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Call for SOLO

Date2017-07-10 18:16
FromEnrico Francioni <00000005323c8739-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>
SubjectCall for SOLO





apeSoft (http://www.apesoft.it/) together with Enrico Francioni (the author
of the Csound code of the SOLO [Nr.19] app) cast a selection for the
realization / interpretation of a Version of SOLO (for melody instrument
with feedback) by K.Stockhausen, made with the SOLO [Nr.19] app.
Selected realizations / interpretations will be used as DEMO versions within
the SOLO [Nr.19] app.
The selection is open to interpreters of any nationality without age limits.
It is possible to participate with one realization / interpretation by
choosing between the Six Versions (FORM-SCHEMES) provided by the author;
Particular attention is given to Versions III, IV, V and VI.
It is also possible to participate in the selection both individually and in
pairs for the same work.
In the latter case the two roles will be distinguished in:
- a developer (who will curate the score sheet of the chosen Version) and
- an interpreter (who will take care of the execution of the same).
The best realizations / interpretations will be selected by a Commission,
whose judgment is unquestionable.
It is possible to participate with realizations / interpretations made for
any solo instrument (acoustic, electric, or electronic), or solo voice (any
text should be of public domain, if not, the written statement of the author
or the holder of the Copyright for use, to be attached to the documentation
in .pdf format).

In order to participate, you must send the following material in a
compressed folder by WeTransfer to the address: francioni61021@libero.it
(with your name and last name) by 23:59 on 30 April 2018:

1. The score of its own realization of the chosen version of SOLO, conceived
following the author's directions strictly; The score should be in .pdf
format and made with a music writer, or even manuscript, but clearly
legible; The document must indicate the number of the chosen Version and the
name / surname of the developer;

2. The audio file (in .mp3 format, costant bit rate, 192 kb/s, monoaural) of
the instrumental / vocal part of the performed interpretation (the audio
track - which is the input signal - may be already enriched with the
instrumental / vocal Timbres or electronic effects following the score of
the version produced) - this monoaural file will be included as the input
signal in the DEMO of the SOLO [Nr.19] app in the event that the realization
/ interpretation is selected;

3. The audio file of its own realization / interpretation (in .wav or .aif
format, 44.1 kHz, 16bit, stereo), including Perforations and any other
Timbres (FX) available in the SOLO [Nr.19] app; Reverbs can be applied at

4. The Script (in .txt format) of the effects (FX) possibly applied to your
Version for SOLO [Nr.19] app;

5. A short note (in .txt format) of 100-word (max), which summarizes the
salient features of its own realization / interpretation;

6. An artistic curriculum (in .txt format) of 200 words (max) in English and
an interpreter's photo (in .jpg format). In the case of work done in pairs,
double documentation is required.

7. The documentation (in pdf) attesting to the purchase of the SOLO [Nr.19]
In the case of work in pairs it is sufficient to submit only one proof of
purchase of the app.

- the monoaural audio files of the selected Versions will be inserted as
DEMO in the SOLO [Nr.19] app, for a minimum of one year starting December
31, 2018;
- in the user manual of the SOLO [Nr.19] app will appear the photo and the
artistic curriculum of the selected developers / interpreters;
- the developers / interpreters of the selected Versions will be invited to
perform their work live by December 31, 2019.

By participating in the selection, candidates accept this Regulation
The result of the selection will be announced by September 30, 2018.

For info: francioni61021@libero.it or at https://www.facebook.com/SOLO.Nr19/

* You can download the DEMO version of the SOLO [Nr.19] app - for iPad,
iPhone, iPod -
Where the first three Cycles of the Six Versions are active and only then
buy the full app on one of the following pages:
- http://www.apesoft.it/
- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/solo-nr.19/id884781236?ls=1&mt=8
- or directly to Apple's App Store


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