| Is anyone using CSound in Realtime on a PC?
Is this even possible?
If yes, what should I use as a "device name" for my DAC and for my MIDI in?
If it's not possible under Win95, is it possible under LINUX?
Philippe Caya
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Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 15:09:55 -0300
To: Philippe Caya , csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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From: "Lic. Pablo Sotuyo Blanco"
Subject: Re: Realtime CSound with MIDI on PC
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At 10:39 10/05/98 -0400, Philippe Caya wrote:
>Is anyone using CSound in Realtime on a PC?
Yes... I do (among others ;))
>Is this even possible?
Of course...
>If yes, what should I use as a "device name" for my DAC and for my MIDI in?
Mr. Gabriel Maldonado has developed a
wonderful version of RealTime Midi CSound for PC ... Please get in touch
with him.
>Philippe Caya
Lic.Pablo Sotuyo Blanco
Compositor / Composer =20
Interprete de Corno Frances / French Horn Player=20
4=BA Corno de la Banda Sinfonica Municipal de Montevideo /=20
4th French Horn of the Montevideo City Hall Symphonic Band
Luppo Music (Sounds & Casuals) Editor
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Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 20:14:31 +0100
From: Richard Dobson
Organization: Composers Desktop project
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To: Csound
Subject: Re: timbre shift
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This is, for better or worse, rather a large topic! Several primary
questions immediately arise:
How different are the two target sounds?
How much does each sound change over time?
What is the definition of the 'middle sound'?
For example, what is the middle sound between a violin scale and a siren,
or a flute and a bell?
Do you want the sound to be 'technically' in the middle (such as the
continuous difference of the two spectra), or, somehow, 'intuitively' in
the middle?
For example, intuitively, the middle sound between a cello and a violin
might be a viola, but technically it might be something that is neither
cello, violin nor viola.
All the research I have read on this topic suggests that there is not a
simple linear timbral relationship betweeen two sounds; rather, sounds
live in a 'timbre-space' which is at least three-dimensional.
[extend neck]
So far as I can tell, there are as yet no definitive or conclusive answers
to any of these questions! It may also,be that in principle such a middle
sound cannot be found in real-time, as the algorithm would need to look
ahead to sound which has yet to arrive.
[withdraw neck again]
Richard Dobson
Qian Chen wrote:
> Hi,
> There was something wrong in my previous message
> > I think there will be 3 conditions:
> > sampled sound 1-> middle timbre sampled sound -> sampled sound 2
> > sound generated by Csound -> sampled sound
> > sampled sound -> sound generated by Csound
> should be
> 1. sampled sound 1-> middle timbre -> sampled sound 2
> 2. sound generated by Csound -> middle timbre -> sampled sound
> 3. sampled sound -> middle timbre -> sound generated by Csound
> What I would like to add is that the _sampled sound_ should have been
> sampled and exists on the hard disk, while _sound generated by Csound_
> is the sound generated dynamically by Csound, which means this sound
> does not exists on the hard disk.
> Sorry for disturbing you again.
> ==
> Qian Chen
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Date: Mon, 11 May 98 10:34:45 BST
From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Subject: Undocumented facility, anyone use?
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Message written at 11 May 1998 09:32:43 +0100
reading the sources of Csound, a habit I really must break, I noticed
that at least in some cases the character 'c' starts a comment as well
as ';', but I cannot find this in teh documentation. Actually i
wanted to use 'c' for a new facility in the score, (which would make
writing my latest work easier), but then I do not want to destroy
previously running scores.
Does anyone know about this, or use it? If it has no real existence I
will release my newer score-reader with c meaning something else.
Advice please.
==John ffitch
PS I realise that the [] and changes to \ break some old scores. I
have an untested fix for that here.