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Some questions for Csound users and developers about the future of the Csound Windows installer

Date2017-06-12 01:44
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectSome questions for Csound users and developers about the future of the Csound Windows installer
Just now I have built the core of Csound plus most utilities and many
plugin opcodes with Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015. Thanks to
Stephen Kyne, Steven Yi, and others for moving this forward.

For the next release of Csound, I would like to build the Windows
installer using Visual Studio. This would among other things make it
easier to set up the build, easier to debug Csound, and easier to
integrate Csound with NW.js, node.js, CsoundQt, and other such
systems. In the near future it should be possible for a new release
tag to simply show up in the releases as a finished, tested installer.

However, over the years I have made it a point to cram as many
features, front ends, and whatnot into the Windows installer as
possible. Now may be a good time to consider what really needs to be
in there. (Please note, not being in the Windows installer does NOT
mean not being in the Csound Git repository!)

I will continue to provide CsoundVST and the vst4cs opcodes on my own
Web site. I also plan to keep the csound.node addon for NW.js and the
Ableton Live opcodes.

But what about --

(1) The FluidSynth opcodes? Do you ever use them, or not?
(2) The Java interfaces? Do you ever use them, or not?
(3) The LuaJIT opcodes? Do you ever use them, or not?
(4) The CsoundAC algorithmic composition system? Do you ever use it,
or not? If nobody but me ever uses it, I may move it to my own
(5) The STK (C++) opcodes? Do you ever use them, or not?
(6) The CsoundQt "front end" for running Csound? Do you ever use it,
or not? If so, do you get it from the CsoundQt repo or from the Csound
(7) The linear algebra opcodes? Do you ever use them, or not?
(8) The FLTK widgets? Do you ever use them, or not?

Please comment on the above or any other issues for the Windows installer.


Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com

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