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ANNOUNCEMENT: CsoundVST and the vst4cs Opcodes available again (on Linux)

Date2018-07-30 14:59
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectANNOUNCEMENT: CsoundVST and the vst4cs Opcodes available again (on Linux)
Recently I was sent a Digital Millenium Copyright Act takedown notice
for the vst4cs/src directory in csound-extended, and the core Csound
developers also were sent this notice.

This happened because one of Steinberg's VST SDK files had been
renamed and incorporated into the Csound vst4cs opcode sources (before
I became involved).

I and the Csound developers have complied with the notice. The VST
features are no longer hosted or maintained in the Csound git
repository or in the csound-extended repository.

However, having obtained new licenses from Steinberg for the VST SDKs,
I am now hosting a "freeware" version of CsoundVST and the vst4cs
opcodes as Linux binaries. You can download them from here:


These seem to work just fine with the current version of Csound (API
version 4) on Ubuntu 17. I have not tried to test them on any other

Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com

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