| Message written at 5 Feb 1999 12:30:31 +0000
Following the earlier message I have changed the code to comment in
and skip chunks about which it has no knowledge. This means that
Peter Traub's exampel now says
montague:~/csound> ./csound -U sndinfo ../bust.aiff
Csound Version 3.511 (Jan 31 1999)
Unknown chunk ANNO of size 13
../bust.aiff: AIFF, 40960 stereo samples, no looping
AIFF soundfile, no looping
srate 44100, stereo, 16 bit shorts, 0.93 seconds
headersiz 75, datasiz 163840 (40960 sample frames)
so perhaps things are improving. I would still like to talk to
Richard Dobson about what else is wrong here.
==John ffitch
....and in case you weonder why RWD, he lives close to me and I know
he knows about soundfile formats.
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5 Feb 99 13:52 GMT
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id 108lM4-0000mX-00; Fri, 5 Feb 1999 13:31:32 +0000
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 99 13:31:31 GMT
From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Subject: Re: sndinfo error
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
Message written at 5 Feb 1999 12:03:48 +0000
--- Copy of mail to Peter.M.Traub@dartmouth.edu ---
The SGI sound utilities say that your file is not audio as well!
There seems to be some data after the AIFF and before the COMM chunk
which I do not recognise. This seems to be an ANNO chunk, which i do
not know how to interpret. It also would appear to have an odd
length, but it is too early in the morning for me to be sure.
I suspect that Csound's AIFF code cold be made more secure.
Richard Dobson: I think I might need your help!
==John ffitch
0000000 F O R M \0 02 200 L AI F F A N N O
4f46 4d52 0200 4c80 4941 4646 4e41 4f4e
0000020 \0 \0 \0 \r a n o p h e l e s . w a
0000 0d00 6e61 706f 6568 656c 2e73 6177
0000040 v C O M M \0 \0 \0 022 \0 002 \0 \0 240 \0 \0
4376 4d4f 004d 0000 0012 0002 a000 0000
0000060 020 @ 016 254 D \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 S S N D \0
4010 ac0e 0044 0000 0000 5300 4e53 0044
0000100 002 200 \b \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0
8002 0008 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000120 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
as against
0000000 F O R M \0 241 | 316 AI F F C O M M
4f46 4d52 a100 ce7c 4941 4646 4f43 4d4d
0000020 \0 \0 \0 022 \0 002 \0 ( _ ( \0 020 @ 016 254 D
0000 1200 0200 2800 285f 1000 0e40 44ac
0000040 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 S S N D \0 241 | 250 \0 \0
0000 0000 0000 5353 444e a100 a87c 0000
0000060 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 s \0 s 177 377 177 377 177 377
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5 Feb 99 14:19 GMT
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Date: Fri, 5 Feb 99 14:05:18 GMT
From: J P Fitch
To: Richard Karpen
cc: Hans Mikelson , Csound
Subject: Re: Nested All Pass Filters
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
Richard; it sounds famili that you suggested it and I tried it, expectying
it to fail, but it seemed OK and so it is in teh code. Memory not good today,
but I will check the logs.
I may have misled Hans on this. Too much teaching, too little sleep.
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5 Feb 99 15:30 GMT
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Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 16:23:36 +0100 (MET)
From: the Physicist
Message-Id: <199902051523.QAA18383@klee.iamexwi.unibe.ch>
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: MIDI event duration
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> Hi,
> Id like to know if there is any way to get the duration of a MIDI event
> from a MIDI file from Csound itself (without MIDI2Csound...) to be used
> as a p3 field in the orchestra. Thanks in advance!
I would say that's not possible. MIDI just sends NOTE_ON, then
NOTE_OFF, no duration time. Why exactly do you need this duration time ?
For my MIDI instruments, I always use 'madsr' in combination with
instr xxy
kenvelope madsr ,,,
asignal oscil ... etc
out kenvelope*asignal
the note is turned on by the MIDI note_on event, runs through the
attack-decay cycle and stays on the volume given by sustain. It stays
there until it gets the MIDI note_off event. Then it decays for the time
given in release. Note that the instrument keeps running for the time
given in the 'xtratim' (extra time) opcode, then it's turned off.
Without the xtratim opcode, the instrument it switched off (with a
click...) as soon as it receives note_off.
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5 Feb 99 18:35 GMT
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Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 10:26:03 -0800
From: Sean Costello
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To: Josep M Comajuncosas
CC: Hans
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Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 10:26:03 -0800
From: Sean Costello
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To: Josep M Comajuncosas
CC: Hans Mikelson , Csound
Subject: Re: Nested All Pass Filters
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Josep M Comajuncosas wrote:
> Any new opcode is welcome, but I think a nested allpass filter is not enough
> generic, I think the basic idea os a delay line inside another delay line ,
> something which is not possible with the current deltap/delayw implementation,
> would be more interesting as a general tool. I suggested something like a tapw
> opcode some months ago, to inject audio signals inside a delay line, this could
> do the job, or maybe making the delayw opcode linked to a particular delayr
> unit
I think that this is what pipad did within Music 11 (I had asked about
pipad a few days ago). Too bad I don't have a PDP-11 to check things.
:) Anyway, a deltapw opcode would be very cool, as well as a deltapwi.
Sean Costello
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5 Feb 99 19:55 GMT
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Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 19:58:35 +0000
From: Richard Dobson
Organization: Composers Desktop Project
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To: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: AIFF files in sndinfo etc
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
It's an 'Annotation' chunk. There are four of these defined in the AIFF
spec (all optional, of course):
#define NameID 'NAME' /* ckID for Name Chunk */
#define AuthorID 'AUTH' /* ckID for Author Chunk */
#define CopyrightID '(c) ' /* ckID for Copyright Chunk */
#define AnnotationID 'ANNO' /* ckID for Annotation Chunk */
typedef struct {
ID ckID;
long ckSize;
char text[];
text[] is a pure ascii string, not a pascal string or a C string (ie not
necessarily null-terminated).
To which should be added, the text array will need to be an even number
of bytes. The official spec is remiss in not stating that for these
chunks, even though it is always mandated elsewhere; all AIFF chunks
must start on an even boundary.
The file as you show it is indeed wrong therefore, as it is claiming a
char length of 13. It is in any case correct practice for both WAVE and
AIFF to expect unknown chunks, and pass over them. I added this myself
for the WAVE parsing, but did not think to look at the AIFF code at the
same time.
So somewhere along the line, this file was made badly - perhasps there
is a bug is SOX?
BTW, the hex-stream as printed with the pairs byte-swapped, as for
little-endian machines, which did make just a little more difficult to
read; presumably this is just an artefact of the hex reader used?
If Csound accepts the file, given the chunk is skipped, it is now
benignly and silently accepting the odd-length chunk, which, strictly
speaking, it should reject. I think, at the least, it should print a
warning that the format is incorrect. Maybe on non-Intel platforms, it
would in any case have to be rejected.
Richard Dobson
jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:
> Message written at 5 Feb 1999 12:30:31 +0000
> Following the earlier message I have changed the code to comment in
> and skip chunks about which it has no knowledge. This means that
> Peter Traub's exampel now says
> montague:~/csound> ./csound -U sndinfo ../bust.aiff
> Csound Version 3.511 (Jan 31 1999)
> util SNDINFO:
> Unknown chunk ANNO of size 13
> ../bust.aiff: AIFF, 40960 stereo samples, no looping
> AIFF soundfile, no looping
> srate 44100, stereo, 16 bit shorts, 0.93 seconds
> headersiz 75, datasiz 163840 (40960 sample frames)
> montague:~/csound>
Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
CDP homepage: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/CDP/CDP.htm
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5 Feb 99 19:56 GMT
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Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 19:58:35 +0000
From: Richard Dobson
Organization: Composers Desktop Project
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (WinNT; I)
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: AIFF files in sndinfo etc
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
It's an 'Annotation' chunk. There are four of these defined in the AIFF
spec (all optional, of course):
#define NameID 'NAME' /* ckID for Name Chunk */
#define AuthorID 'AUTH' /* ckID for Author Chunk */
#define CopyrightID '(c) ' /* ckID for Copyright Chunk */
#define AnnotationID 'ANNO' /* ckID for Annotation Chunk */
typedef struct {
ID ckID;
long ckSize;
char text[];
text[] is a pure ascii string, not a pascal string or a C string (ie not
necessarily null-terminated).
To which should be added, the text array will need to be an even number
of bytes. The official spec is remiss in not stating that for these
chunks, even though it is always mandated elsewhere; all AIFF chunks
must start on an even boundary.
The file as you show it is indeed wrong therefore, as it is claiming a
char length of 13. It is in any case correct practice for both WAVE and
AIFF to expect unknown chunks, and pass over them. I added this myself
for the WAVE parsing, but did not think to look at the AIFF code at the
same time.
So somewhere along the line, this file was made badly - perhasps there
is a bug is SOX?
BTW, the hex-stream as printed with the pairs byte-swapped, as for
little-endian machines, which did make just a little more difficult to
read; presumably this is just an artefact of the hex reader used?
If Csound accepts the file, given the chunk is skipped, it is now
benignly and silently accepting the odd-length chunk, which, strictly
speaking, it should reject. I think, at the least, it should print a
warning that the format is incorrect. Maybe on non-Intel platforms, it
would in any case have to be rejected.
Richard Dobson
jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:
> Message written at 5 Feb 1999 12:30:31 +0000
> Following the earlier message I have changed the code to comment in
> and skip chunks about which it has no knowledge. This means that
> Peter Traub's exampel now says
> montague:~/csound> ./csound -U sndinfo ../bust.aiff
> Csound Version 3.511 (Jan 31 1999)
> util SNDINFO:
> Unknown chunk ANNO of size 13
> ../bust.aiff: AIFF, 40960 stereo samples, no looping
> AIFF soundfile, no looping
> srate 44100, stereo, 16 bit shorts, 0.93 seconds
> headersiz 75, datasiz 163840 (40960 sample frames)
> montague:~/csound>
Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
CDP homepage: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/CDP/CDP.htm
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5 Feb 99 20:01 GMT
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Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 20:03:12 +0000
From: Richard Dobson
Organization: Composers Desktop Project
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (WinNT; I)
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To: Hans Mikelson
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: Benchmarks
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
One obscure cause for this sort of problem can be a floating-point
exception due to numbers getting de-normalized or otherwise
un-representable(I forget the exact details, but it was discussed a
while back on the musidc-dsp list) - the Pentium gets completely bogged
down, and everything gets very sluggish. What sort of processor are you
Richard Dobson
Hans Mikelson wrote:
> It seems to be only Winsound but the sluggishness exists with both v3.50 and
> v3.511. I'm running Win95 on this system. Other programs I have tried do
> not show such sluggishness as far as I can tell. A virus scan did not turn
> up anything. I'll have to try and find some type of tune up utility and see
> if I can figure out what's wrong. Anyone else having problems?
> Bye,
> Hans Mikelson
Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
CDP homepage: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/CDP/CDP.htm
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5 Feb 99 20:06 GMT
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Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 20:09:00 +0000
From: Richard Dobson
Organization: Composers Desktop Project
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (WinNT; I)
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MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Josep M Comajuncosas
CC: Csound
Subject: Re: Nested All Pass Filters
References: <002101be50b5$02e4bc00$ae99170c@default> <36BAC195.11AA5B96@intercom.es>
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
A nested allpass filter is a specific component for Gardner-style reverb
algorithms (ref Hans' own Csound examples), and as such I think it would
be an extremely valuable addition to Csound, generic or not. I for one
would use it a lot! An allpass filter is in any case not directly
equateable to a delay line, as the allpass has extra things to do.
Which is not to say that nested delay-lines might not be fun things to
have too...
Richard Dobson
Josep M Comajuncosas wrote:
> Any new opcode is welcome, but I think a nested allpass filter is not enough
> generic, I think the basic idea os a delay line inside another delay line ,
> something which is not possible with the current deltap/delayw implementation,
> would be more interesting as a general tool. I suggested something like a tapw
> opcode some months ago, to inject audio signals inside a delay line, this could
> do the job, or maybe making the delayw opcode linked to a particular delayr
> unit, something like
Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
CDP homepage: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/CDP/CDP.htm
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5 Feb 99 20:59 GMT
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From: Grant Covell
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: stereo panning strategies...
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 15:56:22 -0500
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A while back (4 months?), folks sent out various strategies for stereo
panning: using part of a sine curve & using sqrt, etc. Could folks either
repost their strategies or send 'em offline? I'm trying out a couple of
things and most don't seem satisfying, so I wanted to check with what others
have done.
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5 Feb 99 22:50 GMT
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Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 22:39:23 +0100
From: Josep M Comajuncosas
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To: the Physicist
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: MIDI event duration
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the Physicist wrote:
> I would say that's not possible. MIDI just sends NOTE_ON, then
> NOTE_OFF, no duration time.
I meant from a midi file, not from incoming midi events.
> Why exactly do you need this duration time ?
I needed it to make the release time of the envelope dependent on the not=
duration. Longer note -> longer release.
> For my MIDI instruments, I always use 'madsr' in combination with
> 'xtratim':
Hmm thanks for the idea. I=B4ve not worked too much with the MIDI opcodes=
and I
didn=B4t knew anything about xtratim. Nice idea to use it!
Josep M Comajuncosas
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From: Hans Mikelson
To: Csound
Subject: Re: Nested All Pass Filters
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 18:13:21 -0600
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I think if I go with what I've got it should be compatible if I decide to
make it k-rate as long as I include an imaxdelay parameter.
Hans Mikelson
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Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 16:09:04 -0800
Subject: Panning Example for Grant Covell
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This is how I pan my sample based instruments:
; pan.orc
; illustrates panning using a sine wave function
; Prent Rodgers
; from the Csound list, of unknown origin
sr = 44100
ksmps = 10
kr = 4410
nchnls = 2
instr 1
iamp = ampdb(p4)
kamp linseg .0001,.0001*p3,iamp,p3*.9749,iamp,.025*p3,.0001
; panning method:
kpanl tablei p5/16, 4, 1
kpanr tablei 1.0 - p5/16, 4, 1
; make a sound - just to show the effect
aboth oscil kamp, 4500, 1
; spread it out as shown in the score input file
outs aboth * kpanl ,aboth * kpanr
; pan.sco
f1 0 1024 21 1 ; Uniform (white noise)
f4 0 1025 9 .25 1 0 ;The first quadrant of a sine for panning
;Inst Start Dur Vel Stereo
i1 1 .333 90 16
i1 + . . >
i1 . . . >
i1 . . . >
i1 . . . >
i1 . . . >
i1 . . . >
i1 . . . >
i1 . . . 0
i1 . . . <
i1 . . . <
i1 . . . <
i1 . . . <
i1 . . . <
i1 . . . <
i1 . . . 16
Prent Rodgers
IBM Corporation
Seattle, WA
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To: Grant Covell ,
liste CSound
Subject: Re: stereo panning strategies...
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Grant Covell wrote:
> A while back (4 months?), folks sent out various strategies for stereo
> panning: using part of a sine curve & using sqrt, etc. Could folks either
> repost their strategies or send 'em offline? I'm trying out a couple of
> things and most don't seem satisfying, so I wanted to check with what others
> have done.
I ak myself the same question few days ago and it's what I've found. It works
at i-rate as well.
The tables are designed graphically with Open Music.
;p4 = amp tab
;p5 = freq tab
;p6 = nb harmonics
;p7 = lowest harmonic
;p8 = harmonics amp rate factor tab (1 => equal rate for all harmonics)
;f9 = cosine tab
;f3 = pan tab
;f10= rev tab
instr 1
itabamp = 4
itabfreq = 5
itabharmamprate = 8
kamp oscil1i 0,p4,p3,itabamp
kfreq oscil1i 0,p5,p3,itabfreq
knbharm = p6
klowharm = p7
kharmamprate oscil1i 0,p8,p3,itabharmamprate
kpan oscil1i 0,1,p3,3 ;p3=dur, pantab=3
idel = .005
kdclic linseg 0, idel,1, p3-(100*idel),1,idel,0
asig gbuzz kamp, kfreq, knbharm, klowharm, kharmamprate, 9
outs asig*kdclic*kpan, asig*kdclic*(1-kpan)
f 4 0 1024 7
10000 1024 10000
f 5 0 1024 7
115.0 51 105.5941 51 105.0 52 105.495 51 106.3861 51 107.4752 51 108.0693 51
109.1584 52 111.7327 51 113.2178 51 113.7129 51 113.8119 51 113.7129 52
109.8515 51 109.4554 51 109.4554 51 110.0495 51 112.3267 52 113.6139 51
114.604 51 115.0
;harmonics decrease rate
f 8 0 1024 7
0 51 40 51 139 52 267 51 495 51 554 51 554 51 515 52 129 51 119 51 129 51 178
51 327 52 584 51 693 51 752 51 861 51 950 52 1000 51 941 51 0
;cosinus wave
f 9 0 16385 11
1 1
;pan table
f 3 0 4096 7
1.0 205 0.9604 205 0.8614 204 0.7327 205 0.505 205 0.4455 205 0.4455 205
0.4851 204 0.8713 205 0.8812 205 0.8713 205 0.8218 205 0.6733 204 0.4158 205
0.3069 205 0.2475 205 0.1386 205 0.0495 204 0.0 205 0.0594 205 1.0
;p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8
i 1 0 10 3000 64 128 1 0.95
i 1 0 10 3000 64.032 128 1 0.95
i 1 0 10 3000 64.064 128 1 0.95
i 1 0 10 3000 64.096 128 1 0.95
i 1 0 10 3000 64.128 128 1 0.95
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6 Feb 99 1:49 GMT
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From: Michael Gogins
To: Grant Covell , csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Subject: Re: stereo panning strategies...
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 20:43:46 -0500
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; Constant-power pan.
; x location ranges from hard left = -1 through center = 0 to hard right =
; Angle of pan ranges from hard left = - pi / 2 through center = 0 to hard
right = pi / 2.
ix = p7
iangle = ix * 3.14159265359 / 2.0
ileftpan = sqrt(2.0) / 2.0 * (cos(iangle) + sin(iangle))
irightpan = sqrt(2.0) / 2.0 * (cos(iangle) - sin(iangle))
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6 Feb 99 5:18 GMT
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Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 23:33:44 -0600
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: re : Call for the 1999 Leonardo sub+m!ss!on
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>From: Guy Van Belle
>Please forward this message to appropriate lists...
naturlment. !nvoke odr l!f 4rmz 2 prfrm dze konglomerat funkt!on
>From: Guy Van Belle
>Subject: final call
>Date: Thu, Feb 4, 1999, 4:04 PM
>Call for the 1999 Leonardo Music Journal CD
>Title: "Converted to Streaming Between Machines"
>Deadline: March 1st 1999.
final Call for addtl subm!ss!onz ov !nkompetent subm!ss!v data 4 1 addtl
korporat zponzord galla
1 Dead line
To: soundhack@shoko.calarts.edu
=46rom: antiorp@tezcat.com (=3Dcw4t7abs)
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>I do know that Leonardo has a reputation promoting hi-res art,
Leonardo hi-res art =3D 1 organ!szd korporat fasc!zt rout!n.
modl c!t!znz =3D po!nt !ndecz f!ngr at dze
armd forsez part!s!pantz ztat!ng dze! =3D 0 al1.
+ dze s!nkron!szd movement =3D desp!kabl.
ou! ma!z dze desp!kabl s!nkron!szd movement =3D
thankx 2 dze desp!kabl s!nkron!szd movement ov
modl c!t!zenz.
1 modl c!t!zn =3D l!ttl mor dzen 1 armd forsez part!s!pant.
l!zten!ng 2 komerc!alz on 0+1 shortwave tranz!ztor [c]
+ thankx 2 eSSo 1 =3D dr!vez all w!thout 0-1 kare on dze autostrada
2 dreamz.
4get h!rosh!ma. 4get auschv!tz. budapezt
4get v!etnam 4get dze hous!ng prblm dze fam!ne .
4get tout eczept
korporateroute du sud [k]
!ns!de lav!shl! dekoratd zupermarketz
- paranteza _ dekoratd w!th d!zf!gurd bod!ez ov l!fe 4rmz.
zelekt 1nz l!ve st!ll awa!t!ng 1 modl c!t!zen.z des!j!on
2 k!ll + d!sf!gure all dze wh!le addtl modl c!t!zenz
pass!ng b! !n 4mat!on - mor !ntr!gued b! dze SALE
plakardz dzen dze amalgam ov dead bod!ez.
zpeak!ng =3D 1 rezurektjon !n relat!on 2 l!fe.
1 =3D lernz 2 speak when 1 =3D abandond l!fe 4 0+1 t!me
1 error =3D 1 zubt!l l!e
truth =3D prezent !n error
hensz kant hegel + deutsche f!lozof!e
kont!ngent truthz + nesessar! truthz =3D konztrukt l!fe
dze oval portra!t
zpeak az though kuot!ng truth
4rom 1936 2 1998 =3D but 1 ztep
4rom 1936 2 emf =3D but 1 ztep
4rom 1936 2 leonardo =3D but 1 ztep
4rom 1936 2 d!sz =3D but 1 ztep
re+read od!sse! lazt n!ght
alwa!z th!nk ov ul!sez long!ng 2 return 2 penelope ma!s.
he =3D made h!z vo!aj lazt az long az posz!bl
ever! morn!ng 2 earn m! da!l! bread
! go 2 dze market where dze! bu! l!ez
+ full ov hope
! get !n l!ne w!th dze peddlerz
hol!wood. be be.
>Just to let you know that I like the interface you did for Thonk!
4 2 4
=3D !ns!gn!f!kant obzervat!on
>btw _ I am appointed "curator" for the LMJ cd in 99
> they want me to do something nice with it &
> I want to apply the open source initiatives to culture
1zt prm!t zom1 2 po!nt out.
what du =3D zpeak ov opn sorsz !=3D opn sorsz.
due 2 numerouz opn sorsz projektz =3D
kap!tal!zt!k | fasc!zt!k projektz
zpnzord b! kap!tal!zt!k | fasc!zt!k konglomeratez
hensz opn source =3D 1 addtl st!kr.labl.!ns!gn!a
plaszd upon 1 addtl fasch!on movement.
=3Dcw4t7abs al!gnz w!th 0 aktual movement.
=3Dcw4t7abs al!gnz w!th 0 aktual pozerz + zlavez.
kouardz kl!ng 2 l!fe
>I want to apply the open source initiatives to culture
1 addtl pozr rout!n embel!shd !n ke!verdz =3D born
data output =3D refuze. =3D 1 shortkut 2 elokuensz.
> so what I want to suggest, do you want to contribute
> with a free version of some of your software and some of your music?
2nd prm!t zom1 2 po!nt 1 !ndecz at fakt
=3Dcw4t7abs !=3D zupportd b! kap!tal!zt!k | fasc!zt!k grantz
|| z!mlr job t!pe job zlave poz!t!onz.
kouardz kl!ng 2 l!fe
antvort =3D non. =3D refusz.
w!ll not kontr!but 2 1 korporat zponzord konglomerat
outputt!ng addtl unventfl refuze !n2 dze b!tztream
> so what I want to suggest,
+ m z!mpl! tezt!ng suggezt!on.
kouardz kl!ng 2 l!fe
>I am just checking out the people whose work I like and to see whether
>they are willing to contribute.
!f hav t!me w!ll do tzo. 9 .
!f hav t!me w!ll do tzo =3D l!e.
[ 1 error =3D 1 zubt!l l!e
truth =3D prezent !n error
hensz kant hegel + deutsche f!lozof!e
!f hav des!re 2 do tzo w!ll do tzo.
abr =3D d!ff 2 lokate 1 rzn 2 des!re 2
kontr!bute 2 dzat wh!ch opposez l!beratd l!fe energ!e.
kouardz kl!ng 2 l!fe
>I do know that Leonardo has a reputation promoting hi-res art, but look,
>they asked me to take over because of the noise & mess I make - so?
promoting hi-res art - du =3D mean _ dze grant zupportd ultra
fasc!zt pozr konglomerate _+ 3rd - perm!t zom1 2 vom!t.
\\ humanzsukc++
--- az dze slavez prepare 2 subm!t 2 leonardo. =3D desp!kabl. u + u + u
kouardz kl!ng 2 l!fe =3D desp!kabl
1nz dez!rez portd 2 v!ndouz nt =3D desp!kabl
1nz l!fe movement portd 2 v!ndouz nt =3D desp!kabl
ever! morn!ng 2 earn m! da!l! bread
! go 2 dze market where dze! bu! l!ez
+ full ov hope
! get !n l!ne w!th dze peddlerz
mepr!z . mepr!z . mepr!z .
ma!z du muzt not dezpa!r. 4 leonardo + l!kew!ze konglomeratz
=3D shall zurv!v + thr!v ____... at dze eczpensz ov l!beratd l!f energ!e
|abs| - krvava gruda-plodna zemlja
punKtproTokol[4'7c m9ndfukc.macht.fre! < hTtp://`-0v38'8 08438c83x0;7=
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Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 09:36:37 +0100
From: Gabriel Maldonado
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To: Hans Mikelson
CC: Csound
Subject: Re: Nested All Pass Filters
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If k-rate parameters are intended to be changed continuously, I higly recommend to use
a-rate parameters for delay, to avoid clicks and noise when kr != sr. I have direct
experience of this problem when I implemented the flanger opcode: in the first version I
used k-rate parm for delay, and the result was very noisy. Also, using k-rate values
makes it impossible to obtain a delay feedback time lower than 1/kr seconds.
Hans Mikelson wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a version of nested all pass filters working but it only allows
> i-rate parameters and no initial delay. If I make the parameters k-rate the
> cannot be optional as far as I know.
> aout nestedap asig, imode, idelay1, igain1 [, idelay2, igain2, idelay3,
> igain3]
> If I do it k-rate it would be something like:
> aout nestedap asig, kdelay1, kgain1, kdelay2, kgain2, kdelay3, kgain3,
> kpredelay, imode, imaxdelay
> It seems like a lot of paramters to include all the time and it may take a
> while to get going. I could go with what I have and write nestedapk1,
> nestedapk2, nestedapk3 later. Any suggestions?
> Bye,
> Hans Mikelson
Gabriel Maldonado
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Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 02:48:04 -0500 (EST)
From: Kevin Gallagher
X-Sender: kgallagh@typhoon.ocis.temple.edu
To: Csound Discussion List
Subject: chanctrl
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Does anybody know how to properly use the chanctrl opcode?
I've been getting by using midictrl until now, and I find that midictrl
causes all strings (of my guitar synth) to default to channel 1 when a
bank change is implemented (each string should have its own channel,
corresponding to midi channels 1-6 and instr 1-6, right?) Anyway, I
thought a good workaround would be chanctrl, so I looked in the manual and
tried using it. But I get "no legal opcode" messages for those lines. I
am using Gabriel Maldonado's DirectSound 2.6, which uses Csound version
3.511. Here is my csd file:
-+* -+X1 -+K -m0 -+O -b100
instr 1
icps1 cpsmidi
ibank1 chanctrl 1, 0
ifcn1=(ibank1=0 ? 1 : 2)
a1 oscil 10000, icps1, ifcn1
out a1
instr 2
icps1 cpsmidi
ibank2 chanctrl 2, 0
ifcn2=(ibank2=0 ? 2 : 1)
a2 oscil 10000, icps2, ifcn2
out a2
f1 0 1024 10 1
f2 0 1024 10 1 .5 .333 .25 .2 .167 .143 .125 .111 .1 .09 .063
f0 600
I'm interested to hear what anybody else can offer in the way of
solutions, especially other Roland GR30 guitar synth users.
Kevin Gallager, kgallagh@astro.temple.edu
Web - http://astro.temple.edu/~kgallagh
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Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 11:18:56 +0100
From: David Cortes Provencio
Reply-To: dcproven@ieee.org
Organization: D.C.P. Soft & Music
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To: Csound List
Subject: [off-topic]PhD
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Sorry for this off-topic but I am looking for info and Universities with
a PhD program in Computer Music (or Computer Science with computer
music), a previous message had a link to computer music studies around
the world but seems to be more music oriented than computer.
Reply privately if you don't want to use bandwith of csound list.
Thanks in advance
| D. C. P. |
| S O F T & M U S I C |
| David Cort=E9s Provencio |
|<< mailto:dcproven@ieee.org>> |
|http://www.ctv.es/USERS/dcproven |