| I've also used a modified version of the screverb (not the opcode but
the Sean Costello Csound instrument version), where I basically
created one 3-channel reverb for each speaker, feeding some of the
delay feeds center, som left and some right. The center signal will go
to "this" speaker, the left goes to the one left of it in the circle
etc.(similarly for the right, in the other direction around the
circle). Then the left signal is also fed into the input of the reverb
module used for that channel, effectively allowing the reverberation
to travel from channel to channel via delayed copies. If you want to
look at it, I can try to excavate. I think I had an 11-channel version
running for an installatioin at some point.
2016-11-07 8:00 GMT-08:00 C. R. Craig :
> spat3d allows you to specify a table containing the room acoustics, or, for “free field spatialization” (no idea what that means), set the table number to <= 0.
> I’ve played a bit with this opcode. The output is in B format, so you would decode using bformdec1 to your speaker setup. My speaker setup is crap, both in quality and in position, so I could never tell just how well this combination worked, especially since I was trying to make very fine distinctions in spatial location . . .
> Robert
>> On Nov 7, 2016, at 7:44 AM, jpff wrote:
>> Amazingly I found time to compose a little, but my knowledge of audio
>> is not good.
>> I have a piece with individual sound events coming from fixed locations
>> in a ring. I was looking into both ambisonics and hrtf for this as I
>> used this with success earlier. However these sounds seem to need
>> reverberation to smooth them, which I can do in stereo. How can I do
>> that in surround sound? Or do I need to reverb each one separately
>> (which sounds hard) or rely on the natural reverb of a performance
>> space if it were ever to be performed?
>> ==John ffitch
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Oeyvind Brandtsegg
Professor of Music Technology
7491 Trondheim
Cell: +47 92 203 205
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