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beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode

Date2017-02-24 09:04
Subjectbeat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
What I try to do is find the start and endpoint of samples in a wave 
file, in order to reverse them.
(I do not know in advance where the samples are)
I tried it first by exporting the file to ASCII and then in a Python 
program find the start and end points.
This turns out to be not so easy as it seems.
Then I thought about beat detection and read Jim Hearon's article about 
the subject. He mentions several opcodes there, among them is peak.
I tried peak, but it did not work as expected, even with the supplied 
The peak output values are nowhere near the peaks in the audio sample - 
verified that with Audacity.
I also read that most beat detection algorithms use a moving window (say 
1024 samples) to detect the average energy in a sound.
My questions are:
What opcode should I use to find the start of a sample (say with a fast 
Does Csound have opcodes for beat detection based on a window?


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Date2017-02-24 10:07
FromTarmo Johannes
SubjectRe: beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode

Oeyvind has a very good onset detection UDO, I think that should serve you well (I can send later), to detect end of a sample, probably follow opcode with relatively long attack time in combination with trigger on a given threshold opcode should do it.

Not by computer, sorry for not sensing links but maybe it helps you further.


24.02.2017 11:05 kirjutas kuupäeval "Richard" <zappfinger@gmail.com>:
What I try to do is find the start and endpoint of samples in a wave file, in order to reverse them.
(I do not know in advance where the samples are)
I tried it first by exporting the file to ASCII and then in a Python program find the start and end points.
This turns out to be not so easy as it seems.
Then I thought about beat detection and read Jim Hearon's article about the subject. He mentions several opcodes there, among them is peak.
I tried peak, but it did not work as expected, even with the supplied sample.
The peak output values are nowhere near the peaks in the audio sample - verified that with Audacity.
I also read that most beat detection algorithms use a moving window (say 1024 samples) to detect the average energy in a sound.
My questions are:
What opcode should I use to find the start of a sample (say with a fast attack)
Does Csound have opcodes for beat detection based on a window?


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Date2017-02-24 10:44
SubjectRe: beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode

Thanks Tarmo, I would love to see that UDO.


On 24/02/17 11:07, Tarmo Johannes wrote:

Oeyvind has a very good onset detection UDO, I think that should serve you well (I can send later), to detect end of a sample, probably follow opcode with relatively long attack time in combination with trigger on a given threshold opcode should do it.

Not by computer, sorry for not sensing links but maybe it helps you further.


24.02.2017 11:05 kirjutas kuupäeval "Richard" <zappfinger@gmail.com>:
What I try to do is find the start and endpoint of samples in a wave file, in order to reverse them.
(I do not know in advance where the samples are)
I tried it first by exporting the file to ASCII and then in a Python program find the start and end points.
This turns out to be not so easy as it seems.
Then I thought about beat detection and read Jim Hearon's article about the subject. He mentions several opcodes there, among them is peak.
I tried peak, but it did not work as expected, even with the supplied sample.
The peak output values are nowhere near the peaks in the audio sample - verified that with Audacity.
I also read that most beat detection algorithms use a moving window (say 1024 samples) to detect the average energy in a sound.
My questions are:
What opcode should I use to find the start of a sample (say with a fast attack)
Does Csound have opcodes for beat detection based on a window?


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Date2017-02-24 17:38
FromOeyvind Brandtsegg
SubjectRe: beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
Hi Richard,

Here's the UDO. I usually use follow2 with a quick attack (0.01) and a
slow decay (around 2 sec) to get the amp envelope. Then downsamp the
follow2 output and convert it to dB. Then this is the "kin" signal to
the transient detection opcode. The reason for separating our the
envelope follower is that I also experimented with detecting
transients in other signals (pitch, centroid etc), and in those cases
the "preprocessing" of the signal had to be done differently.

To get your "segment end" marker, you might use the "kreGate" signal
from inside the UDO, as this will indicate that the signal level hass
fallen below a certain threshold, X dB below the level you had when
the transient was detected. If this is too rough you might implement a
similar gate with another threshold.

Usage example::
a1 = your input sound
a_env follow2 a1, kAttack, kRelease
k_env  downsamp a_env
ktransient, kdiff TransientDetect dbfsamp(k_env), iresponse, ktthresh,
klowThresh, kdecThresh, kdoubleLimit

; Transient detection udo, Oeyvind Brandtsegg
opcode TransientDetect, kk,kikkkk
kin, iresponse, ktthresh, klowThresh, kdecThresh, kdoubleLimit xin
iresponse = 10 ; response time in milliseconds
ktthresh = 6 ; transient trig threshold
klowThresh = -60 ; lower threshold for transient detection
kdoubleLimit = 0.02 ; minimum duration between events, (double trig limit)
kdecThresh = 6 ; retrig threshold, how much must the level decay from
its local max before allowing new transient trig
kinDel delayk kin, iresponse/1000 ; delay with response time for
comparision of levels
ktrig = ((kin > kinDel + ktthresh) ? 1 : 0) ; if current rms plus
threshold is larger than previous rms, set trig signal to current rms
klowGate = (kin < klowThresh? 0 : 1) ; gate to remove transient of low
level signals
ktrig = ktrig * klowGate ; activate gate on trig signal
ktransLev init 0
ktransLev samphold kin, 1-ktrig ; read amplitude at transient
kreGate init 1 ; retrigger gate, to limit transient double trig before
signal has decayed (decThresh) from its local max
ktrig = ktrig*kreGate ; activate gate
kmaxAmp init -99999
kmaxAmp max kmaxAmp, kin ; find local max amp
kdiff = kmaxAmp-kin ; how much the signal has decayed since its local max value
kreGate limit kreGate-ktrig, 0, 1 ; mute when trig detected
kreGate = (kdiff > kdecThresh ? 1 : kreGate) ; re-enable gate when
signal has decayed sufficiently
kmaxAmp = (kreGate == 1 ? -99999 : kmaxAmp) ; reset max amp gauge

; avoid closely spaced transient triggers (first trig priority)
kdouble init 1
ktrig = ktrig*kdouble
if ktrig > 0 then
reinit double
        idoubleLimit  = i(kdoubleLimit)
        idoubleLimit    limit idoubleLimit, 1/kr, 5
        kdouble linseg 0, idoubleLimit, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1

xout ktrig, kdiff

2017-02-24 2:44 GMT-08:00 Richard :
> Thanks Tarmo, I would love to see that UDO.
> Richard
> On 24/02/17 11:07, Tarmo Johannes wrote:
> Hi,
> Oeyvind has a very good onset detection UDO, I think that should serve you
> well (I can send later), to detect end of a sample, probably follow opcode
> with relatively long attack time in combination with trigger on a given
> threshold opcode should do it.
> Not by computer, sorry for not sensing links but maybe it helps you further.
> Tarmo
> 24.02.2017 11:05 kirjutas kuupäeval "Richard" :
>> What I try to do is find the start and endpoint of samples in a wave file,
>> in order to reverse them.
>> (I do not know in advance where the samples are)
>> I tried it first by exporting the file to ASCII and then in a Python
>> program find the start and end points.
>> This turns out to be not so easy as it seems.
>> Then I thought about beat detection and read Jim Hearon's article about
>> the subject. He mentions several opcodes there, among them is peak.
>> I tried peak, but it did not work as expected, even with the supplied
>> sample.
>> The peak output values are nowhere near the peaks in the audio sample -
>> verified that with Audacity.
>> I also read that most beat detection algorithms use a moving window (say
>> 1024 samples) to detect the average energy in a sound.
>> My questions are:
>> What opcode should I use to find the start of a sample (say with a fast
>> attack)
>> Does Csound have opcodes for beat detection based on a window?
>> Richard
>> Csound mailing list
>> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
>> Send bugs reports to
>>        https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to
> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can
> be posted here
> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to
> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can
> be posted here


Oeyvind Brandtsegg
Professor of Music Technology
7491 Trondheim
Cell: +47 92 203 205


Csound mailing list
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Date2017-02-24 20:26
SubjectRe: beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
Thanks Oeyvind, I'll try it out soon.


On 24/02/17 18:38, Oeyvind Brandtsegg wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> Here's the UDO. I usually use follow2 with a quick attack (0.01) and a
> slow decay (around 2 sec) to get the amp envelope. Then downsamp the
> follow2 output and convert it to dB. Then this is the "kin" signal to
> the transient detection opcode. The reason for separating our the
> envelope follower is that I also experimented with detecting
> transients in other signals (pitch, centroid etc), and in those cases
> the "preprocessing" of the signal had to be done differently.
> To get your "segment end" marker, you might use the "kreGate" signal
> from inside the UDO, as this will indicate that the signal level hass
> fallen below a certain threshold, X dB below the level you had when
> the transient was detected. If this is too rough you might implement a
> similar gate with another threshold.
> Usage example::
> a1 = your input sound
> a_env follow2 a1, kAttack, kRelease
> k_env  downsamp a_env
> ktransient, kdiff TransientDetect dbfsamp(k_env), iresponse, ktthresh,
> klowThresh, kdecThresh, kdoubleLimit
> ; Transient detection udo, Oeyvind Brandtsegg
> opcode TransientDetect, kk,kikkkk
> kin, iresponse, ktthresh, klowThresh, kdecThresh, kdoubleLimit xin
> /*
> iresponse = 10 ; response time in milliseconds
> ktthresh = 6 ; transient trig threshold
> klowThresh = -60 ; lower threshold for transient detection
> kdoubleLimit = 0.02 ; minimum duration between events, (double trig limit)
> kdecThresh = 6 ; retrig threshold, how much must the level decay from
> its local max before allowing new transient trig
> */
> kinDel delayk kin, iresponse/1000 ; delay with response time for
> comparision of levels
> ktrig = ((kin > kinDel + ktthresh) ? 1 : 0) ; if current rms plus
> threshold is larger than previous rms, set trig signal to current rms
> klowGate = (kin < klowThresh? 0 : 1) ; gate to remove transient of low
> level signals
> ktrig = ktrig * klowGate ; activate gate on trig signal
> ktransLev init 0
> ktransLev samphold kin, 1-ktrig ; read amplitude at transient
> kreGate init 1 ; retrigger gate, to limit transient double trig before
> signal has decayed (decThresh) from its local max
> ktrig = ktrig*kreGate ; activate gate
> kmaxAmp init -99999
> kmaxAmp max kmaxAmp, kin ; find local max amp
> kdiff = kmaxAmp-kin ; how much the signal has decayed since its local max value
> kreGate limit kreGate-ktrig, 0, 1 ; mute when trig detected
> kreGate = (kdiff > kdecThresh ? 1 : kreGate) ; re-enable gate when
> signal has decayed sufficiently
> kmaxAmp = (kreGate == 1 ? -99999 : kmaxAmp) ; reset max amp gauge
> ; avoid closely spaced transient triggers (first trig priority)
> kdouble init 1
> ktrig = ktrig*kdouble
> if ktrig > 0 then
> reinit double
> endif
> double:
>          idoubleLimit  = i(kdoubleLimit)
>          idoubleLimit    limit idoubleLimit, 1/kr, 5
>          kdouble linseg 0, idoubleLimit, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
> rireturn
> xout ktrig, kdiff
> endop
> 2017-02-24 2:44 GMT-08:00 Richard :
>> Thanks Tarmo, I would love to see that UDO.
>> Richard
>> On 24/02/17 11:07, Tarmo Johannes wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Oeyvind has a very good onset detection UDO, I think that should serve you
>> well (I can send later), to detect end of a sample, probably follow opcode
>> with relatively long attack time in combination with trigger on a given
>> threshold opcode should do it.
>> Not by computer, sorry for not sensing links but maybe it helps you further.
>> Tarmo
>> 24.02.2017 11:05 kirjutas kuupäeval "Richard" :
>>> What I try to do is find the start and endpoint of samples in a wave file,
>>> in order to reverse them.
>>> (I do not know in advance where the samples are)
>>> I tried it first by exporting the file to ASCII and then in a Python
>>> program find the start and end points.
>>> This turns out to be not so easy as it seems.
>>> Then I thought about beat detection and read Jim Hearon's article about
>>> the subject. He mentions several opcodes there, among them is peak.
>>> I tried peak, but it did not work as expected, even with the supplied
>>> sample.
>>> The peak output values are nowhere near the peaks in the audio sample -
>>> verified that with Audacity.
>>> I also read that most beat detection algorithms use a moving window (say
>>> 1024 samples) to detect the average energy in a sound.
>>> My questions are:
>>> What opcode should I use to find the start of a sample (say with a fast
>>> attack)
>>> Does Csound have opcodes for beat detection based on a window?
>>> Richard
>>> Csound mailing list
>>> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>         https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to
>> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can
>> be posted here
>> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to
>> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can
>> be posted here

Csound mailing list
Send bugs reports to
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2017-02-24 21:08
FromTarmo Johannes
SubjectRe: beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode

there is aslo an example  csd where I use it for random panning.

Your idea is getting me excited, I want to try something like that also for 
live input. If I get it done, I will post it and we can share the experiences!


On Friday 24 February 2017 21:26:17 you wrote:
> Thanks Oeyvind, I'll try it out soon.
> Richard
> On 24/02/17 18:38, Oeyvind Brandtsegg wrote:
> > Hi Richard,
> > 
> > Here's the UDO. I usually use follow2 with a quick attack (0.01) and a
> > slow decay (around 2 sec) to get the amp envelope. Then downsamp the
> > follow2 output and convert it to dB. Then this is the "kin" signal to
> > the transient detection opcode. The reason for separating our the
> > envelope follower is that I also experimented with detecting
> > transients in other signals (pitch, centroid etc), and in those cases
> > the "preprocessing" of the signal had to be done differently.
> > 
> > To get your "segment end" marker, you might use the "kreGate" signal
> > from inside the UDO, as this will indicate that the signal level hass
> > fallen below a certain threshold, X dB below the level you had when
> > the transient was detected. If this is too rough you might implement a
> > similar gate with another threshold.
> > 
> > Usage example::
> > a1 = your input sound
> > a_env follow2 a1, kAttack, kRelease
> > k_env  downsamp a_env
> > ktransient, kdiff TransientDetect dbfsamp(k_env), iresponse, ktthresh,
> > klowThresh, kdecThresh, kdoubleLimit
> > 
> > 
> > ; Transient detection udo, Oeyvind Brandtsegg
> > opcode TransientDetect, kk,kikkkk
> > kin, iresponse, ktthresh, klowThresh, kdecThresh, kdoubleLimit xin
> > /*
> > iresponse = 10 ; response time in milliseconds
> > ktthresh = 6 ; transient trig threshold
> > klowThresh = -60 ; lower threshold for transient detection
> > kdoubleLimit = 0.02 ; minimum duration between events, (double trig limit)
> > kdecThresh = 6 ; retrig threshold, how much must the level decay from
> > its local max before allowing new transient trig
> > */
> > kinDel delayk kin, iresponse/1000 ; delay with response time for
> > comparision of levels
> > ktrig = ((kin > kinDel + ktthresh) ? 1 : 0) ; if current rms plus
> > threshold is larger than previous rms, set trig signal to current rms
> > klowGate = (kin < klowThresh? 0 : 1) ; gate to remove transient of low
> > level signals
> > ktrig = ktrig * klowGate ; activate gate on trig signal
> > ktransLev init 0
> > ktransLev samphold kin, 1-ktrig ; read amplitude at transient
> > kreGate init 1 ; retrigger gate, to limit transient double trig before
> > signal has decayed (decThresh) from its local max
> > ktrig = ktrig*kreGate ; activate gate
> > kmaxAmp init -99999
> > kmaxAmp max kmaxAmp, kin ; find local max amp
> > kdiff = kmaxAmp-kin ; how much the signal has decayed since its local max
> > value kreGate limit kreGate-ktrig, 0, 1 ; mute when trig detected
> > kreGate = (kdiff > kdecThresh ? 1 : kreGate) ; re-enable gate when
> > signal has decayed sufficiently
> > kmaxAmp = (kreGate == 1 ? -99999 : kmaxAmp) ; reset max amp gauge
> > 
> > ; avoid closely spaced transient triggers (first trig priority)
> > kdouble init 1
> > ktrig = ktrig*kdouble
> > if ktrig > 0 then
> > reinit double
> > endif
> > 
> > double:
> >          idoubleLimit  = i(kdoubleLimit)
> >          idoubleLimit    limit idoubleLimit, 1/kr, 5
> >          kdouble linseg 0, idoubleLimit, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
> > 
> > rireturn
> > 
> > xout ktrig, kdiff
> > endop
> > 
> > 2017-02-24 2:44 GMT-08:00 Richard :
> >> Thanks Tarmo, I would love to see that UDO.
> >> 
> >> Richard
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On 24/02/17 11:07, Tarmo Johannes wrote:
> >> 
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> Oeyvind has a very good onset detection UDO, I think that should serve
> >> you
> >> well (I can send later), to detect end of a sample, probably follow
> >> opcode
> >> with relatively long attack time in combination with trigger on a given
> >> threshold opcode should do it.
> >> 
> >> Not by computer, sorry for not sensing links but maybe it helps you
> >> further.
> >> 
> >> Tarmo
> >> 
> >> 24.02.2017 11:05 kirjutas kuupäeval "Richard" :
> >>> What I try to do is find the start and endpoint of samples in a wave
> >>> file,
> >>> in order to reverse them.
> >>> (I do not know in advance where the samples are)
> >>> I tried it first by exporting the file to ASCII and then in a Python
> >>> program find the start and end points.
> >>> This turns out to be not so easy as it seems.
> >>> Then I thought about beat detection and read Jim Hearon's article about
> >>> the subject. He mentions several opcodes there, among them is peak.
> >>> I tried peak, but it did not work as expected, even with the supplied
> >>> sample.
> >>> The peak output values are nowhere near the peaks in the audio sample -
> >>> verified that with Audacity.
> >>> I also read that most beat detection algorithms use a moving window (say
> >>> 1024 samples) to detect the average energy in a sound.
> >>> My questions are:
> >>> What opcode should I use to find the start of a sample (say with a fast
> >>> attack)
> >>> Does Csound have opcodes for beat detection based on a window?
> >>> 
> >>> Richard
> >>> 
> >>> Csound mailing list
> >>> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> >>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
> >>> Send bugs reports to
> >>> 
> >>>         https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
> >>> 
> >>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> >> 
> >> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> >> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to
> >> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features
> >> can be posted here
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> >> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to
> >> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features
> >> can be posted here
> Csound mailing list
> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
> Send bugs reports to
>         https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Csound mailing list
Send bugs reports to
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2017-02-24 22:10
SubjectRe: beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
I think this particular effect is a bit hard to do live. In order to 
reverse say a gitar note, the whole note has to be played first.
So I am thinking of applying the effect on a recorded solo. It is an old 
fashioned, Beatlelesque effect...


On 24/02/17 22:08, Tarmo Johannes wrote:
> Hi,
> there is aslo an example  csd where I use it for random panning.
> Your idea is getting me excited, I want to try something like that also for
> live input. If I get it done, I will post it and we can share the experiences!
> tarmo
> On Friday 24 February 2017 21:26:17 you wrote:
>> Thanks Oeyvind, I'll try it out soon.
>> Richard
>> On 24/02/17 18:38, Oeyvind Brandtsegg wrote:
>>> Hi Richard,
>>> Here's the UDO. I usually use follow2 with a quick attack (0.01) and a
>>> slow decay (around 2 sec) to get the amp envelope. Then downsamp the
>>> follow2 output and convert it to dB. Then this is the "kin" signal to
>>> the transient detection opcode. The reason for separating our the
>>> envelope follower is that I also experimented with detecting
>>> transients in other signals (pitch, centroid etc), and in those cases
>>> the "preprocessing" of the signal had to be done differently.
>>> To get your "segment end" marker, you might use the "kreGate" signal
>>> from inside the UDO, as this will indicate that the signal level hass
>>> fallen below a certain threshold, X dB below the level you had when
>>> the transient was detected. If this is too rough you might implement a
>>> similar gate with another threshold.
>>> Usage example::
>>> a1 = your input sound
>>> a_env follow2 a1, kAttack, kRelease
>>> k_env  downsamp a_env
>>> ktransient, kdiff TransientDetect dbfsamp(k_env), iresponse, ktthresh,
>>> klowThresh, kdecThresh, kdoubleLimit
>>> ; Transient detection udo, Oeyvind Brandtsegg
>>> opcode TransientDetect, kk,kikkkk
>>> kin, iresponse, ktthresh, klowThresh, kdecThresh, kdoubleLimit xin
>>> /*
>>> iresponse = 10 ; response time in milliseconds
>>> ktthresh = 6 ; transient trig threshold
>>> klowThresh = -60 ; lower threshold for transient detection
>>> kdoubleLimit = 0.02 ; minimum duration between events, (double trig limit)
>>> kdecThresh = 6 ; retrig threshold, how much must the level decay from
>>> its local max before allowing new transient trig
>>> */
>>> kinDel delayk kin, iresponse/1000 ; delay with response time for
>>> comparision of levels
>>> ktrig = ((kin > kinDel + ktthresh) ? 1 : 0) ; if current rms plus
>>> threshold is larger than previous rms, set trig signal to current rms
>>> klowGate = (kin < klowThresh? 0 : 1) ; gate to remove transient of low
>>> level signals
>>> ktrig = ktrig * klowGate ; activate gate on trig signal
>>> ktransLev init 0
>>> ktransLev samphold kin, 1-ktrig ; read amplitude at transient
>>> kreGate init 1 ; retrigger gate, to limit transient double trig before
>>> signal has decayed (decThresh) from its local max
>>> ktrig = ktrig*kreGate ; activate gate
>>> kmaxAmp init -99999
>>> kmaxAmp max kmaxAmp, kin ; find local max amp
>>> kdiff = kmaxAmp-kin ; how much the signal has decayed since its local max
>>> value kreGate limit kreGate-ktrig, 0, 1 ; mute when trig detected
>>> kreGate = (kdiff > kdecThresh ? 1 : kreGate) ; re-enable gate when
>>> signal has decayed sufficiently
>>> kmaxAmp = (kreGate == 1 ? -99999 : kmaxAmp) ; reset max amp gauge
>>> ; avoid closely spaced transient triggers (first trig priority)
>>> kdouble init 1
>>> ktrig = ktrig*kdouble
>>> if ktrig > 0 then
>>> reinit double
>>> endif
>>> double:
>>>           idoubleLimit  = i(kdoubleLimit)
>>>           idoubleLimit    limit idoubleLimit, 1/kr, 5
>>>           kdouble linseg 0, idoubleLimit, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
>>> rireturn
>>> xout ktrig, kdiff
>>> endop
>>> 2017-02-24 2:44 GMT-08:00 Richard :
>>>> Thanks Tarmo, I would love to see that UDO.
>>>> Richard
>>>> On 24/02/17 11:07, Tarmo Johannes wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Oeyvind has a very good onset detection UDO, I think that should serve
>>>> you
>>>> well (I can send later), to detect end of a sample, probably follow
>>>> opcode
>>>> with relatively long attack time in combination with trigger on a given
>>>> threshold opcode should do it.
>>>> Not by computer, sorry for not sensing links but maybe it helps you
>>>> further.
>>>> Tarmo
>>>> 24.02.2017 11:05 kirjutas kuupäeval "Richard" :
>>>>> What I try to do is find the start and endpoint of samples in a wave
>>>>> file,
>>>>> in order to reverse them.
>>>>> (I do not know in advance where the samples are)
>>>>> I tried it first by exporting the file to ASCII and then in a Python
>>>>> program find the start and end points.
>>>>> This turns out to be not so easy as it seems.
>>>>> Then I thought about beat detection and read Jim Hearon's article about
>>>>> the subject. He mentions several opcodes there, among them is peak.
>>>>> I tried peak, but it did not work as expected, even with the supplied
>>>>> sample.
>>>>> The peak output values are nowhere near the peaks in the audio sample -
>>>>> verified that with Audacity.
>>>>> I also read that most beat detection algorithms use a moving window (say
>>>>> 1024 samples) to detect the average energy in a sound.
>>>>> My questions are:
>>>>> What opcode should I use to find the start of a sample (say with a fast
>>>>> attack)
>>>>> Does Csound have opcodes for beat detection based on a window?
>>>>> Richard
>>>>> Csound mailing list
>>>>> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>>>>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
>>>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>>>          https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>>> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>>>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to
>>>> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features
>>>> can be posted here
>>>> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>>>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to
>>>> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features
>>>> can be posted here
>> Csound mailing list
>> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
>> Send bugs reports to
>>          https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> Csound mailing list
> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
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> Send bugs reports to
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> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

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Send bugs reports to
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Date2017-02-24 22:13
FromOeyvind Brandtsegg
SubjectRe: beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
.... unless you can implement it with a negative delay time, allowing
it to predict the future... whohaa!

2017-02-24 14:10 GMT-08:00 Richard :
> I think this particular effect is a bit hard to do live. In order to reverse
> say a gitar note, the whole note has to be played first.
> So I am thinking of applying the effect on a recorded solo. It is an old
> fashioned, Beatlelesque effect...
> Richard
> On 24/02/17 22:08, Tarmo Johannes wrote:
>> Hi,
>> there is aslo an example  csd where I use it for random panning.
>> Your idea is getting me excited, I want to try something like that also
>> for
>> live input. If I get it done, I will post it and we can share the
>> experiences!
>> tarmo
>> On Friday 24 February 2017 21:26:17 you wrote:
>>> Thanks Oeyvind, I'll try it out soon.
>>> Richard
>>> On 24/02/17 18:38, Oeyvind Brandtsegg wrote:
>>>> Hi Richard,
>>>> Here's the UDO. I usually use follow2 with a quick attack (0.01) and a
>>>> slow decay (around 2 sec) to get the amp envelope. Then downsamp the
>>>> follow2 output and convert it to dB. Then this is the "kin" signal to
>>>> the transient detection opcode. The reason for separating our the
>>>> envelope follower is that I also experimented with detecting
>>>> transients in other signals (pitch, centroid etc), and in those cases
>>>> the "preprocessing" of the signal had to be done differently.
>>>> To get your "segment end" marker, you might use the "kreGate" signal
>>>> from inside the UDO, as this will indicate that the signal level hass
>>>> fallen below a certain threshold, X dB below the level you had when
>>>> the transient was detected. If this is too rough you might implement a
>>>> similar gate with another threshold.
>>>> Usage example::
>>>> a1 = your input sound
>>>> a_env follow2 a1, kAttack, kRelease
>>>> k_env  downsamp a_env
>>>> ktransient, kdiff TransientDetect dbfsamp(k_env), iresponse, ktthresh,
>>>> klowThresh, kdecThresh, kdoubleLimit
>>>> ; Transient detection udo, Oeyvind Brandtsegg
>>>> opcode TransientDetect, kk,kikkkk
>>>> kin, iresponse, ktthresh, klowThresh, kdecThresh, kdoubleLimit xin
>>>> /*
>>>> iresponse = 10 ; response time in milliseconds
>>>> ktthresh = 6 ; transient trig threshold
>>>> klowThresh = -60 ; lower threshold for transient detection
>>>> kdoubleLimit = 0.02 ; minimum duration between events, (double trig
>>>> limit)
>>>> kdecThresh = 6 ; retrig threshold, how much must the level decay from
>>>> its local max before allowing new transient trig
>>>> */
>>>> kinDel delayk kin, iresponse/1000 ; delay with response time for
>>>> comparision of levels
>>>> ktrig = ((kin > kinDel + ktthresh) ? 1 : 0) ; if current rms plus
>>>> threshold is larger than previous rms, set trig signal to current rms
>>>> klowGate = (kin < klowThresh? 0 : 1) ; gate to remove transient of low
>>>> level signals
>>>> ktrig = ktrig * klowGate ; activate gate on trig signal
>>>> ktransLev init 0
>>>> ktransLev samphold kin, 1-ktrig ; read amplitude at transient
>>>> kreGate init 1 ; retrigger gate, to limit transient double trig before
>>>> signal has decayed (decThresh) from its local max
>>>> ktrig = ktrig*kreGate ; activate gate
>>>> kmaxAmp init -99999
>>>> kmaxAmp max kmaxAmp, kin ; find local max amp
>>>> kdiff = kmaxAmp-kin ; how much the signal has decayed since its local
>>>> max
>>>> value kreGate limit kreGate-ktrig, 0, 1 ; mute when trig detected
>>>> kreGate = (kdiff > kdecThresh ? 1 : kreGate) ; re-enable gate when
>>>> signal has decayed sufficiently
>>>> kmaxAmp = (kreGate == 1 ? -99999 : kmaxAmp) ; reset max amp gauge
>>>> ; avoid closely spaced transient triggers (first trig priority)
>>>> kdouble init 1
>>>> ktrig = ktrig*kdouble
>>>> if ktrig > 0 then
>>>> reinit double
>>>> endif
>>>> double:
>>>>           idoubleLimit  = i(kdoubleLimit)
>>>>           idoubleLimit    limit idoubleLimit, 1/kr, 5
>>>>           kdouble linseg 0, idoubleLimit, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
>>>> rireturn
>>>> xout ktrig, kdiff
>>>> endop
>>>> 2017-02-24 2:44 GMT-08:00 Richard :
>>>>> Thanks Tarmo, I would love to see that UDO.
>>>>> Richard
>>>>> On 24/02/17 11:07, Tarmo Johannes wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Oeyvind has a very good onset detection UDO, I think that should serve
>>>>> you
>>>>> well (I can send later), to detect end of a sample, probably follow
>>>>> opcode
>>>>> with relatively long attack time in combination with trigger on a given
>>>>> threshold opcode should do it.
>>>>> Not by computer, sorry for not sensing links but maybe it helps you
>>>>> further.
>>>>> Tarmo
>>>>> 24.02.2017 11:05 kirjutas kuupäeval "Richard" :
>>>>>> What I try to do is find the start and endpoint of samples in a wave
>>>>>> file,
>>>>>> in order to reverse them.
>>>>>> (I do not know in advance where the samples are)
>>>>>> I tried it first by exporting the file to ASCII and then in a Python
>>>>>> program find the start and end points.
>>>>>> This turns out to be not so easy as it seems.
>>>>>> Then I thought about beat detection and read Jim Hearon's article
>>>>>> about
>>>>>> the subject. He mentions several opcodes there, among them is peak.
>>>>>> I tried peak, but it did not work as expected, even with the supplied
>>>>>> sample.
>>>>>> The peak output values are nowhere near the peaks in the audio sample
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> verified that with Audacity.
>>>>>> I also read that most beat detection algorithms use a moving window
>>>>>> (say
>>>>>> 1024 samples) to detect the average energy in a sound.
>>>>>> My questions are:
>>>>>> What opcode should I use to find the start of a sample (say with a
>>>>>> fast
>>>>>> attack)
>>>>>> Does Csound have opcodes for beat detection based on a window?
>>>>>> Richard
>>>>>> Csound mailing list
>>>>>> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>>>>>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
>>>>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>>>>          https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>>>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>>>> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>>>>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to
>>>>> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and
>>>>> features
>>>>> can be posted here
>>>>> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>>>>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to
>>>>> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and
>>>>> features
>>>>> can be posted here
>>> Csound mailing list
>>> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>          https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>> Csound mailing list
>> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
>> Send bugs reports to
>>          https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> Csound mailing list
> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
> Send bugs reports to
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> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here


Oeyvind Brandtsegg
Professor of Music Technology
7491 Trondheim
Cell: +47 92 203 205


Csound mailing list
Send bugs reports to
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2017-02-25 16:18
FromVincent Michalke
SubjectAw: [Csnd] beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
I use the following UDO, it works good if you adjust the values to match the sound that you want to analyze







sr = 44100

ksmps = 32

nchnls = 2

0dbfs = 1.0



opcode Onset, k, aiiiiii

ain,iMinFreq,iMaxFreq,iAboveMed,iOffset,iMinSec,iMedLen xin

ifftsize = 1024

iIndexStart limit int(iMinFreq*(ifftsize/sr))*2,0,sr/2

iIndexEnd limit int(iMaxFreq*(ifftsize/sr))*2,0,sr/2

fsrc pvsanal ain,ifftsize,ifftsize/4,ifftsize,1

kArr[] init ifftsize+2

kflag pvs2array kArr, fsrc

ksumold init 0

kMedIndex init 0

kMedSum init 0

kMedian[] init iMedLen

kMinDist init 0

iMinDist = iMinSec*(sr/ksmps)

kMinDist limit kMinDist-1,0,100000

if changed(kflag) == 1 && kMinDist == 0 then

ksum = 0

kIndex = iIndexStart

until kIndex = iIndexEnd do

ksum = ksum+kArr[kIndex]

kIndex += 2


kFLUX = ksum-ksumold

ksumold = ksum

kOnset = 0

if kFLUX > (kMedSum*iAboveMed)+iOffset then

kOnset = 1

kMinDist = iMinDist


kMedian[kMedIndex] = (kFLUX>=0?kFLUX:0)

kMedSum = sumarray(kMedian)/iMedLen

kMedIndex = (kMedIndex+1)%iMedLen



xout changed(kOnset)==1&&kOnset==1?1:0



instr 1

ain inch 1

;frequency range to analyze in hz (max samplerate/2)

iMinFreq = 1500

iMaxFreq = 20000

;factor how much stronger the onset amplitude should be, compared to median

iAboveMed = 4

;low level noise offset

iAmpOffset = 0.003

;minimum time between two onsets

iMinSec = 0.03

;how many frames are used to calculate median value

iMedLen = 25

ktrigger Onset ain,iMinFreq,iMaxFreq,iAboveMed,iAmpOffset,iMinSec,iMedLen

printk2 ktrigger






i 1 0 36000



Gesendet: Freitag, 24. Februar 2017 um 10:04 Uhr
Von: Richard <zappfinger@GMAIL.COM>
Betreff: [Csnd] beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
What I try to do is find the start and endpoint of samples in a wave
file, in order to reverse them.
(I do not know in advance where the samples are)
I tried it first by exporting the file to ASCII and then in a Python
program find the start and end points.
This turns out to be not so easy as it seems.
Then I thought about beat detection and read Jim Hearon's article about
the subject. He mentions several opcodes there, among them is peak.
I tried peak, but it did not work as expected, even with the supplied
The peak output values are nowhere near the peaks in the audio sample -
verified that with Audacity.
I also read that most beat detection algorithms use a moving window (say
1024 samples) to detect the average energy in a sound.
My questions are:
What opcode should I use to find the start of a sample (say with a fast
Does Csound have opcodes for beat detection based on a window?


Csound mailing list
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Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2017-02-25 17:34
FromOeyvind Brandtsegg
SubjectRe: Aw: [Csnd] beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
Hi Vincent,
thanks for this UDO, it looks interesting. Could you describe a bit
how it works, and how it gains from using the frequency domain?
all best

2017-02-25 8:18 GMT-08:00 Vincent Michalke :
> I use the following UDO, it works good if you adjust the values to match the
> sound that you want to analyze
> -iadc
> sr = 44100
> ksmps = 32
> nchnls = 2
> 0dbfs = 1.0
> opcode Onset, k, aiiiiii
> ain,iMinFreq,iMaxFreq,iAboveMed,iOffset,iMinSec,iMedLen xin
> ifftsize = 1024
> iIndexStart limit int(iMinFreq*(ifftsize/sr))*2,0,sr/2
> iIndexEnd limit int(iMaxFreq*(ifftsize/sr))*2,0,sr/2
> fsrc pvsanal ain,ifftsize,ifftsize/4,ifftsize,1
> kArr[] init ifftsize+2
> kflag pvs2array kArr, fsrc
> ksumold init 0
> kMedIndex init 0
> kMedSum init 0
> kMedian[] init iMedLen
> kMinDist init 0
> iMinDist = iMinSec*(sr/ksmps)
> kMinDist limit kMinDist-1,0,100000
> if changed(kflag) == 1 && kMinDist == 0 then
> ksum = 0
> kIndex = iIndexStart
> until kIndex = iIndexEnd do
> ksum = ksum+kArr[kIndex]
> kIndex += 2
> od
> kFLUX = ksum-ksumold
> ksumold = ksum
> kOnset = 0
> if kFLUX > (kMedSum*iAboveMed)+iOffset then
> kOnset = 1
> kMinDist = iMinDist
> endif
> kMedian[kMedIndex] = (kFLUX>=0?kFLUX:0)
> kMedSum = sumarray(kMedian)/iMedLen
> kMedIndex = (kMedIndex+1)%iMedLen
> endif
> xout changed(kOnset)==1&&kOnset==1?1:0
> endop
> instr 1
> ain inch 1
> ;frequency range to analyze in hz (max samplerate/2)
> iMinFreq = 1500
> iMaxFreq = 20000
> ;factor how much stronger the onset amplitude should be, compared to median
> iAboveMed = 4
> ;low level noise offset
> iAmpOffset = 0.003
> ;minimum time between two onsets
> iMinSec = 0.03
> ;how many frames are used to calculate median value
> iMedLen = 25
> ktrigger Onset ain,iMinFreq,iMaxFreq,iAboveMed,iAmpOffset,iMinSec,iMedLen
> printk2 ktrigger
> endin
> i 1 0 36000
> Gesendet: Freitag, 24. Februar 2017 um 10:04 Uhr
> Von: Richard 
> Betreff: [Csnd] beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
> What I try to do is find the start and endpoint of samples in a wave
> file, in order to reverse them.
> (I do not know in advance where the samples are)
> I tried it first by exporting the file to ASCII and then in a Python
> program find the start and end points.
> This turns out to be not so easy as it seems.
> Then I thought about beat detection and read Jim Hearon's article about
> the subject. He mentions several opcodes there, among them is peak.
> I tried peak, but it did not work as expected, even with the supplied
> sample.
> The peak output values are nowhere near the peaks in the audio sample -
> verified that with Audacity.
> I also read that most beat detection algorithms use a moving window (say
> 1024 samples) to detect the average energy in a sound.
> My questions are:
> What opcode should I use to find the start of a sample (say with a fast
> attack)
> Does Csound have opcodes for beat detection based on a window?
> Richard
> Csound mailing list
> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
> Send bugs reports to
> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to
> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can
> be posted here

Date2017-02-25 18:21
FromVincent Michalke
SubjectAw: Re: [Csnd] [Csnd] beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
Hi Oeyvind,
the UDO sums the amplitudes of bins in a specified frequency range (defined by iMinFreq,iMaxFreq).
A median value of these sums is calculated and it is checked if the current sum is higher than the median by a certain factor (iAboveMed).
If that is the case the UDO outputs 1, otherwise 0.
For me it was useful to detect onsets of an acoustic guitar. The onset sound is noisy for a short moment, so by just looking at amplitude changes in the range ~2000-20000hz i could more or less filter out the swinging strings and just detect that onset noise.
Hope this helps.
Gesendet: Samstag, 25. Februar 2017 um 18:34 Uhr
Von: "Oeyvind Brandtsegg" <oyvind.brandtsegg@NTNU.NO>
Betreff: Re: [Csnd] Aw: [Csnd] beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
Hi Vincent,
thanks for this UDO, it looks interesting. Could you describe a bit
how it works, and how it gains from using the frequency domain?
all best

2017-02-25 8:18 GMT-08:00 Vincent Michalke <VincentMi@web.de>:
> I use the following UDO, it works good if you adjust the values to match the
> sound that you want to analyze
> <CsoundSynthesizer>
> <CsOptions>
> -iadc
> </CsOptions>
> <CsInstruments>
> sr = 44100
> ksmps = 32
> nchnls = 2
> 0dbfs = 1.0
> opcode Onset, k, aiiiiii
> ain,iMinFreq,iMaxFreq,iAboveMed,iOffset,iMinSec,iMedLen xin
> ifftsize = 1024
> iIndexStart limit int(iMinFreq*(ifftsize/sr))*2,0,sr/2
> iIndexEnd limit int(iMaxFreq*(ifftsize/sr))*2,0,sr/2
> fsrc pvsanal ain,ifftsize,ifftsize/4,ifftsize,1
> kArr[] init ifftsize+2
> kflag pvs2array kArr, fsrc
> ksumold init 0
> kMedIndex init 0
> kMedSum init 0
> kMedian[] init iMedLen
> kMinDist init 0
> iMinDist = iMinSec*(sr/ksmps)
> kMinDist limit kMinDist-1,0,100000
> if changed(kflag) == 1 && kMinDist == 0 then
> ksum = 0
> kIndex = iIndexStart
> until kIndex = iIndexEnd do
> ksum = ksum+kArr[kIndex]
> kIndex += 2
> od
> kFLUX = ksum-ksumold
> ksumold = ksum
> kOnset = 0
> if kFLUX > (kMedSum*iAboveMed)+iOffset then
> kOnset = 1
> kMinDist = iMinDist
> endif
> kMedian[kMedIndex] = (kFLUX>=0?kFLUX:0)
> kMedSum = sumarray(kMedian)/iMedLen
> kMedIndex = (kMedIndex+1)%iMedLen
> endif
> xout changed(kOnset)==1&&kOnset==1?1:0
> endop
> instr 1
> ain inch 1
> ;frequency range to analyze in hz (max samplerate/2)
> iMinFreq = 1500
> iMaxFreq = 20000
> ;factor how much stronger the onset amplitude should be, compared to median
> iAboveMed = 4
> ;low level noise offset
> iAmpOffset = 0.003
> ;minimum time between two onsets
> iMinSec = 0.03
> ;how many frames are used to calculate median value
> iMedLen = 25
> ktrigger Onset ain,iMinFreq,iMaxFreq,iAboveMed,iAmpOffset,iMinSec,iMedLen
> printk2 ktrigger
> endin
> </CsInstruments>
> <CsScore>
> i 1 0 36000
> </CsScore>
> </CsoundSynthesizer>
> Gesendet: Freitag, 24. Februar 2017 um 10:04 Uhr
> Von: Richard <zappfinger@GMAIL.COM>
> Betreff: [Csnd] beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
> What I try to do is find the start and endpoint of samples in a wave
> file, in order to reverse them.
> (I do not know in advance where the samples are)
> I tried it first by exporting the file to ASCII and then in a Python
> program find the start and end points.
> This turns out to be not so easy as it seems.
> Then I thought about beat detection and read Jim Hearon's article about
> the subject. He mentions several opcodes there, among them is peak.
> I tried peak, but it did not work as expected, even with the supplied
> sample.
> The peak output values are nowhere near the peaks in the audio sample -
> verified that with Audacity.
> I also read that most beat detection algorithms use a moving window (say
> 1024 samples) to detect the average energy in a sound.
> My questions are:
> What opcode should I use to find the start of a sample (say with a fast
> attack)
> Does Csound have opcodes for beat detection based on a window?
> Richard
> Csound mailing list
> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
> Send bugs reports to
> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to
> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can
> be posted here


Oeyvind Brandtsegg
Professor of Music Technology
7491 Trondheim
Cell: +47 92 203 205


Csound mailing list
Send bugs reports to
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2017-02-25 20:41
SubjectRe: beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
Hi Oeyvind,

Works like a charm. Since I am interested in finding the sample 
positions, I run the instrument at ksmps 1 and have added the following 
after calling the UDO:

       if ktransient == 1 then
         k1 timeinstk
         printk2 k1


On 24/02/17 18:38, Oeyvind Brandtsegg wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> Here's the UDO. I usually use follow2 with a quick attack (0.01) and a
> slow decay (around 2 sec) to get the amp envelope. Then downsamp the
> follow2 output and convert it to dB. Then this is the "kin" signal to
> the transient detection opcode. The reason for separating our the
> envelope follower is that I also experimented with detecting
> transients in other signals (pitch, centroid etc), and in those cases
> the "preprocessing" of the signal had to be done differently.
> To get your "segment end" marker, you might use the "kreGate" signal
> from inside the UDO, as this will indicate that the signal level hass
> fallen below a certain threshold, X dB below the level you had when
> the transient was detected. If this is too rough you might implement a
> similar gate with another threshold.
> Usage example::
> a1 = your input sound
> a_env follow2 a1, kAttack, kRelease
> k_env  downsamp a_env
> ktransient, kdiff TransientDetect dbfsamp(k_env), iresponse, ktthresh,
> klowThresh, kdecThresh, kdoubleLimit
> ; Transient detection udo, Oeyvind Brandtsegg
> opcode TransientDetect, kk,kikkkk
> kin, iresponse, ktthresh, klowThresh, kdecThresh, kdoubleLimit xin
> /*
> iresponse = 10 ; response time in milliseconds
> ktthresh = 6 ; transient trig threshold
> klowThresh = -60 ; lower threshold for transient detection
> kdoubleLimit = 0.02 ; minimum duration between events, (double trig limit)
> kdecThresh = 6 ; retrig threshold, how much must the level decay from
> its local max before allowing new transient trig
> */
> kinDel delayk kin, iresponse/1000 ; delay with response time for
> comparision of levels
> ktrig = ((kin > kinDel + ktthresh) ? 1 : 0) ; if current rms plus
> threshold is larger than previous rms, set trig signal to current rms
> klowGate = (kin < klowThresh? 0 : 1) ; gate to remove transient of low
> level signals
> ktrig = ktrig * klowGate ; activate gate on trig signal
> ktransLev init 0
> ktransLev samphold kin, 1-ktrig ; read amplitude at transient
> kreGate init 1 ; retrigger gate, to limit transient double trig before
> signal has decayed (decThresh) from its local max
> ktrig = ktrig*kreGate ; activate gate
> kmaxAmp init -99999
> kmaxAmp max kmaxAmp, kin ; find local max amp
> kdiff = kmaxAmp-kin ; how much the signal has decayed since its local max value
> kreGate limit kreGate-ktrig, 0, 1 ; mute when trig detected
> kreGate = (kdiff > kdecThresh ? 1 : kreGate) ; re-enable gate when
> signal has decayed sufficiently
> kmaxAmp = (kreGate == 1 ? -99999 : kmaxAmp) ; reset max amp gauge
> ; avoid closely spaced transient triggers (first trig priority)
> kdouble init 1
> ktrig = ktrig*kdouble
> if ktrig > 0 then
> reinit double
> endif
> double:
>          idoubleLimit  = i(kdoubleLimit)
>          idoubleLimit    limit idoubleLimit, 1/kr, 5
>          kdouble linseg 0, idoubleLimit, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
> rireturn
> xout ktrig, kdiff
> endop
> 2017-02-24 2:44 GMT-08:00 Richard :
>> Thanks Tarmo, I would love to see that UDO.
>> Richard
>> On 24/02/17 11:07, Tarmo Johannes wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Oeyvind has a very good onset detection UDO, I think that should serve you
>> well (I can send later), to detect end of a sample, probably follow opcode
>> with relatively long attack time in combination with trigger on a given
>> threshold opcode should do it.
>> Not by computer, sorry for not sensing links but maybe it helps you further.
>> Tarmo
>> 24.02.2017 11:05 kirjutas kuupäeval "Richard" :
>>> What I try to do is find the start and endpoint of samples in a wave file,
>>> in order to reverse them.
>>> (I do not know in advance where the samples are)
>>> I tried it first by exporting the file to ASCII and then in a Python
>>> program find the start and end points.
>>> This turns out to be not so easy as it seems.
>>> Then I thought about beat detection and read Jim Hearon's article about
>>> the subject. He mentions several opcodes there, among them is peak.
>>> I tried peak, but it did not work as expected, even with the supplied
>>> sample.
>>> The peak output values are nowhere near the peaks in the audio sample -
>>> verified that with Audacity.
>>> I also read that most beat detection algorithms use a moving window (say
>>> 1024 samples) to detect the average energy in a sound.
>>> My questions are:
>>> What opcode should I use to find the start of a sample (say with a fast
>>> attack)
>>> Does Csound have opcodes for beat detection based on a window?
>>> Richard
>>> Csound mailing list
>>> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>         https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to
>> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can
>> be posted here
>> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to
>> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can
>> be posted here

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Date2017-02-25 23:27
Fromluis jure
SubjectRe: beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
el 2017-02-25 a las 17:18 Vincent Michalke escribió:

> I use the following UDO, it works good if you adjust the values to match
> the sound that you want to analyze 

hey, vincent, you finally did it... :-)

btw, i haven't followed the thread too closely, but it seems that you're
talking about *onset* detection, and not beat detection, which is something
completely different.

i haven't tried the udo or looked at the code closely, but it seems to be
based in something similar to spectral flux, which is one of the most
established techniques for onset detection. good work, vincent! 



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Date2017-02-26 00:03
SubjectRe: Aw: [Csnd] beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode

Thanks, this also seems to work quite well. I have tried it without any real fine tuning.
It detects peaks somewhat later ( in terms of tens to hundreds of samples) than Oeyvinds UDO, but that might have to do with the tuning that I did not do yet.
I will investigate further with other audio files and settings...


On 25/02/17 17:18, Vincent Michalke wrote:
I use the following UDO, it works good if you adjust the values to match the sound that you want to analyze







sr = 44100

ksmps = 32

nchnls = 2

0dbfs = 1.0



opcode Onset, k, aiiiiii

ain,iMinFreq,iMaxFreq,iAboveMed,iOffset,iMinSec,iMedLen xin

ifftsize = 1024

iIndexStart limit int(iMinFreq*(ifftsize/sr))*2,0,sr/2

iIndexEnd limit int(iMaxFreq*(ifftsize/sr))*2,0,sr/2

fsrc pvsanal ain,ifftsize,ifftsize/4,ifftsize,1

kArr[] init ifftsize+2

kflag pvs2array kArr, fsrc

ksumold init 0

kMedIndex init 0

kMedSum init 0

kMedian[] init iMedLen

kMinDist init 0

iMinDist = iMinSec*(sr/ksmps)

kMinDist limit kMinDist-1,0,100000

if changed(kflag) == 1 && kMinDist == 0 then

ksum = 0

kIndex = iIndexStart

until kIndex = iIndexEnd do

ksum = ksum+kArr[kIndex]

kIndex += 2


kFLUX = ksum-ksumold

ksumold = ksum

kOnset = 0

if kFLUX > (kMedSum*iAboveMed)+iOffset then

kOnset = 1

kMinDist = iMinDist


kMedian[kMedIndex] = (kFLUX>=0?kFLUX:0)

kMedSum = sumarray(kMedian)/iMedLen

kMedIndex = (kMedIndex+1)%iMedLen



xout changed(kOnset)==1&&kOnset==1?1:0



instr 1

ain inch 1

;frequency range to analyze in hz (max samplerate/2)

iMinFreq = 1500

iMaxFreq = 20000

;factor how much stronger the onset amplitude should be, compared to median

iAboveMed = 4

;low level noise offset

iAmpOffset = 0.003

;minimum time between two onsets

iMinSec = 0.03

;how many frames are used to calculate median value

iMedLen = 25

ktrigger Onset ain,iMinFreq,iMaxFreq,iAboveMed,iAmpOffset,iMinSec,iMedLen

printk2 ktrigger






i 1 0 36000



Gesendet: Freitag, 24. Februar 2017 um 10:04 Uhr
Von: Richard <zappfinger@GMAIL.COM>
Betreff: [Csnd] beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
What I try to do is find the start and endpoint of samples in a wave
file, in order to reverse them.
(I do not know in advance where the samples are)
I tried it first by exporting the file to ASCII and then in a Python
program find the start and end points.
This turns out to be not so easy as it seems.
Then I thought about beat detection and read Jim Hearon's article about
the subject. He mentions several opcodes there, among them is peak.
I tried peak, but it did not work as expected, even with the supplied
The peak output values are nowhere near the peaks in the audio sample -
verified that with Audacity.
I also read that most beat detection algorithms use a moving window (say
1024 samples) to detect the average energy in a sound.
My questions are:
What opcode should I use to find the start of a sample (say with a fast
Does Csound have opcodes for beat detection based on a window?


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Date2017-02-26 05:56
FromOeyvind Brandtsegg
SubjectRe: Aw: [Csnd] beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
Hi, I think that the later onsets in Vincents UDO is due to the
spectral processing and also the median filtering. It is a nice idea
though, perhaps it could be implemented with a simpler filter in the
time domain, and thus reduce the latency?
(It does not seem to use spectral flux though, Louis. That would
involve multiplying amps of a frame with the amps of the previous
frame and then normalizing)

2017-02-25 16:03 GMT-08:00 Richard :
> Thanks, this also seems to work quite well. I have tried it without any real
> fine tuning.
> It detects peaks somewhat later ( in terms of tens to hundreds of samples)
> than Oeyvinds UDO, but that might have to do with the tuning that I did not
> do yet.
> I will investigate further with other audio files and settings...
> Richard
> On 25/02/17 17:18, Vincent Michalke wrote:
> I use the following UDO, it works good if you adjust the values to match the
> sound that you want to analyze
> -iadc
> sr = 44100
> ksmps = 32
> nchnls = 2
> 0dbfs = 1.0
> opcode Onset, k, aiiiiii
> ain,iMinFreq,iMaxFreq,iAboveMed,iOffset,iMinSec,iMedLen xin
> ifftsize = 1024
> iIndexStart limit int(iMinFreq*(ifftsize/sr))*2,0,sr/2
> iIndexEnd limit int(iMaxFreq*(ifftsize/sr))*2,0,sr/2
> fsrc pvsanal ain,ifftsize,ifftsize/4,ifftsize,1
> kArr[] init ifftsize+2
> kflag pvs2array kArr, fsrc
> ksumold init 0
> kMedIndex init 0
> kMedSum init 0
> kMedian[] init iMedLen
> kMinDist init 0
> iMinDist = iMinSec*(sr/ksmps)
> kMinDist limit kMinDist-1,0,100000
> if changed(kflag) == 1 && kMinDist == 0 then
> ksum = 0
> kIndex = iIndexStart
> until kIndex = iIndexEnd do
> ksum = ksum+kArr[kIndex]
> kIndex += 2
> od
> kFLUX = ksum-ksumold
> ksumold = ksum
> kOnset = 0
> if kFLUX > (kMedSum*iAboveMed)+iOffset then
> kOnset = 1
> kMinDist = iMinDist
> endif
> kMedian[kMedIndex] = (kFLUX>=0?kFLUX:0)
> kMedSum = sumarray(kMedian)/iMedLen
> kMedIndex = (kMedIndex+1)%iMedLen
> endif
> xout changed(kOnset)==1&&kOnset==1?1:0
> endop
> instr 1
> ain inch 1
> ;frequency range to analyze in hz (max samplerate/2)
> iMinFreq = 1500
> iMaxFreq = 20000
> ;factor how much stronger the onset amplitude should be, compared to median
> iAboveMed = 4
> ;low level noise offset
> iAmpOffset = 0.003
> ;minimum time between two onsets
> iMinSec = 0.03
> ;how many frames are used to calculate median value
> iMedLen = 25
> ktrigger Onset ain,iMinFreq,iMaxFreq,iAboveMed,iAmpOffset,iMinSec,iMedLen
> printk2 ktrigger
> endin
> i 1 0 36000
> Gesendet: Freitag, 24. Februar 2017 um 10:04 Uhr
> Von: Richard 
> Betreff: [Csnd] beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
> What I try to do is find the start and endpoint of samples in a wave
> file, in order to reverse them.
> (I do not know in advance where the samples are)
> I tried it first by exporting the file to ASCII and then in a Python
> program find the start and end points.
> This turns out to be not so easy as it seems.
> Then I thought about beat detection and read Jim Hearon's article about
> the subject. He mentions several opcodes there, among them is peak.
> I tried peak, but it did not work as expected, even with the supplied
> sample.
> The peak output values are nowhere near the peaks in the audio sample -
> verified that with Audacity.
> I also read that most beat detection algorithms use a moving window (say
> 1024 samples) to detect the average energy in a sound.
> My questions are:
> What opcode should I use to find the start of a sample (say with a fast
> attack)
> Does Csound have opcodes for beat detection based on a window?
> Richard
> Csound mailing list
> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
> Send bugs reports to
> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to
> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can
> be posted here
> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to
> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can
> be posted here

Date2017-02-26 13:10
Fromluis jure
SubjectRe: Aw: [Csnd] beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
el 2017-02-25 a las 21:56 Oeyvind Brandtsegg escribió:

> (It does not seem to use spectral flux though, Louis. That would
> involve multiplying amps of a frame with the amps of the previous
> frame and then normalizing)

well, i said "something similar" to spectral flux... :-)

anyway, i don't understand your description of spectral flux. there are
some variations, but generally speaking SF consists in taking the (usually
normalized) spectrum and then finding the difference (L1 or L2) between
consecutive frames (often half-wave rectified). i don't think it involves
multiplying amplitudes between consecutive frames. but then again, i'm not
an expert in dsp and i might have got you wrong.

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Date2017-02-27 06:23
FromOeyvind Brandtsegg
SubjectRe: Aw: [Csnd] beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
I would not call myself an expert either, but I've used spectral flux
for some resent work, and the definition I've based my analysis on is
in the article "The Timbre Toolbox: Extracting audio descriptors from
musical signals" by Geoffroy Peeters et.al, in J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
Vol. 130, No. 5, November 2011, also available here:
https://www.mcgill.ca/mpcl/files/mpcl/peeters_2011_jasa.pdf.  There,
the spectral flux is defined as "1 minus the normalized correlation
between the successive ak" where ak (subscript k) "represents the
value at bin k of the magnitude STFT". The correlation is done by
multiplying the value of a bin k at time m with the value of bin k at
time m-1, summing these across the whole frame. In my expreience, the
resulting measure is a good indicator of the balance between noise and
tonal/stable components in the timbre.

2017-02-26 5:10 GMT-08:00 luis jure :
> el 2017-02-25 a las 21:56 Oeyvind Brandtsegg escribió:
>> (It does not seem to use spectral flux though, Louis. That would
>> involve multiplying amps of a frame with the amps of the previous
>> frame and then normalizing)
> well, i said "something similar" to spectral flux... :-)
> anyway, i don't understand your description of spectral flux. there are
> some variations, but generally speaking SF consists in taking the (usually
> normalized) spectrum and then finding the difference (L1 or L2) between
> consecutive frames (often half-wave rectified). i don't think it involves
> multiplying amplitudes between consecutive frames. but then again, i'm not
> an expert in dsp and i might have got you wrong.
> Csound mailing list
> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
> Send bugs reports to
>         https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here


Oeyvind Brandtsegg
Professor of Music Technology
7491 Trondheim
Cell: +47 92 203 205


Csound mailing list
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Date2017-02-27 23:02
Fromluis jure
SubjectRe: Aw: [Csnd] beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
el 2017-02-26 a las 22:23 Oeyvind Brandtsegg escribió:

>  the definition I've based my analysis on is in the article "The Timbre
> Toolbox: Extracting audio descriptors from musical signals" by Geoffroy
> Peeters et.al, in J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 130, No. 5, November 2011,
> also available here:
> https://www.mcgill.ca/mpcl/files/mpcl/peeters_2011_jasa.pdf.

interesting reference, oeyvind, thanks for the link. i didn't know that
one, i'll definitely have to read it in detail.

their definition of spectral flux is definitely different from the
"standard" definition in the literature about onset detection. actually,
the paper seems to be more oriented toward timbre description, and area
where mcadams is an expert.

did this approach work well for you for onsets detection? current research
in this area use a different definition of spectral flux, as i described
in my previous mail. there are countless references, but the following
three papers give a good overall picture:

Simon Dixon. "Onset detection revisited." In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on
Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-06), pages 133–137, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,
September 2006.

Juan Pablo Bello, Laurent Daudet, Samer Abdallah, Chris Duxbury, Mike
Davies, and Mark B. Sandler. “A tutorial on onset detection in musical
signals” IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Proc., vol. 13, no. 5, pp.
1035–1047, 2005.

Sebastian Böck, Florian Krebs, and Markus Schedl. "Evaluating the online
capabilities of onset detection methods." In Proc. of the 13th
International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR
2012), pages 49–54, Porto, Portugal, Aug. 9-13 2012.

BTW, sebastian böck and colleagues released a python library with tools for
music information retrieval, including onsets detection:


(many more references there)



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Date2017-02-28 08:06
FromOeyvind Brandtsegg
SubjectRe: Aw: [Csnd] beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I had missed the different
definitions used for spectral flux. I had touched on some of these
articles, but not thoroughly enough. The measure is called *spectral
difference* in the Bello article, which is perhaps a better term for
this method(?). Please do correct me, but is not the positive
difference as used here dependent on signal amplitude? I might misread
the maths, but it looks so to me. The spectral flux as used by Peeters
is normalized with regards to signal amplitude, so it seems more
robust(?). One thing I find objectionable is that Dixon mentions onset
detection functions to have a low sampling rate of 100 Hz. (Böck
mentiones an even lower accuracy of +/- 25 ms to be sufficient, as an
improvement over the 50 ms accuracy used in earlier studies). For
rhythmical analysis, one could say that no rhythms in a musical sense
will occur at a frequency faster than around 20 Hz so 100Hz should be
ample sampling rate. However, fine rhythmical nuances in phrasing
would then be limited to a resolution of 10 milliseconds, and I think
a lot of performing musicians would argue that they strive to place
their notes more accurately than that. Playing on a realtime
instrument with audio buffering shows a clear perceptible difference
when adjusting the buffer size from a conservative 256 (approx 6 ms
latency) to 128 (approx 3 ms latency), and similarly from 128 to 64. I
haven't done quantitative studies of this, but merely experimented
with it to determine where I find my perceptual thresholds are, and
discussed with musician colleagues to try to verify, or at least find
some concensus. According to these experiments, a 10 millisecond
resolution is far from sufficient, Using spectral techniques not only
introduce latency, but also limits the time precision within where
onsets can be placed due to the analysis window. For this reason, I
have not used spectral techniques for onset detection, but tried to
find time domain methods that performs "sufficiently" well. I do note
that the spectral methods can provide reliable onset detection for
instruments that have a softer amplitude envelope, like arco strings
or flute for example. Perhaps it would be a good idea to combine the
time based methods with a "fail-safe" based on spectral methods, and
in the case where the time domain method did not detect an onset but
the spectral method provided one, we could accept the lower resolution
and higher latency (since those onsets would otherwise have been
lost). I should perhaps state that my use for the techniques are
realtime performance, where the output might be used for triggering
and or for rhythm analysis. Thus, my requirements may limit the choice
of methods somewhat,

2017-02-27 15:02 GMT-08:00 luis jure :
> el 2017-02-26 a las 22:23 Oeyvind Brandtsegg escribió:
>>  the definition I've based my analysis on is in the article "The Timbre
>> Toolbox: Extracting audio descriptors from musical signals" by Geoffroy
>> Peeters et.al, in J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 130, No. 5, November 2011,
>> also available here:
>> https://www.mcgill.ca/mpcl/files/mpcl/peeters_2011_jasa.pdf.
> interesting reference, oeyvind, thanks for the link. i didn't know that
> one, i'll definitely have to read it in detail.
> their definition of spectral flux is definitely different from the
> "standard" definition in the literature about onset detection. actually,
> the paper seems to be more oriented toward timbre description, and area
> where mcadams is an expert.
> did this approach work well for you for onsets detection? current research
> in this area use a different definition of spectral flux, as i described
> in my previous mail. there are countless references, but the following
> three papers give a good overall picture:
> Simon Dixon. "Onset detection revisited." In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on
> Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-06), pages 133–137, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,
> September 2006.
> http://dafx.ca/proceedings/papers/p_133.pdf
> Juan Pablo Bello, Laurent Daudet, Samer Abdallah, Chris Duxbury, Mike
> Davies, and Mark B. Sandler. “A tutorial on onset detection in musical
> signals” IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Proc., vol. 13, no. 5, pp.
> 1035–1047, 2005.
> http://hans.fugal.net/comps/papers/bello_2005.pdf
> Sebastian Böck, Florian Krebs, and Markus Schedl. "Evaluating the online
> capabilities of onset detection methods." In Proc. of the 13th
> International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR
> 2012), pages 49–54, Porto, Portugal, Aug. 9-13 2012.
> http://www.cp.jku.at/research/papers/Boeck_etal_ISMIR_2012.pdf
> BTW, sebastian böck and colleagues released a python library with tools for
> music information retrieval, including onsets detection:
> https://github.com/CPJKU/madmom
> (many more references there)
> best,
> lj
> Csound mailing list
> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
> Send bugs reports to
>         https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here


Oeyvind Brandtsegg
Professor of Music Technology
7491 Trondheim
Cell: +47 92 203 205


Csound mailing list
Send bugs reports to
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Date2017-03-02 14:30
Fromluis jure
SubjectRe: beat detection, sample replacement/peak opcode
el 2017-02-28 a las 00:06 Oeyvind Brandtsegg escribió:

> The measure is called *spectral difference* in the Bello article, which
> is perhaps a better term for this method(?).

as far as i have seen, both terms are equivalent and used more or less

> Please do correct me, but is not the positive difference as used here
> dependent on signal amplitude? I might misread the maths, but it looks
> so to me.

most techniques normalize the spectrum. böck doesn't use normalization
because it's not suited for online situations. he compensates this with a
novel peak detection algorithm. 

onset detection systems are considered to have three stages:

- pre-processing (e. g. normalization, whitening, etc)
- the onset detection function (in this case, spectral flux, there are
- peak detection

that means that the detection function itself is only one step in the
process, and the peak detection method has a great impact on the
performance (not in terms of temporal accuracy, but rather in terms of not
missing onsets, and not returning false positives).

> For rhythmical analysis, one could say that no rhythms in a musical
> sense will occur at a frequency faster than around 20 Hz so 100Hz should
> be ample sampling rate. However, fine rhythmical nuances in phrasing
> would then be limited to a resolution of 10 milliseconds, and I think a
> lot of performing musicians would argue that they strive to place their
> notes more accurately than that.

definitely, yes.

> Using spectral techniques not only introduce latency, but also limits
> the time precision within where onsets can be placed due to the analysis
> window.

yes, that's true. most onset detection techniques i know seem to have been
developed for metric analysis and are not so well suited for microtiming
analysis. in that scenario, "robust" means catching all onsets and not
getting false positives.

> I should perhaps state that my use for the techniques are realtime
> performance, where the output might be used for triggering and or for
> rhythm analysis. Thus, my requirements may limit the choice of methods
> somewhat,

definitely, yes.



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