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Shimmer reverb and controlled feedback loop

Date2017-06-15 18:06
From"Jeanette C."
SubjectShimmer reverb and controlled feedback loop
Hey hey,
after some investigation I found one method of creating a shimmer reverb, 
based on the principle of an outboard effect.

input into reverb into pitchshifter (up one octave) back into reverb.

The feedback loop of reverb and pitchshifter creates a few problems though. 
Whatever I do, it very quickly goes into distortion. With that, I can't even 
think about freezing that sort of reverb. :(

Any ideas on how to control/limit the feedback procedure?

Best wishes,


When you need someone, you just turn around and I will be there <3

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Date2017-06-15 18:16
SubjectRe: Shimmer reverb and controlled feedback loop
On Thu, 15 Jun 2017, Jeanette C. wrote:
> The feedback loop of reverb and pitchshifter creates a few problems though.
> Whatever I do, it very quickly goes into distortion. With that, I can't even
> think about freezing that sort of reverb. :(
> Any ideas on how to control/limit the feedback procedure?

Can you do the shimmer and freezing in two steps?

One reverb/pitch-shift/feedback with the feedback less than 1, set up to
create the shimmer effect with a moderate to long decay, not "frozen."
Output of that into a second reverb with the feedback at 1, no pitch
shift, set up for the "freeze" effect you've already got working.

Date2017-06-15 21:54
FromIain McCurdy
SubjectRe: Shimmer reverb and controlled feedback loop

I would recommend building the FDN reverb (which is what reverbsc is) from first principles, i.e. a load of parallel comb and lowpass filters. You can then place the pitch shifter within the reverb's internal feedback loop and you shouldn't have the same problems with overloading. If you need an example, let me know.


From: A discussion list for users of Csound <CSOUND@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE> on behalf of Jeanette C. <julien@MAIL.UPB.DE>
Sent: 15 June 2017 17:06
Subject: [Csnd] Shimmer reverb and controlled feedback loop
Hey hey,
after some investigation I found one method of creating a shimmer reverb,
based on the principle of an outboard effect.

input into reverb into pitchshifter (up one octave) back into reverb.

The feedback loop of reverb and pitchshifter creates a few problems though.
Whatever I do, it very quickly goes into distortion. With that, I can't even
think about freezing that sort of reverb. :(

Any ideas on how to control/limit the feedback procedure?

Best wishes,


When you need someone, you just turn around and I will be there <3

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Date2017-06-15 22:43
From"Jeanette C."
SubjectRe: Shimmer reverb and controlled feedback loop
Hey hey,
I now have a working UDO of a reverb with controlled shimmer and freeze. The 
only thing that is worrying me slightly, is that stopping the freeze resuylts 
in a slight pop, eventhough I faded the feedback of reverbsc down to zero.

Unfortunately, I don't have access to my site right now, so an upload will 
have to wait until that's fixed.

Thanks to all, who participated in the freezing and shimmering discussions and 
pointed me into possible directions.

Best wishes,


When you need someone, you just turn around and I will be there <3

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