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Re: tunings and csound

Date1999-04-20 09:38
FromGabriel Maldonado
SubjectRe: tunings and csound
If you want to use a custom microtuning scale with MIDI, I suggest to
use 'cpstmid' opcode (see manual).
Gabriel Maldonado


nate drdul wrote:
> hi, ive been lurking on the list for awhile but havent been able to get
> much out
> of csound untill reading the design tutorial from the first chapter of
> the csound book.
> Since hearing Terry Rileys Harp of New Albion ive been interested in
> different tunings and just intonation.
> My  question is what is the easiest way to go about exploring alternate
> scales.
> Im thinking it would be really interesting to have a set of conversation
> functions like cpspch() for alternate tunings, or maybe a function that
> would take in a scala file( the catalog of scala files is incredibly
> dense) and could be used like
> cpspch.
> anyone got any ideas?
> nate

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From: Robert Junior Mcnulty 
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Subject: Reading a MIDI (AKA Driving me bonkers)
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This is crazy. I'm using MIDI2CS to make a file.
First, the problem
I cannnot get ampmidi and cpsmidib to work.
I think I have it all set up. It won't compile.
The basic orc is from Pinkston's examples on how to make a violin.
Here is what i made. notice the ampmidi and cpsmidib.

;                Schottstaedt FM String Instrument from Dodge            =
;                                                                        =
;p4 =3D pch p5 =3D amp p6 =3D rise p7 =3D dec p8 =3D vibdel p9 =3D vibwth=
 p10 =3D vibrte ;
        sr      =3D       22000
        kr      =3D       1100
        ksmps   =3D       20
        nchnls  =3D       1

             ;   instr   1
        iamp    =3D       ampmidi 10000
        icps    =3D       cpsmidib p5    ;S =3D fc +- ifm1 +- kfm2 +- lfm=
        ifm1    =3D       icps
        ifm2    =3D       icps*3
        ifm3    =3D       icps*4
        indx1   =3D       7.5/log(icps)    ;range from ca 2 to 1
        indx2   =3D       15/sqrt(icps)    ;range from ca 2.6 to .5
        indx3   =3D       1.25/sqrt(icps)  ;range from ca .2 to .038
        kvib    init    0                =

                timout  0,.75,transient  ;delays vibrato for p8 seconds
        kvbctl  linen   1,.5,p3-.75,.1   ;vibrato control envelope
        krnd    randi   .0075,15        ;random deviation in vib width   =

        kvib    oscili  kvbctl*.03+krnd,5.5*kvbctl,1 ;vibrato generator

        timout  .2,p3,continue          ;execute for .2 secs only
        ktrans  linseg  1,.2,0,1,0      ;transient envelope =

        anoise  randi   ktrans,.2*icps   ;noise... =

        attack  oscil   anoise,2000,1   ;...centered around 2kHz

continue:      =

        amod1   oscili  ifm1*(indx1+ktrans),ifm1,1
        amod2   oscili  ifm2*(indx2+ktrans),ifm2,1
        amod3   oscili  ifm3*(indx3+ktrans),ifm3,1
        asig    oscili  iamp,(icps+amod1+amod2+amod3)*(1+kvib),1
        asig    linen   asig+attack,.2,p3,.2
               aright =3D asig

               ; out     asig

              ;  endin

MIDI2CS manual said to get rid of INSTR, OUT, and ENDIN in the file.
Below is the error.

orch compiler:
260 lines read
	instr	1	=

error:  input arg 'ampmidi10000' used before defined, line 27:
        iamp    =3D       ampmidi 10000
error:  input arg 'ampmidi10000' of type a not allowed, line 27:
        iamp    =3D       ampmidi 10000
error:  input arg 'cpsmidibp5' used before defined, line 28:
        icps    =3D       cpsmidib p5    ;S =3D fc +- ifm1 +- kfm2 +- lfm=
error:  input arg 'cpsmidibp5' of type ? not allowed, line 28:
        icps    =3D       cpsmidib p5    ;S =3D fc +- ifm1 +- kfm2 +- lfm=
	instr	2	=

	instr	3	=

	instr	4	=

	instr	5	=

	instr	6	=

	instr	7	=

	instr	8	=

4 syntax errors in orchestra.  compilation invalid

MIDI2cs creates a file, but it uses comments.

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Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 12:18:44 -0400
From: Kevin Gallagher 
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To: Csound Discussion List 
Subject: Re: Reading a MIDI (AKA Driving me bonkers)
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Robert Junior Mcnulty wrote:

> This is crazy. I'm using MIDI2CS to make a file.
> First, the problem
> I cannnot get ampmidi and cpsmidib to work.
> I think I have it all set up. It won't compile.
> The basic orc is from Pinkston's examples on how to make a violin.
> Here is what i made. notice the ampmidi and cpsmidib.
> ;ORC
> strings.orc==========================================================================;
> ;                Schottstaedt FM String Instrument from Dodge              ;
> ;                                                                          ;
> ;p4 = pch p5 = amp p6 = rise p7 = dec p8 = vibdel p9 = vibwth p10 = vibrte ;
> ;==========================================================================;
>         sr      =       22000
>         kr      =       1100
>         ksmps   =       20
>         nchnls  =       1
>              ;   instr   1
>         iamp    =       ampmidi 10000

I think the correct syntax is "iamp ampmidi 10000" or something like that.  No "=" sign.

>         icps    =       cpsmidib p5    ;S = fc +- ifm1 +- kfm2 +- lfm3

Likewise here, although I also have had different problems with midib, as in it won't read
bend information.  But fix your problem first and see what happens.

>         ifm1    =       icps
>         ifm2    =       icps*3
>         ifm3    =       icps*4
>         indx1   =       7.5/log(icps)    ;range from ca 2 to 1
>         indx2   =       15/sqrt(icps)    ;range from ca 2.6 to .5
>         indx3   =       1.25/sqrt(icps)  ;range from ca .2 to .038
>         kvib    init    0
>                 timout  0,.75,transient  ;delays vibrato for p8 seconds
>         kvbctl  linen   1,.5,p3-.75,.1   ;vibrato control envelope
>         krnd    randi   .0075,15        ;random deviation in vib width
>         kvib    oscili  kvbctl*.03+krnd,5.5*kvbctl,1 ;vibrato generator
> transient:
>         timout  .2,p3,continue          ;execute for .2 secs only
>         ktrans  linseg  1,.2,0,1,0      ;transient envelope
>         anoise  randi   ktrans,.2*icps   ;noise...
>         attack  oscil   anoise,2000,1   ;...centered around 2kHz
> continue:
>         amod1   oscili  ifm1*(indx1+ktrans),ifm1,1
>         amod2   oscili  ifm2*(indx2+ktrans),ifm2,1
>         amod3   oscili  ifm3*(indx3+ktrans),ifm3,1
>         asig    oscili  iamp,(icps+amod1+amod2+amod3)*(1+kvib),1
>         asig    linen   asig+attack,.2,p3,.2
>                aright = asig
>                ; out     asig
>               ;  endin
> MIDI2CS manual said to get rid of INSTR, OUT, and ENDIN in the file.
> Below is the error.
> orch compiler:
> 260 lines read
>         instr   1
> error:  input arg 'ampmidi10000' used before defined, line 27:
>         iamp    =       ampmidi 10000
> error:  input arg 'ampmidi10000' of type a not allowed, line 27:
>         iamp    =       ampmidi 10000
> error:  input arg 'cpsmidibp5' used before defined, line 28:
>         icps    =       cpsmidib p5    ;S = fc +- ifm1 +- kfm2 +- lfm3
> error:  input arg 'cpsmidibp5' of type ? not allowed, line 28:
>         icps    =       cpsmidib p5    ;S = fc +- ifm1 +- kfm2 +- lfm3
>         instr   2
>         instr   3
>         instr   4
>         instr   5
>         instr   6
>         instr   7
>         instr   8
> 4 syntax errors in orchestra.  compilation invalid
> MIDI2cs creates a file, but it uses comments.
> ____________________________________________________________________
> Get free e-mail and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

Hope that helps.  See ya!

Kevin Gallagher
Composer, Guitarist, Music Copyist, Music Synthesist
Email:  kgallagh@astro.temple.edu
Web site:  http://astro.temple.edu/~kgallagh

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Subject: Get the tempo in an orchestra?
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I wonder if there is a way to sense the tempo
defined in a score within the orchestra?

(With the tempo I mean the number set with the "t"
 statement in the score)

This could be very usefull when doing arpegiated
sequences for example.

/ Anders

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Subject: HRTFER
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	I posted some questions to the list a while ago regarding the
generation of 3D audio with Csound.  I've made a little progress, but
not much.  I downloaded the HRTFcompact file from the ftp server, but it
has a .html extension, which looks a little fishy to me.  I put it in
the Csound/Analysis directory on my computer, and tried to run the orc
example in the Csound manual where hrtfer is explained.  Every time I
run it, however, the program crashes and I get an "illegal page fault"
error message from Bill Gates.  Unfortunately, I can't even read the
text that Csound spits out after rendering, except for "Warning...". 
I'm using version 3.53 in Win95 on a PC.  Here's the orc file I ran:

sr=44100  ; Sample rate
kr=4410   ; Control rate
ksmps=10  ; sr/kr
nchnls=2  ; Number of channels (1=mono/2=stereo)

instr 1
	kaz             linseg  0, p3, -360  ; move the sound in circle
	kel             linseg  -40, p3, 45  ; around the listener, changing
                                     ; elevation as its turning
	asrc            soundin "toot5.wav"
	aleft,aright    hrtfer  asrc, kaz, kel, "HRTFcompact"
	aleftscale      =       aleft * 200
	arightscale     =       aright * 200
                outs    aleftscale, arightscale

Here are my questions:  Is the HRTFcompact file supposed to have some
extension?  If so, can I just replace the .html with the right
extension?  Is that file supposed to go in a specific directory, like
SADIR?  How am I supposed to refer to the file in the orc?  Do I just
type "HRTFcompact" like I did above?  Finally, I'm not sure what kind of
score I should use with this.  Should it have just one note with a long

I realize I'm asking alot, so if anyone can answer even one of my
questions, I'd really appreciate it.  Also, if somebody could just
direct me to some better literature on the subject rather than spend a
lot of time answering these questions, that would be great too.


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Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 10:29:20 -0700
From: Mark Polishook 
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> There was a great shareware sample editor for the PowerMac, it was
> called
> something like IWE and I think it was writen by akia for use with
> there
> samplers but made publicly available. Does anybody no where I can find
> it or
> even what it is called so I can do a search for it.
> Nathan Day
> nathand@senet.com.au

here's a link to TWE (Tiny Wave Editor) 

* * * * * * * *
Mark Polishook
Assistant Professor of Composition
Music Department
Central Washington University
Ellensburg, WA 98926

tel.: 509-963-1245
fax: 509-963-1239
e-mail: polishoo@cwu.edu

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From: Robert Junior Mcnulty 
To: Kevin Gallagher 
Subject: Re: [Re: Reading a MIDI (AKA Driving me bonkers)]
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Now the problem is reading the file itself.
Here, in attachments, are the files I'm using.
I had that problem solved about twenty minutes after posting that message=
Could you see what I did wrong?
It basically does not read MIDI events.
It's supposed to be in format 0. I'm not readlly sure which format it in.=

(The Midi File)
Any way, its part of a song I will finish after I get the ideas for the b=
WAV file down packed.

I looked in the Orcs And Scores sample pack, and got parts of the file fr=
there. Instruments 2 and 99 should not be there, so you can erase them.

I cant solve this one because the reference manual is unclear.
The tutorial does not conver it, and quite frankly, I don't know how to r=
MIDI events from the MIDI file.
See if you can get it to work, then send it back, OK? Thanks.

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Content-Type: text/plain; name="Strings.orc"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="Strings.orc"

;ORC strings.orc==========================================================================;
;                Schottstaedt FM String Instrument from Dodge              ;
;                                                                          ;
;p4 = amp p5 = pch p6 = rise p7 = dec p8 = vibdel p9 = vibwth p10 = vibrte ;
        sr      =       22000
        kr      =       1100
        ksmps   =       20
        nchnls  =       1

                instr   1
        icps             cpsmidi

        iamp            ampmidi 512, 1

        ifm1    =       icps
        ifm2    =       icps*3
        ifm3    =       icps*4
        indx1   =       7.5/log(icps)    ;range from ca 2 to 1
        indx2   =       15/sqrt(icps)    ;range from ca 2.6 to .5
        indx3   =       1.25/sqrt(icps)  ;range from ca .2 to .038
        kvib    init    0                

                timout  0,.75,transient  ;delays vibrato for p8 seconds
        kvbctl  linen   1,.5,p3-.75,.1   ;vibrato control envelope
        krnd    randi   .0075,15        ;random deviation in vib width        
        kvib    oscili  kvbctl*.03+krnd,5.5*kvbctl,1 ;vibrato generator
        timout  .2,p3,continue          ;execute for .2 secs only
        ktrans  linseg  1,.2,0,1,0      ;transient envelope 
        anoise  randi   ktrans,.2*icps   ;noise... 
        attack  oscil   anoise,2000,1   ;...centered around 2kHz

        amod1   oscili  ifm1*(indx1+ktrans),ifm1,1
        amod2   oscili  ifm2*(indx2+ktrans),ifm2,1
        amod3   oscili  ifm3*(indx3+ktrans),ifm3,1
        asig    oscili  iamp,(icps+amod1+amod2+amod3)*(1+kvib),1
        asig    linen   asig+attack,.2,p3,.2
                out     asig             
 instr 2
        knote   cpsmidib
        iveloc  ampmidi 1
        kgate   linenr  iveloc/2, 0, .2, .01
        kva     line    0, 3, .02
        kv      oscil   knote*kva, 4, 3

        kf      linseg  2200, 1.5, 1200, .5, 880, 5, 440
        k1      linseg  8000, .5, 8000, 5, 2000
        k2      line    700, .5, 700
        a5      oscil   k2, knote, 3
        a6      oscil   k2, knote*1.499, 3

        a1      oscil   k1, knote*2.001 + a5 + kv, 3
        a2      oscil   k1, knote*1.502 + a6 + kv, 3
        a2      butterlp        a2 + a1, kf

               out         a2 * kgate

instr 99 ;allows complex ADSR envelope with MIDI events
inum notnum
icps cpsmidi
iamp ampmidi 4000
;------- complex envelope block ------
xtratim 1 ;extra-time, i.e. release dur
krel init 0
krel release ;outputs release-stage flag (0 or 1 values)
if (krel = .5) kgoto rel ;if in release-stage goto release section
;************ attack and sustain section ***********
kmp1 linseg 0, .03, 1, .05, 1, .07, 0, .08, .5, 4, 1, 50, 1
kmp = kmp1*iamp
kgoto done
;--------- release section --------
kmp2 linseg 1, .3, .2, .7, 0
kmp = kmp1*kmp2*iamp
a1 oscili kmp, icps, 1
out a1
Content-Type: text/plain; name="Strings.sco"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="Strings.sco"

; Test Score for Schottstaedt String
f1     0       512     10      1
Content-Type: audio/mid; name="Test.mid"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="Test.mid"



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Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 00:57:22 +0200
From: rasmus ekman 
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To: James Veltri 
CC: Csound list 
Subject: Re: HRTFER
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James Veltri wrote:
> Is the HRTFcompact file supposed to have some extension?  
> If so, can I just replace the .html with the right

HRTFcompact does not have any extension on the server, but this
doesn't really matter as long as the name you type in the 
orchestra corresponds to the file name on disk.
Check the file length; it should be 188,416 bytes. 
Getting a .html extension at download does sound fishy though, 
you didn't happen to save it as text? That would change some 
bytes and perhaps add some to make the line breaks work etc.

> Finally, I'm not sure what kind of score I should use with this.
> Should it have just one note with a long duration?

The score event that you use to run the 3d-panning instrument
in the orchestra should be the length of the panning performance
(usually equal to the entire performance time of the orc/sco). 

I haven't played with it, but note that it's been said on the 
list that it's not very good as HRT functions go.

Good luck,


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Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 02:43:22 +0000
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Subject: (assignment rate) Re: Reading a MIDI (AKA Driving me bonkers)
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> This is crazy. I'm using MIDI2CS to make a file.

>         iamp    =       ampmidi 10000
>         icps    =       cpsmidib p5    ;S = fc +- ifm1 +- kfm2 +- lfm3
>         ifm1    =       icps
>         ifm2    =       icps*3
>         ifm3    =       icps*4
>         indx1   =       7.5/log(icps)    ;range from ca 2 to 1
>         indx2   =       15/sqrt(icps)    ;range from ca 2.6 to .5
>         indx3   =       1.25/sqrt(icps)  ;range from ca .2 to .038

I am asking the list:

Is there an important difference between assigning a value to an
I-rate variable (rather than an irate variable) using the '=' opcode
as opposed to using the 'init' opcode?  I imagine that the 'init' might
run only at i-time, whereas '=' runs at a, or k, but then when in the
context of assigning to an I-rate variable perhaps it knows to calm
itself?  I hope that I am making myself clear from the Night Train.


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Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 05:24:12 +0200
From: rasmus ekman 
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.04 (Win95; I)
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To: Csound list 
Subject: Re = and init at i-time Re: (assignment rate) Re: Reading a MIDI (AKA Driving me bonkers)
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Tobiah wrote:
> Is there an important difference between assigning a value to an
> I-rate variable using the '=' opcode as opposed to using the 'init' opcode? 

No, they are equivalent for i-rate vars.
And you imagine right: '=' is run *only* at the same rate as the variable 
it assigns to, while 'init' runs at i-time for all variable types.


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Date:     Wed, 21 Apr 99 12:37:34 BST
From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Subject:  Re: tunings and csound
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Message written at 21 Apr 1999 11:13:41 +0100
--- Copy of mail to ndrdul@sgi.net ---
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	Apr 1999 13:54:21 -0400)
References:  <371B6DCD.232CCFDF@sgi.net>

There are a number of ways of exploring different tunings in csound,
which is what I do amongst others.

1) For nET scales there are the opcodes cps2pch and cpsxpch.  The
first allows the oct.pch notation to be used in any number (upto 99)
equal divisions of an octave, which the second allows n divisions of
any interval (eg 19 in a twelfth).  There are also provision for using
them with a table for non-equal divisions

2) For Just Tunings using three numbers, to stand for n/m and the
octave seems a common practice.  Not my field, but there are
csounders who do this.

3) Use of a table directly.  This is what I am doing in my current
piece with is in 88CET tuning.

4) and no doubt many others of which I cannot conceive!
If I knew the Scala format it should not be too hard.....(famous last words!)

==John ffitch

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From: Michael Gogins 
To: CSOUND , Dan Timis 
Subject: Re: Product ideas/needs
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 07:51:03 -0400
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Sorry about the omission, the URL for the Java Sound API is:


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Timis 
To: Michael Gogins 
Date: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: Product ideas/needs

>Hi Michael,
>Where can I find more info on Java Sound?  Is there a URL where I can 
>find the spec?