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Example using nestedap

Date1999-04-10 16:25
FromHans Mikelson
SubjectExample using nestedap

Here is a simple example using the nestedap opcode to generate a reverb.

Hans Mikelson


gaout init 0

; Pluck instrument
       instr  10

iamp   =      p4
ifqc   =      cpspch(p5)

aamp   linseg 0, .005, 1, p3-.015, 1, .005, 0, .005, 0

aplk   pluck  iamp, ifqc, ifqc, 0, 1

aout  =      aplk*aamp

      outs    aout, aout

gaout =       gaout + aout


;     Reverb
      instr    50

afltl init     0
afltr init     0

adcbk butterhp gaout, 20

avrbl1 nestedap adcbk+.3*afltl, 3, 1, .153, .2, .075, .2, .031, .1
avrbr1 nestedap adcbk+.3*afltr, 3, 1, .151, .2, .071, .2, .029, .1

avrbl nestedap avrbl1, 2, 1, .241, .32, .125, .2
avrbr nestedap avrbr1, 2, 1, .245, .34, .121, .2

afltl butterlp avrbl, 1000
afltr butterlp avrbr, 1020
      outs     afltl*.5, afltr*.5
gaout =        0



;    Sta  Dur  Amp    Pitch
i10  0    .2   20000  7.00
i10  .1   .3   20000  7.07
i10  .2   .2   20000  8.00

i10  .51  .4   20000  7.07
i10  .62  .3   20000  8.09
i10  .73  .4   20000  9.02

i10 1.0   .2   20000  7.00
i10 1.21  .3   20000  7.07
i10 1.23  .6   20000  8.04

i10 1.51  .8   20000  7.07
i10 1.62  .6   20000  7.09
i10 1.73  .8   20000  9.02

; Simple Reverb
i50 0    4

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Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 19:10:24 +0200
From: Josep M Comajuncosas 
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To: Hans Mikelson 
CC: Csound 
Subject: Re: Example using nestedap
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I tried your nestedapf example and it works ok, but setting a much slower
tempo, about
t 0 5
the reberberator seems to become unstable. Any comment? Is this something to
be expected?

Josep M Comajuncosas
C/ Circumval.lacio 75  08790 Gelida - Penedes
Catalunya - SPAIN
home phone : 93 7792243 / 00 34 3 7792243

Csound page at http://members.tripod.com/csound/

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Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 18:14:07 +0000
From: Tobiah 
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To: Csound List 
Subject: Perl score gen lib
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A while back, someone was working on a perl library
for csound score generation.  Is this project still
alive, and what are the details?



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Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 18:13:21 +0000
From: Tobiah 
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To: Csound List 
Subject: dcblock
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I don't always have occasion to look at my csound
output in a sample editor, but a while back I did.
I loaded a sound which was a dense blast of tiny bell
sounds that I made with a granular technique in the
score generator.

The wave looked funny.  It had a huge sine-like
offset in it running at maybe .2 Hz.  It made the
sound look like a serpent in the editor, rising
above the origin, then below, and so on throughout
the duration of the sound.

I looked at other sounds, and found that this was
not uncommon, perhaps due to my habit of spraying
small samples across the score as if from an aerosol

I went back, and added 'dcblock' lines to the 
important orcs, and this really fixed things up.
Now the individual sounds, and the entire piece
look entirely symmetrical with respect to the zero line.

The reason that I mention this, is that I was having
a problem with sound output from my amplifier that
I was attributing to hardware.  The problem was that
I would notice an analog sounding, popping distortion
in my piece, that I believed was not due to the content
of the sound.  The distortion was not present at very
low playing volume, but I knew that I was not near
overdriving any of the pieces in the audio chain.

This distortion seems to have disappeared since the
introduction of the 'dcblock' lines.  It makes sense
to me.  There is only so much signal that a capacitor,
or a speaker cone can take in one direction.

I just thought that I would convey my experience to 
the list, as I now consider the 'dcblock' opcode to
be a sister of 'outs'.



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Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 15:53:15 -0400 (EDT)
From: Josh Steiner 
To: Csound 
Subject: realtime input.
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I am writing a program that outputs csound score command to stdout.  I was
hopeing that I could do something like this; 

myprog | csound -o stdout -L stdin my.orc 

but this does not work.  Unfortunately my dorms network is down so I can't
cut and paste the exact error right now.  Could someone tell me the
correct syntax to use, or even better send me a script that does this sort
of thing?

BTW, I am running csound on linux.

Thanks alot!

Joshua W. H. Steiner - jsteiner@antioch-college.edu - http://joschi.base.org

I'm not into working out.  My philosophy:  No pain, no pain.
   - Carol Leifer

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Message-ID: <000c01be839b$c48e9240$2b9a170c@default>
From: Hans Mikelson 
To: Csound 
Subject: Re: Example using nestedap
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 16:47:43 -0500
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>t 0 5
>the reberberator seems to become unstable. Any comment? Is this something
>be expected?

Maybe, try decreasing the feedback.

Hans Mikelson

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Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 20:25:05 -0400
To: CsoundList 
From: "Dr. Richard Boulanger" 
Subject: The Csound Book - ONLINE!!!

Hello Csounders....

Well... it's not exactly ALL of the Csound Book online... but I did get
permission from MIT Press to put several of the chapters (with all of their
instruments) up on the Csound FrontPage at MIT:


When you click on the Csound Book button (the red one) you will notice that
there are two preview chapters.  The first is my chapter "Introduction to
Sound Design with Csound".  As you will see, in itself this is an entire 12
week software synthesis curriculum.

The second chapter is a CD-ROM chapter by Kim Cascone  entitled
"Recontextualizing Ambient Music with Csound".  His chapter is the perfect
companion to mine.  He focuses on moving from sound design to composition
and documents the process beautifully.  And both of these chapters, by the
way, are filled with block diagrams and are fully linked to the html
reference manual.  Of course, they include zip files of all orchestras,
scores and samples.

Also, when you click on the Csound Book button (you know... the red one)
you will get to check out the cover to the Csound Book.  It was created by
award winning graphic designer Ori Kometani.  You might  appreciate the
fact that she had taken one of the Csound instruments from my chapter on
Sound Design and converted it into a swirling pattern.  For someone that
has never used Csound before, I think she has perfectly captured the
essance of the program... it turns text into beautiful waveforms.

The third chapter is also from the CD-ROM.  On The MIT Csound FrontPage
this appears as a new "Universities" button.  Of course, I started by
featuring the music by some of my students at Berklee. Many of them have
helped with the Csound Book and I owe them very much for their dedication
and sacrifice.  I hope you like their music.

Hey?  Do you teach a course in Csound at your university?  If the answer is
YES.  Please use this as a model and send me your student works so that I
can post them on the site here at MIT.  It would be great to find out where
Csound is being taught and what the students are doing.  On the CD-ROM
several other universities are featured: Bowling Green, LSU, Glasgow. In
fact, I haven't burnt the CD yet. So, if you get me the materials in the
next two weeks, I might be able to add your university program to the
CD-ROM in addition to posting it on the MIT site.

I will keep you posted on the progress of The Csound Book.  MIT Press tells
me that it is currently being typeset  and I should have the pageproofs in
about a week.  I plan to have a reading party here at my home with all my
student assistants reading and re-reading all the chapters to make sure
there are no mistakes.  Then it is off to the printers.... You may be able
to order copies in June... That is the hope.  Well see.

For now, I hope you will appreciate all the work that my INCREDIBLE
assistant Jacob Joaquin has done to build, maintain and now redesign the
MIT Csound FrontPage.  He is totally committed to keeping it up to date and
continually improving it.  He and I both would appreciate any suggestions
and feedback... We would especially appreciate contributions to the FAQ and
the Universities sections.  And of course we want to hear your music!

Have a great spring. Enjoy the Matrix and Star Wars Episode 1 and then get
ready for the Summer of Csound.  I can't wait until you all get to check
out the wonderful instruments and chapters that the contributers have
written for The Csound Book.  The two that I have included on the MIT
Csound FrontPage are just appetizers... the main course is on its way.

Yours Sincerely,

Richard Boulanger

Dr. Richard Boulanger
Professor - Music Synthesis Department
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street  - Boston, MA  02215-3693
Office Phone: (617) 747-2485   Office Fax: (617) 536-2257
Email: radiobaton@earthlink.net  OR  rboulanger@berklee.edu
Personal Webpage: http://home.earthlink.net/~radiobaton/
THE Csound Frontpage: http://mitpress.mit.edu/e-books/csound/frontpage.html
HTML Tools & Tips: http://members.tripod.com/~richardboulanger/btot99.html

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          11 Apr 99 1:28 BST
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	Sat, 10 Apr 1999 17:25:31 -0700 (PDT)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 20:25:05 -0400
To: CsoundList 
From: "Dr. Richard Boulanger" 
Subject: The Csound Book - ONLINE!!!
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

Hello Csounders....

Well... it's not exactly ALL of the Csound Book online... but I did get
permission from MIT Press to put several of the chapters (with all of their
instruments) up on the Csound FrontPage at MIT:


When you click on the Csound Book button (the red one) you will notice that
there are two preview chapters.  The first is my chapter "Introduction to
Sound Design with Csound".  As you will see, in itself this is an entire 12
week software synthesis curriculum.

The second chapter is a CD-ROM chapter by Kim Cascone  entitled
"Recontextualizing Ambient Music with Csound".  His chapter is the perfect
companion to mine.  He focuses on moving from sound design to composition
and documents the process beautifully.  And both of these chapters, by the
way, are filled with block diagrams and are fully linked to the html
reference manual.  Of course, they include zip files of all orchestras,
scores and samples.

Also, when you click on the Csound Book button (you know... the red one)
you will get to check out the cover to the Csound Book.  It was created by
award winning graphic designer Ori Kometani.  You might  appreciate the
fact that she had taken one of the Csound instruments from my chapter on
Sound Design and converted it into a swirling pattern.  For someone that
has never used Csound before, I think she has perfectly captured the
essance of the program... it turns text into beautiful waveforms.

The third chapter is also from the CD-ROM.  On The MIT Csound FrontPage
this appears as a new "Universities" button.  Of course, I started by
featuring the music by some of my students at Berklee. Many of them have
helped with the Csound Book and I owe them very much for their dedication
and sacrifice.  I hope you like their music.

Hey?  Do you teach a course in Csound at your university?  If the answer is
YES.  Please use this as a model and send me your student works so that I
can post them on the site here at MIT.  It would be great to find out where
Csound is being taught and what the students are doing.  On the CD-ROM
several other universities are featured: Bowling Green, LSU, Glasgow. In
fact, I haven't burnt the CD yet. So, if you get me the materials in the
next two weeks, I might be able to add your university program to the
CD-ROM in addition to posting it on the MIT site.

I will keep you posted on the progress of The Csound Book.  MIT Press tells
me that it is currently being typeset  and I should have the pageproofs in
about a week.  I plan to have a reading party here at my home with all my
student assistants reading and re-reading all the chapters to make sure
there are no mistakes.  Then it is off to the printers.... You may be able
to order copies in June... That is the hope.  Well see.

For now, I hope you will appreciate all the work that my INCREDIBLE
assistant Jacob Joaquin has done to build, maintain and now redesign the
MIT Csound FrontPage.  He is totally committed to keeping it up to date and
continually improving it.  He and I both would appreciate any suggestions
and feedback... We would especially appreciate contributions to the FAQ and
the Universities sections.  And of course we want to hear your music!

Have a great spring. Enjoy the Matrix and Star Wars Episode 1 and then get
ready for the Summer of Csound.  I can't wait until you all get to check
out the wonderful instruments and chapters that the contributers have
written for The Csound Book.  The two that I have included on the MIT
Csound FrontPage are just appetizers... the main course is on its way.

Yours Sincerely,

Richard Boulanger

Dr. Richard Boulanger
Professor - Music Synthesis Department
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street  - Boston, MA  02215-3693
Office Phone: (617) 747-2485   Office Fax: (617) 536-2257
Email: radiobaton@earthlink.net  OR  rboulanger@berklee.edu
Personal Webpage: http://home.earthlink.net/~radiobaton/
THE Csound Frontpage: http://mitpress.mit.edu/e-books/csound/frontpage.html
HTML Tools & Tips: http://members.tripod.com/~richardboulanger/btot99.html

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          11 Apr 99 4:40 BST
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Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 22:03:28 -0600
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

     >Dr. Richard Boulanger
     >Professor - Music Synthesis Department

tautolog!e. Prof Richard Boulanger - d!nam!kx relatd 2 cha!n!ng
eczpresz!ng !ntrzt !n !mpl!z!t zekuensz lern!ng.
akt!vat!ng neu mor eff!z!ent methodz 4 dze kommon zlaver!


Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa04891;
          11 Apr 99 4:49 BST
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	by shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1)
	id 10WBFJ-0006wq-00
	for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Sun, 11 Apr 1999 04:49:21 +0100
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From: f1f0@m9ndfukc.com
Received: from exeter.ac.uk by maths.ex.ac.uk; Sun, 11 Apr 1999 04:48:25 +0100
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Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 22:12:44 -0600
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

     >Dr. Richard Boulanger
     >Professor - Music Synthesis Department

tautolog!e. Prof Richard Boulanger - d!nam!kx relatd 2 cha!n!ng
eczpresz!ng !ntrzt !n !mpl!z!t zekuensz lern!ng.
akt!vat!ng neu mor eff!z!ent methodz 4 dze kommon zlaver!


     "there are no mistakes.  Then it is off to the printers.... You may be able
     to order copies in June... That is the hope.  Well see"


     "The Csound Book - ONLINE!!!"

dze aud!tor! z!stm = t!p!kl! abl 2 parsz akouzt!k !n+put
tzo dzat komponentz der!v!ng 4rom each sorsz = groupd zusamn
+ 4rm 1 part ov 1 z!ngl perzeptual ztream.
dzuz each sorsz = ma! b azkr!bd !tz oun p!tch. LOUDneSS!. lokat!on

      "The second chapter is a CD-ROM chapter by Kim Cascone  entitled"

dzeze = dze 4rmz ov zerv!tude karakter!z!ng c!v!l!zat!on.z epokz
+ end!ng !n !nduztr!el kap!tal!zt -------------  --------------
- zlaver!. serfdom. wage earn!ng.
  |                     |                       |
  |                     |                                              -   -   -
  |    "Hey?  Do you teach a course in Csound at your university?  If the
answer is
  |    YES.  Please use this as a model and send me your student works so that I
  |    can post them on the site here at MIT" | | |  -                 -   -   -
  |                     |                        |   -                 -   -   -
  |             --------------|                  |   -                 -
-   -
!t=ach!evz dze h!ezt barbar!zm
Please        use this as a model +?           |
Please _don.t use this as a model              |
post _you on the site here at _...+ end!ng !n -

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Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 10:59:55 +0300
From: Matti Koskinen 
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	i processed an audiofile with flanger and resonx
	and then when reading this file i wondered why i get
	so many samples out of range when adding some instruments.

	after tolve's mail i looked what the waveform was like
	in this file and there was a huge dc-offset. when
	reading this file with soundin, i placed dcblocks
	and after that no samples out of range. 
	maybe out should have dc-blocking always?


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Subject: follow works only once
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me again

	in the next orc+sco, follow works only in the first
	i1. same thing if other instruments use follow, only
	the first inst and first time, follow works.



instr 1
	a2 soundin "klonk1.wav"
	a3 follow a2,0.02
	a4 oscil a3,440,1
	aout = 0.5*a2 + 0.5*a4
	outs aout,aout


f1 0 8192 10 1 
i1 0 10 ; works
i1 10 10 ; only wav comes out