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Looking for message translators

Date2017-05-09 20:47
SubjectLooking for message translators
Csound is run mainly by a small team of composers and computer-wallahs
with limited time and language skills.

For some years Csound has come with multiple translations of the
messages it produces.  At present we have both English and American
together with French complete; there is a partial old
Spanish-Columbian and dubious incomplete German and Russian.  So this
message is to ask if any of you would be willing to take on the task
of maintaining a translation. We use the GNU translation tools and
thee are free tools to help (like www.poeditor.com).  If you would
like more details or discussion please e-mail me.  It would good to
have German Spanish and Russian; possibly Japanese or Chinese.

==John ffitch for the Developers

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