| Well I use dcblock sometimes when I cannot find the way to fix a bug,
but it is not a magic solution to everyone´s problems. Dcblock is
essentially a 1-pole recursive highpass filter which rejects DC, but
*also* some low frequencies to some extent, so the price you will pay
will be a worse performance in lower frequencies. Just to declick al the
instruments multiplying the output with the appropiate declicking
envelope is more advisable IMHO.
Tobiah wrote:
> I just thought that I would convey my experience to
> the list, as I now consider the 'dcblock' opcode to
> be a sister of 'outs'.
Josep M Comajuncosas
C/ Circumval.lacio 75 08790 Gelida - Penedes
Catalunya - SPAIN
home phone : 93 7792243 / 00 34 3 7792243
Csound page at http://members.tripod.com/csound/
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Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 16:11:53 +0000
From: Tobiah
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To: Csound List
Subject: Re: dcblock
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Is it really noticeable? If it is, would it be terribly difficult
to design a filter that cut off say, 0-5 Hz, and had a steep enough
roll-off to leave the 20's and 30's alone?
> Dcblock is
> essentially a 1-pole recursive highpass filter which rejects DC, but
> *also* some low frequencies to some extent, so the price you will pay
> will be a worse performance in lower frequencies.
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11 Apr 99 20:26 BST
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Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 21:22:21 +0200
From: Josep M Comajuncosas
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To: Tobiah
CC: Csound List
Subject: Re: dcblock
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It is noticleable, sure, I would suggest to use a linear-phase FIR
instead maybe, but I´m not sure if it would do the job much better. Of
course it would be rather slower, and you would probably need some
of coefficients... maybe you could try what happens with something like
asig atonex asigdc, 5, n
n being a large number ... just guessing
(Notice dcblock ~ atone with a low cutoff)
Btw does anyone now an Online tool to design linear-phase FIR filters??
Tobiah wrote:
> Is it really noticeable? If it is, would it be terribly difficult
> to design a filter that cut off say, 0-5 Hz, and had a steep enough
> roll-off to leave the 20's and 30's alone?
> Toby
> > Dcblock is
> > essentially a 1-pole recursive highpass filter which rejects DC, but
> > *also* some low frequencies to some extent, so the price you will pay
> > will be a worse performance in lower frequencies.
Josep M Comajuncosas
C/ Circumval.lacio 75 08790 Gelida - Penedes
Catalunya - SPAIN
home phone : 93 7792243 / 00 34 3 7792243
Csound page at http://members.tripod.com/csound/
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Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 16:48:35 -0400
From: James Veltri
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Subject: Convolve?
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I'm still very new to this CSound thing, so maybe I'm getting a little
ahead of myself, but is anyone familiar with the convolve operator?
Specifically, does anyone know if it can be used to create 3D audio by
convolving a regular audio signal with HRTF measurements to provide
spatial cues for that sound? I'm working on a project on 3D audio at
NYU, and would really like to be able to generate my own 3D sounds with
CSound. I downloaded some HRTF numbers for Matlab, but I'm not sure
what to do with them. If anyone has any experience with this stuff, I
would really appreciate any tips you could give me.
P.S. Is 3.53 much better than 3.52 for Windows? If so, I didn't see it
on the CSound front page... where can I get it?
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Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 17:46:52 -0400
From: Patrick Pagano
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Subject: Sco generator
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Hi Csounder
Mr. Boulangers sneak preview is a Godsend for us newbies
I got Grain to run for the first time what a joy.
Been switching between patchwork and VisOrc
I like Pw's graphic simplicity but Does anyone have a nice score
Pat Pagano
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12 Apr 99 1:19 BST
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Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 18:42:19 -0600
To: Csound List
Subject: Re: Sco generator
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
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>Hi Csounder
>Mr. Boulangers sneak preview is a Godsend for us
Mr.Win95; = Godsend
first time what a joy.
>I got Grain to run for the first time what a joy.
>Been switching between patchwork and VisOrc
preview switching
>I like Pw's graphic simplicity but Does anyone have a nice score
du +???
nice score
USA - k!ll 4 `peace` - what a joy.
JANKEE zvazt!ka - graphic simplicity
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Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 21:04:05 -0400
From: Patrick Pagano
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To: Csound List
Subject: political attacks? on a csound list??
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Hey folks at Csound
I am trying to find a Sco generator and this is what I recieved from the
I am not a political person and do not feel this is a place to discuss
such topics.
Anyone else (who does not hate americans) who can help me with C sound
let me know
Re: Sco generator
Sun, 11 Apr 1999 18:42:19 -0600
Csound List
>Hi Csounder
>Mr. Boulangers sneak preview is a Godsend for us
Mr.Win95; = Godsend
first time what a joy.
>I got Grain to run for the first time what a joy.
>Been switching between patchwork and VisOrc
preview switching
>I like Pw's graphic simplicity but Does anyone have a nice score
du +???
nice score
USA - k!ll 4 `peace` - what a joy.
JANKEE zvazt!ka - graphic simplicity
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12 Apr 99 2:47 BST
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Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 20:10:58 -0600
To: Csound List
Subject: Re: ?
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
>Hey folks at Csound
vuld u l!ke zum asz!ztansz +\- 1 prozent +? [del wh!chevr != appl!kabl]
zumvat l!ke ___... ma! ! = hav 1 nato konglomerat++
kontra 1 land jas +?
= 1 mob akt!v!t ncezt paz +?
zumvat l!ke dze amer!kan ztreet gangz non +?
du = muzt not dezpa!r
= ultra akua!ntd w!th 1 jankee kultur
+ loka!t - `evr tzo fazc!nat!ng`.
>I am not a political person
d!v!n komed!
"!nzert oun name tag" az all krnt + prev!ouz l!f 4rmz
= pol!t!kl
futorolog!kl kongress. k.l!k.knou.ledge.
!n dze !nter!m ___..
>and do not feel this is a place to discuss
>such topics.
"I am not a political person"
u z +? du = fa!ld tezt alred! \ deja.
= 1 d!v!n komed! !t !z ! tell 2 u. du = l!zten!ng.
>and do not feel this is a place to discuss
>such topics.
zekuent!al m9nd konta!nr zpoke dzusz
ma!z - az du well auaer _ b!enzur
data = korekt
humanz = !nkorekt
m9ndfukc = !mpekabl
>Anyone else (who does not hate americans)
abov <=> Patrick Pagano hatez non amer!.kanz +?
ztat!zt!kx !nd!kate numbr ov hate haterz > nr ov haterz
godel kontra godel. bekausz ov d!sz d!zt!nkt!on
konztataz!on = kan b zrtn 1 !nf!nt zet = ma! posez 1 zajm
kard!nal!t! az 1 zubzet ov +?
dzus 1 = ma! zafel! [zanz nato `!ntervenz!on` naturlment] obzerv
dze total l!brar! = !nf!n!t
due 2 4 each n dzere = 1 book objekt !n ecz!stensz
konz!zt!ng ov n repet!t!onz ov dze verd
!um !um !um
apoztrof+e komm.a zem!k:n dasch dasch e.czklllllll.amat!on po!nt
jetzt we = kloze all parent.hhhhhhhhhh.esez
+ | bar all repet!t!onz | zttz++
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12 Apr 99 3:01 BST
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Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 11:57:14 +1000
From: Bob Douglas
Reply-To: rdouglas@mail.usyd.edu.au
Organization: Sydney Conservatorium
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To: CSound list
Subject: Re: political attacks? on a csound list??
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Patrick Pagano wrote:
> Hey folks at Csound
> I am trying to find a Sco generator and this is what I recieved from the
> list.
> I am not a political person and do not feel this is a place to discuss
> such topics.
> Anyone else (who does not hate americans) who can help me with C sound
> please
> let me know
> USA - k!ll 4 `peace` - what a joy.
> JANKEE zvazt!ka - graphic simplicity
> but
The following is an excellent response from Michael Gogins to a similar
request I made about score generation. I hope you don't mind me reposting it, Michael.
I do not hate Americans, by the way.
Bob Douglas
"Michael Gogins"
Cscore is a library that you link with to write your own score generator in
Here are some approaches to writing Csound pieces:
1. Write a score generating function in C and add it to a Cscore
2. Write a score generating program in any language, and print out a Csound
score to a text file. This is easiest and works fine.
3. Use JCsound or AXCsound and embed them into your score generating
program. This is best if (a) you are a moderately experienced programmer and
(b) you need to write your own score generating algorithms, as it gives you
the ability to edit the orc and sco, run more than one score in a row
without reloading the program, and so on.
4. Use one of the score generating frameworks described in Mikelson's latest
ezine. Many of these are designed to do (2) or (3) above.
5. Use notation software to create a midifile. Then use (3) or (4) above or
just use a Csound orc designed to work with -F midifile.
6. Use notation software to create a midifile, then use midi2cs to translate
it to a Csound score.
I'm sure there are more ways...
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12 Apr 99 3:25 BST
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Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 20:48:57 -0600
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: 9c79x7p979p7
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az = lokajt celv !n 1 ultra ztupor at kurnt t!me
ma! 1 !n ultra ztupor at kurnt t!me = kuer!
dze url ov jcsound
[1 evntfl name tag auss! = ag!tatez prznl proc mod !mnzl!]
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12 Apr 99 3:48 BST
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Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 21:11:02 -0600
To: Csound List
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: fa
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
>please leave me alone
deja - du = !nkor!jbl.
>I am trying to learn a computer program
>and you obviously have way more
>time on your hands than I.
az 1 l!f 4rm name tagd e!n+zte!n b! !tz parent objektz
[dzat 1z 2 za! !tz real name != knoun]
= ztatd t!.m! = 1 m9ndfukc evnt
wh!ch = k!rkumvntz zuch konztataz!onz
!f du = dez!re = kould prokur addtl t!me pour to!
>Besides you are a coward
1 - ma!z !t != altr 1 obzervat!on
>and a bigot if you judge me
du = 1 objekt s!ll!.
az z!gn!f!kant az addtl objektz
due 2
1 2 3 4 5 6
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
each un!versz = konztruktd ov 0+2 un!versez.
ma! not!sz
1 = zpl!tz !n 2 1 and 2
2 = zpl!tz !n 2 3 and 4
3 = zpl!tz !n 2 5 and 6
4 = zpl!tz !n 2 7 and 8
n = zpl!tz !n2 2n-1 + 2n.
1 ma! kont!nue zpl!tt!ng 0+an! g!vn un!versz !ndef!n!tel!
dzus obta!n!ng 1 !nf!n!t numbr ov komponentz
!n an! b!t ov mattr.
fr!dom = ga!nd 4rom 0+1 bl!ef - an! s!ze zkale = !ntr!nz!kall!
> bas!k || !mportant || komplecz dzn 0+1 odr s!ze zkale.
hensz wh! okkup! t!me [?] w!th cznd-l vn du = 0+0 > + 0+0 < !mport.ant
dzen 1 galax! || 1 atom +?
1 = oftn pressurd !n+2 feel!ng dze konsernz ov soc!et!
or dze veLt = > z!gn!f!kant dzen 1nz oun !mmed!ate prznl konsernz. [m9ndfukc]
d!sz = baszd on dze assumpt!on dzat 0+zom s!zez = !n 0+1 abs sensz
> dzn odrz. !t = zuch 0+1 aszumpt!on wh!ch dze c!rkulr zkale underm!nez.
| l!beratd l!fe energ!e |
>on where i am born and
>then do not sign your name.
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Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 21:41:34 -0600
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>permission of the author. Violation is strictly forbidden under applicable law.
applicable sol++
> If you wish permission to use any of this music for broadcast, performance,
> publication, or any other form of redistribution, please contact the
>composer at
> gogins@nyc.pipeline.com.
> Statement
> My music is computer music. Not only was it composed and realized on my
> personal computer, by means of software alone, but it was composed using
> computer algorithms that I wrote. I did not use the computer to transcribe
> heard in my imagination. Instead, I used the computer to produce music
>that I
> could not have imagined without the computer, and to perform music that
> neither I nor anybody else could have performed on any other instrument.
Statement - sol++ _ a.uuuu.plz eczquze dze !ndolnt konzummorg!glb!te++ rout!n
relat!vl! d!f reztra!n!ng 1 ultra kom!kl rekonf!g
du ___.. = ma! w!sh 2 konzult 1 luvl! book. komsa
1 thought !n dze moza!cz ov 0+1 m9nd konta!nr
= reku!re 1 k o mpl et dekonztrukt!on
nom!nat!v \+\ obl!kue
>My music is computer music. Not only was it composed and realized on my
> personal computer, by means of software alone, but it was composed using
> computer algorithms that I wrote.
>I did not use the computer to transcribe music
> heard in my imagination. Instead, I used the computer to produce music
>that I
> could not have imagined without the computer,
m! frzump++. konzum > g!gl b!te
>and to perform music that
> neither I nor anybody else could have performed on any other instrument.
ma!z we = knou dze value ov `f00d`
((((((((( > f00d )))))))))
(((((((( > f00d ))))))))
((((((( > f00d )))))))
(((((( > f00d ))))))
((((( > f00d )))))
(((( > f00d ))))
((( > f00d )))
(( > f00d ))
( > f00d )
> f00d
"Copyright (c) 1998 by Michael Gogins.
All rights" [p]"reserved.
Vineyard Productions
http://www.pipeline.com/~gogins/" ++++++++++++++ "Statement"
fe no me nal
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Date: Mon, 12 Apr 99 5:28:29 BST
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Subject: Re: csd files
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Message written at 11 Apr 1999 19:11:22 +0530
--- Copy of mail to Christopher.Neese@oberlin.edu ---
I had not given any tought to dragging a csd file onto the winsound
icon, but clearly I ought to have done. I will look into it.
=John ffitch
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12 Apr 99 5:30 BST
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Date: Mon, 12 Apr 99 5:28:39 BST
From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Subject: Re: csd files
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Message written at 11 Apr 1999 19:35:42 +0530
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The temporary files are created with the standard C function tmpnam
which is the 'safe' thing to do, and I create at atexit function to
delete the file later. Reading the (extremely unclear) documentation
it may me tha tif you set a TMP environment variable that it might
crete it somewhere else. This sounds like Microsoft's problem!
=John ffitch
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I guess you could use convolve, but it would probably be easier to
use the hrtfer opcode. And if you don't already have it you must
download the HRTFCompact file from
which contains the HRTF measurements
The newest version of csound should be here
James Veltri wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm still very new to this CSound thing, so maybe I'm getting a little
> ahead of myself, but is anyone familiar with the convolve operator?
> Specifically, does anyone know if it can be used to create 3D audio by
> convolving a regular audio signal with HRTF measurements to provide
> spatial cues for that sound? I'm working on a project on 3D audio at
> NYU, and would really like to be able to generate my own 3D sounds with
> CSound. I downloaded some HRTF numbers for Matlab, but I'm not sure
> what to do with them. If anyone has any experience with this stuff, I
> would really appreciate any tips you could give me.
> Thanks,
> james
> P.S. Is 3.53 much better than 3.52 for Windows? If so, I didn't see it
> on the CSound front page... where can I get it?
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Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 10:15:29 +0100
From: Richard Dobson
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This should happen anyway - I can file up Winsound just dragging a text
file to it (lots of error msgs or course, but it launches). The real
issue is double-clicking a file - i.e setting up an 'association'; e.g
by d-clicking a csd file, and when Windows puts up the dialog asking
which program to use to open the file, just put in the path to Winsound
(or browse using the 'Other' button).
Programmatically, it can be done by defining a document type (this is an
MFC thing), and then calling EnableShellOpen() and
The problem with this is exactly that anyone using both Winsound and
AXCsound will want the association with one or the other. However, just
about any file can be dragged to an icon - all that happens is that
Windows passes it in the command line. So long as Winsound can handle
nothing but a csd file as a commandline arg, all is well!
Richard Dobson
jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:
> Message written at 11 Apr 1999 19:11:22 +0530
> --- Copy of mail to Christopher.Neese@oberlin.edu ---
> I had not given any tought to dragging a csd file onto the winsound
> icon, but clearly I ought to have done. I will look into it.
> =John ffitch
Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
CDP homepage: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/CDP/CDP.htm
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Patrick Pagano wrote:
> Does anyone have a nice score generator??
I'll insist on reposting what I think is the best answer
at present: Read about it in the latest Csound Emag issue.
Score generation is covered in the Features section.
Descriptions and links provided.
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