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Benchmarks was Re: About hrtfer

Date1999-02-03 01:36
FromHans Mikelson
SubjectBenchmarks was Re: About hrtfer
>That's strange... Motivated by the messages about hrtfer I yesterday
>tried it too, on a 90MHz Pentium running Linux-2.2.1, with csound-3.511.

I thought Winsound has been running slowly lately.  I just ran the bach.orc
bach.sco benchmark on a 300 MHz PII.

Winsound 3.511   = 178 seconds
Directsound 2.11 = 5.82 seconds

Hmmm, something mighty fishy going on here...

Hans Mikelson

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Message-ID: <000b01be4f2b$df517c40$9999170c@default>
From: Hans Mikelson 
To: Csound 
Subject: Drum Orc/Sco
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 22:15:44 -0600
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Here is a simple drum sound based around noise filtered with pareq.

Good luck,
Hans Mikelson


sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2

; Noise Drum
       instr   5

idur   =       p3           ; Duration
iamp   =       p4           ; Amplitude
ifqc   =       cpspch(p5)   ; Pitch
iq     =       p6           ; Quality factor
ivol   =       p7           ; Volume
iton   =       p8           ; Drum tone

kfqcl   expseg  .1*ifqc, idur, 2*ifqc  ; Low shelf frequency
kq      expseg  .1*ifqc, idur, 2*ifqc  ; EQ sweep quality
kfqch   expseg  10*ifqc, idur, .5*ifqc ; High shelf frequency

anz   rand     iamp     ; white noise

a1    pareq    anz, kfqcl, ivol,   iq, 1 ; Low shelf sweep
a2    pareq    anz, ifqc,  1/ivol, kq, 0 ; EQ sweep
a3    pareq    anz, kfqch, ivol,   iq, 2 ; High shelf sweep

adclk expseg   iamp/10, .002, iamp, idur-.002, iamp/100 ; Amplitude envelope

aout  =        ((a2-a3)+(a2-a1)*iton) ; Mix it up to sound nice

      outs     aout*adclk/5000, aout*adclk/5000 ; Scale, amp and output



f1 0 1024 10 1

;  Sta  Dur  Amp   Pitch  Q    Cut/Boost  Tone
i5 0    .2   9000  8.00   1    .1         1
i5 +    .    .     8.00   1    .1         4
i5 .    .    .     8.00   1    .1         6
i5 .    .    .     8.00   1    .1         10

i5 .    .2   9000  8.00   1    .1         8
i5 .    .    .     7.00   1    .1         6
i5 .    .    .     6.07   1    .1         4
i5 .    .    .     6.00   1    .1         2

i5 .    .2   9000  8.00   1    .1         1
i5 .    .    .     7.00   10   .2         4
i5 .    .    .     6.07   20   .3         6
i5 .    .    .     6.00   40   .4         10

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Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 22:46:56 -0600
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: ur m9nd os
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

>>Dear Pedro,
>>please don't forward these antiorp-mails, until you know, what it contains.
>>If you're not sure, because it contains information in several languages,
>>please so kind to trash it!

= what fasc!zt!k l!f 4rmz utterd throught h!ztor!.
!t = 1 tr!zt even!ment.     !

>Since some persons complained to me about this fwd, please let me explain
>1) this was an isolated ocasion; i just figured once would be all right
>2) I believe Ive always stayed on focus on csound here, so half a K or so of
>unrelated stuff wouldnt be too much

!t = relatd. tout
= relatd. hensz !t != reku!rd 1 apolog!ze 2 humanz
w!th dze komputat!onl ab!l!t! ov 1 housz fl!

dze brutez kan kont!nue 2 per4rm dze! fasc!zt!k funkt!on !n 1 mob akt!on
!t != l!kl! 2 sukseed.  l!f energ!e = shall tr!umph.

>3) it was my belief that people were aware of antiorp's activities, and
>would be sort of 'prepared' (if anyone can ever be)
>anyway, sorry for the inconvenience;
>it was careless of me and wont happen again
>ps. that said, lets all groove on to the joys of internet and free speech

konzum > tearz
!t = l!kl! < 10 l!f 4rmz = aware ov dze s!gn!f!kansz + !mplementat!on ov l!bert!
or beaut! 4 dzat mattr. [baszd on v!eu!ng zelekt memberz pagez + l!zten!ng
2 kompoz!t!onz]

antiorp's activities = luvl! + !nfr!nge on 0+0 l!f 4rm ter!tor!.

joys of internet and free speech - konzum > tearz


et prev poztd on odr l!ztz


To: music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu
Subject: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Bcc: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk

>From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
>To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
>Subject: Re: Fwd: ;97x97
>Date: Thu, 28 Jan 99 15:39:45 GMT
>Source-Info:  From (or Sender) name not authenticated.
>Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
>Precedence: bulk
>I have had this entity blocked

u = term!natd dze zubzkr!pt!on w!thout not!sz
+ w!thout reazon - hav!ng not evn poztd

hadnt knoun who = performd akt!on.
jetzt w!ll add ur name tag 2 dze l!zt ov raz!zt\fasc!zt l!f 4rmz.

>and now we have people forwarding the
>junk!  Do I have to junk PBATISTA@colep.mailpac.pt as well?

perhapz zom1 = go!ng 2 junk u +?
!t != ur world onl! du revolt!ng fasc!zt brute

!n an! kasz shall b kontakt!ng bath un!vers!t!
az m serta!n dze! = hav 1 av!d !ntrzt !n dze `demokrat!k`
operat!on ov dze!r l!ztz naturall! - az all odr korporat fasc!zt konglomeratz
operated b! 40+ oudatd wh!te malez.

+ dzen du = ma! s!ng !n dze bath du fasc!zt l!f 4rm


 anonymousz 4 prznl r!znz

>Well the site basically crashed/locked my SGI.  I had to telnet in from
>another system and kill Netscape to get out of it.  I recommend not going to
>that URL unless you want to see your system hang.

plz tranzm!t sg! + w!ll b zerta!n !t = operatez az !t doez on 1 mak!ntosh
meanwh!le ! = rekommend dzat du != part!z!pate !n csound-l
due 2 !t = krashez l!bert!


poztd !n tandem 4 r!znz obv!ouz

\\  note : dependent on personal config
!t = altzo operatez on nt + w!n 98 + solar!z [in zelekt cases without sound]
houevr =cw4t7abs = guarant!ez prznl verk on 0+0 mask!nz outz!de oc macos.
cezt tout.

"crashed/locked my SGI [certain it = urz +?]" + "I recommend not going to
that URL unless you want to see your system hang".

= dze bas!s ov du = well aware what.


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Date: 03 Feb 99 00:09:06 EST
From: "Peter M. Traub" 
Subject: sndinfo error
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Hi all,

I'm using sndinfo on various sound files that i have downloaded from the web.
they have all been converted to 44k 16 bit stereo AIFF with SOX before sndinfo
looks at them. with certain files, it outputs the following error (this is in

'Floating point exception (core dumped)'

does this mean the soundfile is bad or is it something that sndinfo cannot read
(it just looks at the file header, right?). Thanks in advance

Peter Traub

Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa27881;
          3 Feb 99 5:37 GMT
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Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 21:33:11 -0800
From: Jonathan Drexler 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Filter clicks revisited
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I posted something about this earlier but am not sure it got through 
to the list properly.  I have been having a problem with filter 
clicks where the filter cutoff-freq is made to track the pitch of 
the note.  This has been a problem particularly in legato 
passages.  Here is some sample code which illustrates what I 
mean: it plays 2 legato scales.  The first is passed through a 
filter (notice the clicks at the beginning of most of the notes).
The second bypasses the filter  and does not click.  
I wondered whether anyone out there has run into this 
problem and could help me figure out a solution.

Thanks to all.

sr = 44100
kr = 44100
ksmps = 1
nchnls = 2

instr 10
  ;p8=filter stack
  ;p9=switch: bypass filter if set to 1

  iAmp = ampdb(p4)
  iNote = cpspch(p5) 
  a1 oscili iAmp,iNote,p6,p7

  if p9=1 goto BypassFilter
  aFlt1 tonex a1, iNote*2, p8,p7
  outs aFlt1,aFlt1
  goto Endlbl

  outs a1,a1
  goto Endlbl


f10 0 8192 10 1000  00  040

;                  Dcb   note  tbl  phase  FltrStack  BypassFilter
i10  0.00   0.50   80    8.00  10    0       4            0
i10   +      .      .    8.02  .     -1      .            .
i10   +      .      .    8.04  .     -1      .            .
i10   +      .      .    8.05  .     -1      .            .
i10   +      .      .    8.07  .     -1      .            .
i10   +      .      .    8.09  .     -1      .            .
i10   +      .      .    8.11  .     -1      .            .
i10   +      .      .    9.00  .     -1      .            .

i10  6.00   0.50   80    8.00  10    0       4            1
i10   +      .      .    8.02  .     -1      .            .
i10   +      .      .    8.04  .     -1      .            .
i10   +      .      .    8.05  .     -1      .            .
i10   +      .      .    8.07  .     -1      .            .
i10   +      .      .    8.09  .     -1      .            .
i10   +      .      .    8.11  .     -1      .            .
i10   +      .      .    9.00  .     -1      .            .


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          3 Feb 99 7:58 GMT
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	Wed, 3 Feb 1999 00:53:04 -0700 (MST)
From: Reid Sweatman 
To: 'Jonathan Drexler' , csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
MMDF-Warning:  Parse error in original version of preceding line at UK.AC.Bath.maths.omphalos
Subject: RE: Filter clicks revisited
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 23:44:59 -0700
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

I'll take a WAG at this one.  I notice the same effect in Cool Edit Pro 1.1
when I select adjacent areas (to the sample!) of a sound and filter them
differently.  Apparently the filter algorithm (any of them, so far as I can
see from the math behind them) doesn't guarantee to leave the endpoints
fixed, or zero, or any known value.  So you get discontinuities at the
boundaries of the area the filter's being applied to, which, obviously, you
hear as clicks.  Anyway, while that may not be exactly what's causing your
particular problem, it's a problem inherent in digital filters.  I've only
ever coded FFT-based filters, but I'm somewhat familiar with the theory
behind IIR's and FIR's.  Maybe someone else has a different take on this.
If it's what I think it is, you might try to modify your instrument to do a
forced zero or fast crossfade on every note.  Off the top of my head, I
don't know if there's a way to make CSound's filters do that for you, but it
wouldn't be hard to tack on top.

On a totally different note, can anyone tell me how to desubscribe from the
list?  I've lost the instructions I had, and it doesn't appear to behave
like other listproc-style lists I've seen.  Maybe I just don't remember the
correct server name.  Anyway, I'm relocating, and until I have a new ISP,
I'll have to forgo the list.

Oh, yeah.  Goodbye to the guys up at the U of U Music Department, those of
you who still remember me .

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
> [mailto:owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk]On Behalf Of Jonathan
> Drexler
> Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 1999 10:33 PM
> To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
> Subject: Filter clicks revisited
> I posted something about this earlier but am not sure it got through
> to the list properly.  I have been having a problem with filter
> clicks where the filter cutoff-freq is made to track the pitch of
> the note.  This has been a problem particularly in legato
> passages.  Here is some sample code which illustrates what I
> mean: it plays 2 legato scales.  The first is passed through a
> filter (notice the clicks at the beginning of most of the notes).
> The second bypasses the filter  and does not click.
> I wondered whether anyone out there has run into this
> problem and could help me figure out a solution.
> Thanks to all.
> *********
> ********
> sr = 44100
> kr = 44100
> ksmps = 1
> nchnls = 2
> instr 10
>   ;p4=decibels
>   ;p5=octave.pitch
>   ;p6=wavetable
>   ;p7=phase
>   ;p8=filter stack
>   ;p9=switch: bypass filter if set to 1
>   iAmp = ampdb(p4)
>   iNote = cpspch(p5)
>   a1 oscili iAmp,iNote,p6,p7
>   if p9=1 goto BypassFilter
>   aFlt1 tonex a1, iNote*2, p8,p7
>   outs aFlt1,aFlt1
>   goto Endlbl
> BypassFilter:
>   outs a1,a1
>   goto Endlbl
> Endlbl:
> endin
> **********
> *********
> f10 0 8192 10 1000  00  040
> ;                  Dcb   note  tbl  phase  FltrStack  BypassFilter
> i10  0.00   0.50   80    8.00  10    0       4            0
> i10   +      .      .    8.02  .     -1      .            .
> i10   +      .      .    8.04  .     -1      .            .
> i10   +      .      .    8.05  .     -1      .            .
> i10   +      .      .    8.07  .     -1      .            .
> i10   +      .      .    8.09  .     -1      .            .
> i10   +      .      .    8.11  .     -1      .            .
> i10   +      .      .    9.00  .     -1      .            .
> i10  6.00   0.50   80    8.00  10    0       4            1
> i10   +      .      .    8.02  .     -1      .            .
> i10   +      .      .    8.04  .     -1      .            .
> i10   +      .      .    8.05  .     -1      .            .
> i10   +      .      .    8.07  .     -1      .            .
> i10   +      .      .    8.09  .     -1      .            .
> i10   +      .      .    8.11  .     -1      .            .
> i10   +      .      .    9.00  .     -1      .            .
> e
>                                                              !
>                                                              !
>                                                              !

Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa28319;
          3 Feb 99 10:16 GMT
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	id 107zMV-00039S-00; Wed, 3 Feb 1999 10:16:47 +0000
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Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 04:34:32 -0600
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: re: Filter clicks revisited
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

kould add 1 portamento 2 dze f!ltr

>I posted something about this earlier but am not sure it got through
>to the list properly.  I have been having a problem with filter
>clicks where the filter cutoff-freq is made to track the pitch of
>the note.  This has been a problem particularly in legato
>passages.  Here is some sample code which illustrates what I
>mean: it plays 2 legato scales.  The first is passed through a
>filter (notice the clicks at the beginning of most of the notes).
>The second bypasses the filter  and does not click.
>I wondered whether anyone out there has run into this
>problem and could help me figure out a solution.
>Thanks to all.

Received: from xenakis.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa28386;
          3 Feb 99 10:48 GMT
From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
To: Peter.M.Traub@dartmouth.edu
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
In-reply-to: <18534223@donner.Dartmouth.EDU> (Peter.M.Traub@dartmouth.edu)
Subject: Re: sndinfo error
BCC: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
References:  <18534223@donner.Dartmouth.EDU>
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 99 10:48:23 GMT
Sender: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Source-Info:  From (or Sender) name not authenticated.

Any chance of seeing onr of the files, or at least the first 100 bytes
or so?
==John ff

Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa28403;
          3 Feb 99 10:58 GMT
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	for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
	id 10800e-0004ad-00; Wed, 3 Feb 1999 10:58:16 +0000
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	id 107zr7-0004Zj-00; Wed, 3 Feb 1999 10:48:25 +0000
From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
To: Peter.M.Traub@dartmouth.edu
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
In-reply-to: <18534223@donner.Dartmouth.EDU> (Peter.M.Traub@dartmouth.edu)
Subject: Re: sndinfo error
References:  <18534223@donner.Dartmouth.EDU>
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 99 10:48:23 GMT
Source-Info:  From (or Sender) name not authenticated.
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Any chance of seeing onr of the files, or at least the first 100 bytes
or so?
==John ff

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Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 11:03:43 +0000
From: Richard Dobson 
Organization: Composers Desktop Project
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Subject: Re: Filter clicks revisited
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Indeed, to get a true legato, you need to use the negative p3 system,
and connect both amp and freq (oscillator and filter)  with ramps. In
your orch all the amps are the same, so that potential problem is not
evident. Any instantaneous change of freq will cause a glitch, even with
even amplitude.

Richard Dobson

f1f0@m9ndfukc.com wrote:
> kould add 1 portamento 2 dze f!ltr

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