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Date2018-02-01 21:16
FromMichael Gogins
As you know a number of components previously maintained in the Csound
repository at https://github.com/csound/csound have been moved to
external repositories.

My share of these components may now be found in a new Github
repository maintained by me at
https://github.com/gogins/csound-extended. For more information on its
contents, view the README.md there.

At this time, I have released a beta version of the programs and
libraries in csound-extended (including a build of Csound itself which
is synchronized with the Csound repository) for Ubuntu 17.10, as well
as an updated, signed version of the Csound for Android app (also
published to the Google Play Store). This is a pre-release version and
should only be installed locally (i.e., in your home directory or in

Building from source _should_ be simple: clone the repository and run
the build script.

Please send any bug reports, comments, or suggestions to me.


Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com

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