| There was a mistake in the size setting, now (git) it should work as expected. The code below
reports 4 for dimension 2 (columns)
giosc OSCinit 7770
instr 1
kwhen init 0
kmetro metro 1
kwhen += kmetro
kArr[] init 8
kArr[0] = kwhen
kArr[1] = kwhen+1
kArr[2] = kwhen+2
kArr[3] = kwhen+3
OSCsend2 kwhen, "",7770, "/foo/bar", "D",kArr
instr 2
ktrig init 1
kArr[][] init 2,1
ka OSClisten giosc, "/foo/bar","D", kArr
if ka > 0 then
ktrig += 1
printk2 lenarray:k(kArr, 2)
if ka > 0 kgoto top
Prof. Victor Lazzarini
Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy,
Maynooth University,
Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland
Tel: 00 353 7086936
Fax: 00 353 1 7086952
> On 7 Apr 2017, at 21:33, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
> I think it might be something to do with lenarray rather than this opcode. Try to
> access the extra members and you will see that they are there.
> ========================
> Prof. Victor Lazzarini
> Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy,
> Maynooth University,
> Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland
> Tel: 00 353 7086936
> Fax: 00 353 1 7086952
>> On 7 Apr 2017, at 21:24, Guillermo Senna wrote:
>> Yes, this one works fine. Although I tried growing the sending array
>> (1D) to 8 elements and at the receiving end the following sentence still
>> equals 4.
>> lenarray:i(kArr, 0) * lenarray:i(kArr)
>> Then I tried sending a 2D array (2 rows; 4 columns) but that doesn't
>> work as it doesn't receive [0][3] and [1][3]. I mean it's fine with me
>> as I don't need that feature. But maybe there should be a warning in the
>> future new man page.
>> On 07/04/17 16:57, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>> Here’s the code. Instrument 1 has a 4-element array and sends it over OSC to instrument 2.
>>> This one has a 2-dim array with 2 rows 1 column (2 elements). When the array is received,
>>> the columns grow to accommodate 2 extra numbers, turning this into a 2 x 2 matrix.
>>> Note that if I don’t protect the printf call with an if …then, the first time the instrument
>>> is run wil give the index out of range message, because the message hasn’t been
>>> received yet. Once it is, the array grows. The rows never grow, only the columns (by design,
>>> since we have to choose one or the other).
>>> giosc OSCinit 7770
>>> instr 1
>>> kwhen init 0
>>> kmetro metro 1
>>> kwhen += kmetro
>>> kArr[] init 4
>>> kArr[0] = kwhen
>>> kArr[1] = kwhen+1
>>> kArr[2] = kwhen+2
>>> kArr[3] = kwhen+3
>>> OSCsend2 kwhen, "",7770, "/foo/bar", "D",kArr
>>> endin
>>> instr 2
>>> ktrig init 1
>>> kArr[][] init 2,1
>>> top:
>>> ka OSClisten giosc, "/foo/bar","D", kArr
>>> if ka > 0 then
>>> printf "%d %d \n%d %d\n", ka*ktrig,
>>> kArr[0][0], kArr[0][1],
>>> kArr[1][0], kArr[1][1]
>>> ktrig += 1
>>> endif
>>> if ka > 0 kgoto top
>>> endin
>>> schedule(2,0,10)
>>> schedule(1,0,10)
>>> ========================
>>> Prof. Victor Lazzarini
>>> Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy,
>>> Maynooth University,
>>> Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland
>>> Tel: 00 353 7086936
>>> Fax: 00 353 1 7086952
>>>> On 7 Apr 2017, at 19:40, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>> I tested here with a 2d array, with size 1 on each dimension, then passed an array with 4 numbers over OSC and dim 1 (number of columns) grew to accommodate it. I am away from the computer but when I have the chance I will post a test CSD.
>>>> Victor Lazzarini
>>>> Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy
>>>> Maynooth University
>>>> Ireland
>>>>> On 7 Apr 2017, at 19:27, Guillermo Senna wrote:
>>>>> I'm getting the same thing, Victor. Could you try the test files I'm
>>>>> using? Maybe I'm expecting something that's not even possible.
>>>>>> On 07/04/17 05:00, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>> I mean, not the higher ones!
>>>>>> ========================
>>>>>> Prof. Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>> Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy,
>>>>>> Maynooth University,
>>>>>> Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland
>>>>>> Tel: 00 353 7086936
>>>>>> Fax: 00 353 1 7086952
>>>>>>> On 7 Apr 2017, at 08:58, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>>> Ok, I had things back to front. Now it should work as I planned. The first dimension of the array changes,
>>>>>>> not the lower ones. By first dimension I mean the columns in a row-column, ie. counting in the order in which the
>>>>>>> indexes appear from right to left.
>>>>>>> ========================
>>>>>>> Prof. Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>> Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy,
>>>>>>> Maynooth University,
>>>>>>> Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland
>>>>>>> Tel: 00 353 7086936
>>>>>>> Fax: 00 353 1 7086952
>>>>>>>> On 7 Apr 2017, at 08:02, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>>>> yes, I think I am mixing up dimension sizes, I will look. In any case, I will only be able to make one of the dimensions grow (as I can't guess how the matrix/cube/etc grows), whilst keeping the others fixed.
>>>>>>>> Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>>> Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy
>>>>>>>> Maynooth University
>>>>>>>> Ireland
>>>>>>>>> On 7 Apr 2017, at 07:40, Guillermo Senna wrote:
>>>>>>>>> If I send a unidimensional array (from inside or outside Csound) it does
>>>>>>>>> grow organically!
>>>>>>>>>> On 07/04/17 02:39, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> It should be fixed now. The array was growing but I forgot to update the sizes.
>>>>>>>>>> ========================
>>>>>>>>>> Prof. Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>>>>> Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy,
>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth University,
>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland
>>>>>>>>>> Tel: 00 353 7086936
>>>>>>>>>> Fax: 00 353 1 7086952
>>>>>>>>>>> On 7 Apr 2017, at 06:16, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> That shouldn't happen, the array should grow. I'll have a look and fix it.
>>>>>>>>>>> Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>>>>>> Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy
>>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth University
>>>>>>>>>>> Ireland
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 7 Apr 2017, at 04:30, Guillermo Senna wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I tested the new specifier from outside Csound. Now I understand what
>>>>>>>>>>>> you mean Victor. The good thing is that it forces you to choose a common
>>>>>>>>>>>> size between sender and receiver in advance and that prevents you from
>>>>>>>>>>>> getting "osc::OutOfBufferMemoryException" while sending exceedingly
>>>>>>>>>>>> large vectors. The bad thing is the need to process the received array
>>>>>>>>>>>> and look for a delimiter while sending variable-sized arrays like I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>> doing. Or maybe I can just send the size before through "/kArrSize" or
>>>>>>>>>>>> something like that.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Just for the record, with the "A" specifier you can do "kArr[] init 1"
>>>>>>>>>>>> and the array will still grow and shrink dynamically according to
>>>>>>>>>>>> dimensions/sizes received. That is very convenient. With the "D"
>>>>>>>>>>>> specifier you get "Array index 2 out of range (0,0) for dimension 1".
>>>>>>>>>>>> I've to think now how to effectively process the received the array, but
>>>>>>>>>>>> I think you saved me from a difficult-to-diagnose bug that I'd probably
>>>>>>>>>>>> have encountered in the future because of the UDP protocol.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll test OSCsend2 now. Cheers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 06/04/17 18:33, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Say you send 10 elements.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can interpret this as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1,2]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [3,4]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [5,6]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [7,8]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1,2,3,4,5]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [6,7,8,9,10]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1,2,3]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [4,5,6]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [7,8,9]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [10,0,0]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> etc
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whatever you do, if there isn’t enough size, the array grows dynamically. In the last
>>>>>>>>>>>>> example there was more than enough size, but we only copied the 10 numbers
>>>>>>>>>>>>> we got.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have added this type to OSClisten and OSCsend2.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ========================
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prof. Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth University,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tel: 00 353 7086936
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fax: 00 353 1 7086952
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 6 Apr 2017, at 22:20, Guillermo Senna wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh, I see. And in the 2D version, if I send a single blob/array with:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 elements -> they all end up in dimension no. 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 30 elements -> they'd go 16-14
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 40 elements -> 16-24
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or is it going to be an error not to match the dimensions/sizes?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 06/04/17 18:10, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No, I mean
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kArr[][] init 2, 16
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kk1 OSClisten gihandle, "/multiArr", "D", kArr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kArr[] init 32
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kk1 OSClisten gihandle, "/multiArr", "D", kArr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> both working, the choice is yours
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ========================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prof. Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth University,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tel: 00 353 7086936
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fax: 00 353 1 7086952
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 6 Apr 2017, at 21:46, Guillermo Senna wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not so sure I follow you with that last sentence. Do you mean
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something like this could be possible?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kArr[][] init 2, 16
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kk1 OSClisten gihandle, "/multiArr", "DD", kArr[0], kArr[1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 06/04/17 17:36, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yes, same thing from the user perspective. Except that you can define how many dimensions you want
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to hold the data in.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ========================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prof. Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth University,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tel: 00 353 7086936
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fax: 00 353 1 7086952
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 6 Apr 2017, at 21:33, Guillermo Senna wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I like that. Non of those characters are really part of the OSC
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specification, so why not?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But with this approach you would still use a Csound array as xdata1 in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OSClisten, right?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 06/04/17 17:16, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We could put in a different type name for non-descript double-format data sequence (e.g. 2), for instance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> call it “D”.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ========================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prof. Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth University,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tel: 00 353 7086936
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fax: 00 353 1 7086952
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 6 Apr 2017, at 21:04, Guillermo Senna wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've not considered number 2 before. How about adding an opcode later
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for joining 2d arrays into a single multidimensional? Would it be to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> difficult/inefficient to do that considering that in the end it's all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about pointers?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't want to change and break it for others already using the current
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> structure.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 05/04/17 18:12, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I see what you mean. It’s possible to change it, there are two options:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) encode everything with doubles
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) leave dim and size. The size of the blob is always there before the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data, so we can just use that. It will be then up to the user to interpret
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the data as a 1,2,3 ,… dimensional array. The data is always stored
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as a flat vector (e.g. row-column for 2-d).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if people want it changed, I can do it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ========================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prof. Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth University,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tel: 00 353 7086936
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fax: 00 353 1 7086952
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 5 Apr 2017, at 18:24, Guillermo Senna wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My reasoning is that in the different programming languages you'd use a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> library/module for handling the OSC part and that would in turn have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some abstraction for sending entire arrays as blobs. Now, Csound
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> requests for two 32-bit ints and then the rest 64-bits doubles. Is that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> always possible to control in the higher-level languages?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initially what I'd have thought is that I could build an array with all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doubles and Csound would internally truncate the first two values and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cast them into ints.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But if it's working for everyone right now nothing should be changed!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 05/04/17 14:04, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well, Csound reads two ints, as far as I can see. So I would expect that you can just send two
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> separate ints and Csound would understand it (first the dimension, then the size). This is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what OSCsend2 (& OSCsend) does. Not quite sure what might be going on at your end.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ========================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prof. Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth University,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tel: 00 353 7086936
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fax: 00 353 1 7086952
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 5 Apr 2017, at 17:44, Guillermo Senna wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well I'm doing it in C++ with oscpack and for me it works. Now, I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know much about python for example, but if you are using a python module
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for handling the OSC part of your program, is it possible to construct
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the array to be sent as two ints and the rest as doubles?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm asking from complete ignorance, Victor. It just seemed odd to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (instead of passing my entire vector in C++) have to do something like this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unsigned long ui = qvlist.size();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ui <<= 32; ui |= 1;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vec.push_back (*(double*)&ui);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 05/04/17 13:30, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have implemented the array, audio and function table as per OSCsend/OSClisten. As far as I can see from the code, the blob is as you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> describe, all data being sent in the native endianess (little endian for i386/x86_64). It could be that the OSC lib is expecting the data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in big-endian ints, 4 bytes at a time. As far as I understand, the OSC should not impose any particular interpretation to the blob,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but just take it as a string of bytes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ========================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prof. Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth University,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tel: 00 353 7086936
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fax: 00 353 1 7086952
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 5 Apr 2017, at 17:03, Guillermo Senna wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll try it in a few moments. Are you going to replace OSClisten too? If
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you do, please beware that right now receiving an array in Csound
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expects the structure [dimensions(int); size(int); values(double)...]. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> had to bitshift and cast two ints as a double in order to make that work
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from a third-party OSC library outside Csound. It didn't seem right and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't think it's possible in every programming language.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 05/04/17 08:30, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Following our conclusion that liblo seems to be overly heavy weight for OSC sending, I have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implemented an alternative version that uses UDP sockets directly. It is currently called
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OSCsend2 and the interface is exactly the same to OSCsend. In our tests, it appears to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do the job, but have not tested it extensively.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It has been suggested to remove OSCsend and replace it with OSCsend2, so I would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like to check if OSCsend users could test OSCsend2 and let us know if there are differences
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and whether it works OK for you. We would also then like to know whether having
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OSCsend2 alongside OSCsend is your preference, or whether we should just replace it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ========================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prof. Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth University,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tel: 00 353 7086936
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fax: 00 353 1 7086952
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> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
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