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CsoundQt 0.9.4-beta available

Date2017-04-13 17:38
FromTarmo Johannes
SubjectCsoundQt 0.9.4-beta available



I am working on new release of CsoundQt 0.9.4, to be bundled into Csound 6.09 installer. There is still work to be done, but a beta release is up on:




There is also a OSX package and Windows zip file. The latter is built with msys2/mingw system just to try out, actually I have not tried on other computers, if it works... Unzip it to some directory, don't overwrite your exisisting Csound isntallation!!!!


There is not so many new things, but hopefully can make your work more comfortable. See relase notes on:





Please build or download, test and send feedback!

