Transputers still exist, as such; but
> > possibly the architecture is still valid. Arbitrating message-passing
> > and data-passing between nodes would seem to be the tricky part.
> I don't think that they are still made, but maybe the programming
> techniques used would be useful for implementing Csound on a multinode
> Beowulf-type "rendering" system. I don't think that such a system would
> be useful for real-time work; my friends who know more about this than I
> do feel that Beowulf-type distributed systems are great for batch number
> crunching, but are not very good at the type of scheduling needed for
> real-time music. Still, it would be great to have a number of cheap
> motherboards all working on the same composition, especially if phase
> vocoding or sndwarp are being heavily used. Having a minute of sound
> generated in a minute or two, rather than 20 minutes, would greatly help
> the creative and debugging process, even if the output is not generated
> in real-time.
> I am sure that there are other hardware configurations that allow
> multiple processors to be used in real time. The appeal of the Beowulf
> system is that it uses commonly available components (each node would
> consist of a motherboard with processor, memory, maybe a hard drive, and
> an Ethernet card for connecting to the other nodes). I don't know of
> any commonly available motherboards that use more than 2 processors; I
> haven't seen 4 processor motherboards for sale outside of Intel
> workstations. With Beowulf, a 160-node network is certainly attainable.
> Check out http://www.beowulf.org for more info.
> > There is a huge array of SHARC processors in a rack at Bristol
> > University, nominally for video work, but I don't think they really
> > budgeted for anyone to actually work with it, so it is mostly twiddling
> > its thumbs, consuming 30amps, and the fan makes an almighty racket.
> > Maybe I'll get a chance to burn my brain on it some time - but I get the
> > impression that B.U would be glad for anyone to go in and use it for
> > ...something!
> Could you contact Analog Devices and see if they could give you XTCsound
> implementation help? I would think that getting something like this up
> and running would be a nice advertisement for what the SHARC chips can
> do in a musical environment. Now the SHARC array should be able to do
> real-time work. That would be pretty darned nifty, to say the least.
> Sean Costello
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Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 08:09:18 +0000 (GMT)
From: Manning
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To: Sean Costello
cc: Richard Dobson ,
CSound list , nick@polonius.demon.co.uk
Subject: Re: Csound Performance (correction)
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Woops! the email address for Nick Bailey (see my previous message) is
nick@polonius.demon.co.uk (not polonious !!)
Peter Manning
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Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 09:15:55 +0000
From: Richard Dobson
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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: Linear Prediction in Csound
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I'm not too worried about the disk - that's what it does. I'm thinking
of the poor human trying to scroll through it in WordPad or emacs... and
then trying to repair it when they make a typo...
We can write pvoc data to a text file alreday, in CDP, but this is for
extra, diagnostic purposes. It is not the primary format, however. I
will soon adapt my play program to render analysis files directly, for
which the binary format is naturally appropriate, efficient and safe.
There are times when it is useful to print out the sample values in a
WAVE file; but I can't imagine anyone would use text as the primary
working format for all their compositions!
Richard Dobson
Michael Gogins wrote:
> As for dealing with pvoc in text form, my disk is 14 gigabytes and only half
> full, even though loaded with C++, VB, Java, Csound, Silence, Mathematica,
> MS Office, all my pieces in mp3s, the master for one album and part of
> another. I think I can handle a few megabytes. Oh, and some games, Cool Edit
> Pro, and Emagic Gold. Oh, and parts of jam sessions recorded to HD in
> float...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Dobson
> To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
> Date: Monday, March 15, 1999 2:37 PM
> Subject: Re: Linear Prediction in Csound
> >I will take another look at the SDIF spec. If the format is still fluid,
> >than this may be an excuse to get it solidified. I remember feeling that
> >too many essential items of information were delegated to optional
> >chunks.
> >
> >A pvoc analysis file can be megabytes in size - easily larger than the
> >soundfile it represents. Can anyone really want to deal with it in text
> >form?
> >
> >Richard Dobson
> >
> >
> >Michael Gogins wrote:
> >>
> >> I suggest you use SDIF as this is more in keeping with the public-domain
> >> character of our work. I also believe it would be technically adequate.
> >>
> >> As an alternative, I suggest using Extensible Markup Language (tagged
> text
> >> files) as it is easier to code readers and writers for this type of
> format,
> >> and to use it from and for other applications.
> >>
> >
> >--
> >Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
> >http://wkweb5.cableinet.co.uk/rwd
> >CDP homepage: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/CDP/CDP.htm
Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
CDP homepage: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/CDP/CDP.htm
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From: Stephen Brandon - SysAdmin
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 09:48:56 GMT
To: Richard Dobson
Subject: Re: Linear Prediction in Csound
Cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
References: <003901be6ee7$e6a004e0$79d496c0@Realizer.ngt.sungard.com>
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Richard Dobson wrote:
> A pvoc analysis file can be megabytes in size - easily larger than the
> soundfile it represents. Can anyone really want to deal with it in text
> form?
Plenty of people would want to, I would say, but there is probably more to
be gained by keeping it binary. To keep both camps happy, concurrently
distribute some C routines to convert to and from the a text format. These
could exist as stand-alone utilities, or a static lib.
Whoever designs the data structure is going to have to write routines to
access the data anyway, so it shouldn't be a big job.
Stephen Brandon
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If Csound maintainers decide to use a text format for pvoc,
please create a common format so we can keep all our soundfiles
as text too - that will get around all those hairy byte-order
problems on different platforms, and hand-editing is great for
removing clicks etc.
re |