Find IR from input and output sound
Date | 2016-05-05 02:04 |
From | Alex Weiss |
Subject | Find IR from input and output sound |
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Is there a way in csound to generate the impulse response of an LTI system when I have an input sound and its resulting output? My Octave/Matlab skills (and DSP skills, for that matter) are a bit rusty so I'd prefer to do it in csound if possible. Thanks, Alex |
Date | 2016-06-13 02:45 |
From | Rodolfo Cangiotti |
Subject | Re: Find IR from input and output sound |
Hi Alex, considering my level of knowledge about signal processing and mathematics as not so high, I have to say that I feel not completely sure what I am writing here now is actually right. Anyway, I hazard to say that probably the deconvolution process is what you are looking for. Unfortunately, despite there are a lot of Csound opcodes that do convolution between signals, as far as I know there are not opcodes which allow to do the inverse procedure. However, if you consider to spend a little bit of your time, I think it is possible to get the same result in a not so hard way, using some of the currently available Csound opcodes. Handling a bit of theory, Wikipedia defines the deconvolution as an algorithm which allows the computation of an original signal f(t) if the resulting signal h(t) and the convolving function g(t) are known. The same algorithm can be considered also as a division between spectra, that is F = H / G (capital letters means the tranform of a signal in the frequency domain, that is the Fourier Transform). If the latter operation can be considered as linear, I suppose that it is possible to isolate G, that is the Fourier Transform of the convolving function, by doing G = H / F. Then, doing the Inverse Fourier Transform of G, the result should be just the convolving function g(t). I am continuously mentioning the convolution because the behaviour of LTI systems can be interpreted also as a convolution between an input signal and a transfer function, which is its impulse response. So, that said, in my opinion you should just do the FFT of the input and output signal and divide the resulting spectrum of this latter for the one of the input signal; then, you should do the IFFT and theoretically you should get the IR of the LTI. I am not familiar with this kind of operations in Csound but the pvs opcode family should allow to do this. Hoping what I briefly explained above is anyway pretty understandable, I would also like to please readers with a better knowledge than me about mathematics and signal processing to correct any possible mistake I did during my arguing above and to eventually explain a bit more in depth such topic. I say once more that I am not properly familiar with this stuff but I like it pretty much and I would really like to improve my knowledge about it, on my side. Thanks in advance and regards. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Csound mailing list Send bugs reports to Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here |