| Hey hey,
it appears that I have a problem with my spat3d setup or the global signal
routing, although the latter is unlikely. I'm trying to create B-format audio
in different instruments, pass the W, X, Y and Z signals through global
variables to another instrument which decodes them to stereo. I believe my
room parameters table is dysfunctional, though I can't see why. Perhaps
someone can point out the error of my ways?
Thanks and best wishes, (CSD is below)
*** space.csd ***
-o space.wav -W
; ==============================================
sr = 48000
ksmps = 1
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
gaw init 0
gax init 0
gay init 0
gaz init 0
gift ftgen 0, 0, 64, -2, \
18, 0, 1.15, -1, 1, -1, \
1, 5, .01, .7, 1, .7071, 0, \
1, 1.5, .01, .2, .8, .8, 1, \
1, 5, .02, .45, 1, .7071, 0, \
1, 10, .02, .4, .8, .6, 2, \
1, 6, .01, .5, 1, .7071, 0, \
1, 6, .01, .5, 1, .7071, 0
instr 1
kaenv linseg 1, .5, 0, p3-.5, 0
a1 oscil kaenv, p4, 1
aw, ax, ay, az spat3d a1, -3, 3, 1, 1, 0, 3, 3.0, 2
gaw += aw
gax += ax
gay += ay
gaz += az
instr 2
kaenv expseg 1, .7, .0001, p3-.7, .0001
a1 vco2 kaenv, p4, 0, .5
aw, ax, ay, az spat3d a1, 3, -3, 1, 1, gift, 3, 3.0, 2
gaw += aw
gax += ax
gay += ay
gaz += az
instr 3
;afld, aflu, abld, ablu, abld, ablu, afrd, afru bformdec1 5, gaw, gax, gay, gaz
al, ar bformdec1 1, gaw, gax, gay, gaz
outs al, ar
gaw = 0
gax = 0
gay = 0
gaz = 0
; ==============================================
f1 0 32768 10 1
i1 0 1 220
i1 1 . 330
i1 2 . 440
i1 3 . 660
i1 4 . 440
i1 5 . 330
i1 6 . 220
i2 .5 1 660
i2 1.5 . 440
i2 2.5 . 330
i2 3.5 . 220
i2 4.5 . 330
i2 5.5 . 440
i2 6.5 . 660
i3 0 8
*** space.csd ***
* website: http://juliencoder.de - for summer is a state of sound
* SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/jeanette_c
'Cause living in a dream of you and me
Is not the way my life should be... <3
(Britney Spears)
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