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Manipulating f-rate phase "signals"

Date2017-08-04 14:26
From"Jeanette C."
SubjectManipulating f-rate phase "signals"
pvsifd creates both an amplitude and frequency f-sig output and a phase f-sig 
output. Is there a way to coherently manipulate both and then create a track 
from them?

For example: I tried pvscale/pvshift on both signals, the resultant partial 
track is silent. Only scaling the amp/freq f-sig also generates a silent 
partial track.

There's good reason not to use pitchshifting on the partial track itself, 
since both amplitudes and phases should be manipulated by hand based on some 
pitchshifted signals, effectively performing a sort of spectral pitchtracking 
filter/eq and phase shift/change.

Best wishes,


* website: http://juliencoder.de - for summer is a state of sound
* SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/jeanette_c

... About some useless information,
Supposed to fire my imagination <3
(Britney Spears)

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