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Re: New pieces

Date2017-05-16 07:47
FromAndrea Strappa
SubjectRe: New pieces
"Naive-complex": get musical figures by rhythmical-corporeal-human gestures.
Csound and Cubase have not human body. The result is mechanical (probably 
you want it).

"Horizons-Hymn". There's a good spacialization and integration of elements.
The perfect repetition of some element introduces a thin obsession and 
rigidity (probably you want it).
All the best
Andrea S.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "orebronerd" 
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] New pieces

A comment on the discussion: I mostly listen to music for sound and
composition inspiration. The technical side you can solve in so many
different ways, especially with such a rich program as csound.
A comment on the code, before anyone else does: In the example above, the
outer loop really doesn´t matter, since the timing is all random. You can
just increase the number on the inner loop, and you get the same effect.
Here is a more rhythmical example where the outer loop makes sense:

sr = 44100
ksmps = 1
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1

gisine ftgen 0,0,2^16,10,1, 0.04,0.01,0.01 ;Slightly modified sine wave, so
you hear the individual notes better.
seed 1

instr 1 ;instr 1 is mostly 2 loops that call instr 10.
loop2: ;outer loop for fattening the sound
index =0
loop: ;inner loop that creates a simple rhythm
itime = index2 ;creates a simple rhythm
iadd random 0,0.1 ;adds som random to the timing.
itime = itime+iadd  ;combines the timing so you get a sloppy timing.
idur = 0.15
ifreq  random 440,460     ;base note
iamp random 0.2,0.25
ipan random 0.1,0.9
event_i "i",10,itime,idur,ifreq,iamp,ipan  ;base note
loop_lt index,1,10,loop     ; the counter should be increased if you make a
longer note
loop_lt index2,1,8,loop2    ;the counter should be increased if you want a
fuller sound

instr 10
asig poscil p5,p4,gisine
kenv linseg 0,0.04,1,p3-0.14,1,0.1,0 ;envelope
asig = asig*kenv
outs asig*p6,asig*(1-p6) ;p6 is a random pan number

;f 0 10
;t 0 60
i 1 0 10

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Date2017-05-16 14:55
FromAaron Krister Johnson
SubjectRe: New pieces
Andrea Strappa,

I'm curious where we can hear your Csound music, which I can only assume avoids any and all pitfalls such as sounding mechanical, 'thin obsession' (whatever that is) and rigidity? ;)


Aaron Krister Johnson

On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 1:47 AM, Andrea Strappa <a_strappa@tin.it> wrote:
"Naive-complex": get musical figures by rhythmical-corporeal-human gestures.
Csound and Cubase have not human body. The result is mechanical (probably you want it).

"Horizons-Hymn". There's a good spacialization and integration of elements.
The perfect repetition of some element introduces a thin obsession and rigidity (probably you want it).
All the best
Andrea S.

----- Original Message ----- From: "orebronerd" <martino.flodino@GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] New pieces

A comment on the discussion: I mostly listen to music for sound and
composition inspiration. The technical side you can solve in so many
different ways, especially with such a rich program as csound.
A comment on the code, before anyone else does: In the example above, the
outer loop really doesn´t matter, since the timing is all random. You can
just increase the number on the inner loop, and you get the same effect.
Here is a more rhythmical example where the outer loop makes sense:

sr = 44100
ksmps = 1
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1

gisine ftgen 0,0,2^16,10,1, 0.04,0.01,0.01 ;Slightly modified sine wave, so
you hear the individual notes better.
seed 1

instr 1 ;instr 1 is mostly 2 loops that call instr 10.
loop2: ;outer loop for fattening the sound
index =0
loop: ;inner loop that creates a simple rhythm
itime = index2 ;creates a simple rhythm
iadd random 0,0.1 ;adds som random to the timing.
itime = itime+iadd  ;combines the timing so you get a sloppy timing.
idur = 0.15
ifreq  random 440,460     ;base note
iamp random 0.2,0.25
ipan random 0.1,0.9
event_i "i",10,itime,idur,ifreq,iamp,ipan  ;base note
loop_lt index,1,10,loop     ; the counter should be increased if you make a
longer note
loop_lt index2,1,8,loop2    ;the counter should be increased if you want a
fuller sound

instr 10
asig poscil p5,p4,gisine
kenv linseg 0,0.04,1,p3-0.14,1,0.1,0 ;envelope
asig = asig*kenv
outs asig*p6,asig*(1-p6) ;p6 is a random pan number

;f 0 10
;t 0 60
i 1 0 10

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Date2017-05-16 16:30
SubjectRe: New pieces
To Andrea Strappa: Thank you for your views. Regarding Naive Complex: I was
aiming for a kind of "robotic tribe" feeling, so there is a sort of balance
between to much natural feel and too much robotic feel. The sound is more
"natural", but the timing is more robotic, although it is quite a lot of
random in it, see my example 2 above.

Regarding Horizons-Hymn: I am not quite sure what you mean, but I guess your
comment regards the more mechanical feel at the end. That is as you say,
intended, as a contrast to the more floating drones.

Best regards Martin Flodin

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/New-pieces-tp5756089p5756120.html
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