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Filling array at i-time, based on array-index

Date2017-04-16 08:08
From"Jeanette C."
SubjectFilling array at i-time, based on array-index
Hi list,
I tried to initialise an array, using the loop_lt. It runs its course, but all 
elements are filling with 0.
kioct = 4
kParray init 10
index = 0
   kParray[index] = index/i(kioct)
loop_lt index, 1, kioct, Loop_init

an inserted prints statement shows that the index is counted up correctly and 
the kioct value is set correctly, but the expression index/i(kioct) obviously 
evaluates to 0.

Where am I going wrong, please?

Best wishes,


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Date2017-04-16 09:03
From"Jeanette C."
SubjectRe: [SOLVED - sort of] [Csnd] Filling array at i-time, based on array-index
Hi again,
I circumvented the problem by switching from osciliktp to table3 and modifying 
the index control directly.

Best wishes,


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Date2017-04-16 09:25
FromTarmo Johannes
SubjectRe: Filling array at i-time, based on array-index
You are using itime loop, = works at k time for k-values. Use init instead of =.

16.04.2017 10:08 kirjutas kuupäeval "Jeanette C." <julien@mail.upb.de>:
Hi list,
I tried to initialise an array, using the loop_lt. It runs its course, but all elements are filling with 0.
kioct = 4
kParray init 10
index = 0
  kParray[index] = index/i(kioct)
loop_lt index, 1, kioct, Loop_init

an inserted prints statement shows that the index is counted up correctly and the kioct value is set correctly, but the expression index/i(kioct) obviously evaluates to 0.

Where am I going wrong, please?

Best wishes,


When you need someone, you just turn around and I will be there <3

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