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Csound 6.07

Date2016-05-13 17:17
SubjectCsound 6.07
After what became quite a delay we intend releasing 6.07 formally on
Monday 16 May.  As well as many bug fixes there are new opcodes and
major internal changes, but it has been running for some developers
without problems for weeks.
  With apologies for the delay, the Draft Release Notes are appended
==John ffitch
Draft Draft Draft Draft Draft Draft Draft Draft Draft Draft Draft Draft 

A large number of bug fixes, some quite major, some internal are
included, as well as some new facilities and extensions. As ever there
are coding improvements as well.

-- The Developers


New opcodes:

    o    compress2: like compress but using a more normal use of dB
         (0.0 for full scale).

    o    (Experimental, source code-only) New cuda opcodes cudasynth2
         and cudanal2

    o    directory opcode: Reads a directory and outputs to a string
         array a list of file names.

    o    ftsamplebank:to load a sample library from a directory.

    o    mvclpf1, mvclpf2, mvclpf3, mvclpf4, mvchpf: Moog
         voltage-controlled filter emulations from Fons Andriaensen.

    o    S() converter from k-rate and i-time number to a string.

    o    cepsinv opcode to calculate the inverse cepstrum of an array.
    o    moogladder2 is a faster, less accurate implementation of moogladder.

    o    paulstretch opcode is a lightweight implementation of the
         PaulStretch time-stretching algorithm by Paul Nasca
         Octavian. It is ideal for timestretching a signal by very
         large amounts.

    o    mp3scal implements phase-locked vocoder processing from
         mp3-format disk files, resampling if necessary.

    o    filescal implements phase-locked vocoder processing from disk
         files, resampling if necessary.  

New Gen and Macros:

    o    NONE


    o    The boolean ?..:.. construction can now have string results,
         while previously it only allowed numbers.

    o    The line number reported when an error is detected at the end
         of a line is now correct.  Also more improvements in line numbers
         for complex syntax

    o    While loop improved/fixed.

    o    Better and consistent reading of comments.

    o    Continuation lines handled better, especially respecting line

    o    opcode:S(.) syntax now allowed.


    o    The list of tempo points in score opcode t is now arbitrarily

    o    A stupidity in r and { opcodes fixed.


    o    The -z option now suppresses deprecated opcodes, unless given
         a 2 or 3 argument.

    o    The new option  --fftlib controls which real fft library to
         use internally (FFTLIB = 0, PFFFT = 1, vDSP = 2)

Modified Opcodes and Gens:

     o   In OSC opcodes it is now possible to send and receive arrays,
         tables and audio.

     o   Better diagnostic if diskin2 fails.

     o   Rezzy now checks for unstable filter and modifies to close
         stable version.

     o   adsr rewritten so it gives an error if the segments are
         longer than p3.

     o   Use of diskin to an array ow resizes the output array if

     o   chnget now checks for a change in chanel name as well as data.

     o   interp can take an optional extra argument to give an initial

     o   oscilikts uses a more liberal table lookup.

     o   opcode in can read mono or stereo, obviating the in/ins

     o   sensekey rewritten to provide better diagnostics and fixes a
         minor bug.

     o   Fix to a case of defining a macro with arguments.

     o   sockrecv now works at a and k rate.

     o   GEN49 now works from ftgen calls.

     o   GEN34 liberalised in tables it accepts.

     o   chnget now allows channel names to be changed at perf time.

     o   iceps has been renamed cepsinv to avoid name clashes.

     o   mp3 support improved in a number of minor ways.

     o   a minor fix to allow a ladspa plugin to be re-loaded by the host.









       * Some memory issues fixed.


  CsoundQT has its own notes at

General usage:

    o   The multicore options somewhat improved.

    o   When replacing instruments the new version inherits maxalloc
        and active flags.

    o   Multicore code now works with midi instruments.

    o   MIDI operations now available via a new rtmidi jack module (-+rtmidi=jack)

Bugs fixed:

    o   Fix to trigseq.

    o   Major error in rezzy fixed.

    o   p() fixed for high numbers of p-arguments.

    o   p() now works from MIDI events.

    o   The 31-bit random number generator could give a very short
        loop if seeded with zero; fixed.

    o   Macros in .orc files now work.

    o   A long-standing bug in display of graphs fixed.

    o   Fixes to the envelope opcodes linen, expsegr, linsegr,
        cossegr, transegr, envlpx, including new warnings.
    o   Many fixes in string opcodes (strsub, strcpy and others).

    o   Fixed bugs in print formats (sprintf printf prints).

    o   pvsmooth had a missing initialisation.

    o   Array initialisation now robust.

    o   Bug in copya2ftab fixed.

    o   Fix in cudapvsanal (EXPERIMENTAL).

    o   partikkel fix to subsample grain placement.

    o   Opcodes that require an odd number of arguments are now properly checked.

    o   pvswrite now takes proper notice of 0dbfs.

    o   GEN34 now allowing non-power-of-two source tables.

    o   vst4cs will now work on 64bit architecture.

    o   strcat mended.

    o   nstance mended.

    o   fixed small issues in rtauhal module.

    o   Windows installer for 64 bit CPU architecture now sets
        environment variables on system level as it should.

    o   transeg at k-rate with itype non-zero had an initial delay if one cycle

    o   log function on arrays fixed

    o   Rescaling of named GENs fixed

    o   A fencepost error in reading ATS files believed fixed; it
        generated spurious errors about file finishing early.

    o   Initialisation error in pvbandp fixed.

    o   readfi string allocation fixed

System changes:

    o   Extensive use made of in-memory files.  Orc and sco are always
        thus, as are .csound6rc.  This simplifies much internally.

    o   Nested longjmps fixed which affected some API use.

    o   If a non-existent .csd file is presented Csound no longer

    o   The kcounter value is now consistently an unsigned 64bit
        value, allowing for long performances.


    * csoundCompileCsdText: New function to compile a CSD from a string of text.

    * The function call csound->GetKcounter(csound) now returns an
      unsigned 64 bit integer.  Previously it returned a long which is
    * ctcsound.py is a new wrapper file to the Csound API for the
      Python language.  It is a pure Python file using the FFI (Fast
      Foreign Interface) module ctypes.  It does not depends on
      Swig, and it works with Python2 and Python3 as well. It uses
      numpy for its data structures, numpy being the fundamental
      package for scientific computing with Python.

Platform Specific






    * The Windows installer for Csound now contains all executables
      built for 64 bit CPU architecture.

    * The Windows installer for 64 bit CPU architecture now provides NW.js
      "out of the box." It runs all features of
      Csound, as well as all features of HTML5, in a browser-like runtime
      with JavaScript scripting, and includes a Csound editor implemented
      in HTML. The editor will run pieces either as .csd files with embedded
       or as .html files calling the csound object, and includes
      JavaScript debugging.

    * A new simplified build system has been implemented in the csound/mingw64
      directory for building Csound using the MSYS2/mingw64 toolchain.

    * Linking to pthreads and other libraries now static.

    * Some limited support for non-ASCII characters in file names.

    * Installer fixed for link names for _csnd6 and _CsoundAC.


    * date opcode more accurate.


Date:   Tue May 10 14:49:44 2016 +0100

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Date2016-05-14 10:51
FromFfanci Silvain
SubjectRe: Csound 6.07
jpff, May 13 2016:
>    o    paulstretch opcode is a lightweight implementation of the
>         PaulStretch time-stretching algorithm by Paul Nasca
>         Octavian. It is ideal for timestretching a signal by very
>         large amounts.
His name is Paul Octavian Nasca or if you write his name the way, he does Nasca Octavian Paul.

* Homepage: https://freeshell.de/~silvain
* Twitter:  http://twitter.com/ffanci_silvain
* GitHub:   https://github.com/fsilvain

Csound mailing list
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Date2016-05-14 12:07
SubjectRe: Csound 6.07
Thank you changed in Release Notes - must change manual next

On Sat, 14 May 2016, Ffanci Silvain wrote:

> jpff, May 13 2016:
> ...
>>    o    paulstretch opcode is a lightweight implementation of the
>>         PaulStretch time-stretching algorithm by Paul Nasca
>>         Octavian. It is ideal for timestretching a signal by very
>>         large amounts.
> His name is Paul Octavian Nasca or if you write his name the way, he does 
> Nasca Octavian Paul.
> ...
> Ta-ta
> ----
> Ffanci
> * Homepage: https://freeshell.de/~silvain
> * Twitter:  http://twitter.com/ffanci_silvain
> * GitHub:   https://github.com/fsilvain
> Csound mailing list
> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
> Send bugs reports to
>       https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

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