| The Python functions mostly have the same names and analogous types to
the C++ functions.
In Python you can do this to see exactly what they are. First import
csnd6, then type help(csnd6). You will see every detail of the Python
restore@sorabji MINGW64
$ d:/python27/python -i
Python 2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec 5 2015, 20:40:30) [MSC
v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import csnd6
>>> help(csnd6)
This is just a sample, there is much much more:
class CppSound(Csound, CsoundFile)
| Proxy of C++ CppSound class
| Method resolution order:
| CppSound
| Csound
| CsoundFile
| __builtin__.object
| Methods defined here:
| __del__ lambda self
| __getattr__ lambda self, name
| __init__(self)
| __init__(CppSound self) -> CppSound
| __repr__ = _swig_repr(self)
| __setattr__ lambda self, name, value
| cleanup(self)
| cleanup(CppSound self)
| compile(self, *args)
| compile(CppSound self, int argc, char ** argv) -> int
| compile(CppSound self) -> int
| getCsound(self)
| getCsound(CppSound self) -> CSOUND *
| getCsoundFile(self)
| getCsoundFile(CppSound self) -> CsoundFile
| getIsCompiled(self)
| getIsCompiled(CppSound self) -> bool
| getIsGo(self)
| getIsGo(CppSound self) -> bool
| getIsPerforming(self)
| getIsPerforming(CppSound self) -> bool
| getOutputSoundfileName(self)
| getOutputSoundfileName(CppSound self) -> std::string
| getSpoutSize(self)
| getSpoutSize(CppSound self) -> size_t
| getThis(self)
| getThis(CppSound self) -> intptr_t
| inputMessage(self, istatement)
| inputMessage(CppSound self, char const * istatement)
| perform(self, *args)
| perform(CppSound self, int argc, char ** argv) -> int
| perform(CppSound self) -> int
| performKsmps(self)
| performKsmps(CppSound self) -> int
| setIsPerforming(self, isPerforming)
| setIsPerforming(CppSound self, bool isPerforming)
| setPythonMessageCallback(self)
| setPythonMessageCallback(CppSound self)
| stop(self)
| stop(CppSound self)
| write(self, text)
| write(CppSound self, char const * text)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes defined here:
| __swig_destroy__ =
| delete_CppSound(CppSound self)
| __swig_getmethods__ = {'arrangement': int
| Cleanup(self)
| Cleanup(Csound self) -> int
| Compile(self, *args)
| Compile(Csound self, int argc, char ** argv) -> int
| Compile(Csound self, char * csdName) -> int
| Compile(Csound self, char * orcName, char * scoName) -> int
| Compile(Csound self, char * arg1, char * arg2, char * arg3) -> int
| Compile(Csound self, char * arg1, char * arg2, char *
arg3, char * arg4) -> int
| Compile(Csound self, char * arg1, char * arg2, char *
arg3, char * arg4, char * arg5) -> int
| CompileArgs(self, argc, argv)
| CompileArgs(Csound self, int argc, char ** argv) -> int
| CompileCsd(self, csd)
| CompileCsd(Csound self, char * csd) -> int
| CompileCsdText(self, csd_text)
| CompileCsdText(Csound self, char * csd_text) -> int
| CompileOrc(self, str)
| CompileOrc(Csound self, char const * str) -> int
| CompileTree(self, root)
| CompileTree(Csound self, TREE root) -> int
| CreateGlobalVariable(self, name, nbytes)
| CreateGlobalVariable(Csound self, char const * name,
size_t nbytes) -> int
| CreateMessageBuffer(self, toStdOut)
| CreateMessageBuffer(Csound self, int toStdOut)
| DeleteChannelList(self, lst)
| DeleteChannelList(Csound self, controlChannelInfo_t lst)
| DeleteTree(self, root)
| DeleteTree(Csound self, TREE root)
| DeleteUtilityList(self, lst)
| DeleteUtilityList(Csound self, char ** lst)
| DestroyGlobalVariable(self, name)
| DestroyGlobalVariable(Csound self, char const * name) -> int
| DestroyMessageBuffer(self)
| DestroyMessageBuffer(Csound self)
| DisposeOpcodeList(self, opcodelist)
| DisposeOpcodeList(Csound self, opcodeListEntry opcodelist)
| EvalCode(self, str)
| EvalCode(Csound self, char const * str) -> double
| Get0dBFS(self)
| Get0dBFS(Csound self) -> double
| GetAPIVersion(self)
| GetAPIVersion(Csound self) -> int
| GetAudioChannel(self, name, samples)
| GetAudioChannel(Csound self, char const * name, double * samples)
| GetChannel(self, name, err=None)
| GetChannel(Csound self, char const * name, int * err=None) -> double
| GetChannel(Csound self, char const * name) -> double
Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com
On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 4:36 PM, Rory Walsh wrote:
> I think Victor already provided the name of the library function?
> On 27 Apr 2016 9:17 pm, "Cacophony7" wrote:
>> does anybody have the name of that method? the library is the only
>> internet
>> access that I have right now. I got 18 minutes left.
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/how-do-I-post-an-i-statement-to-the-score-csd-using-Python-code-tp5749295p5749303.html
>> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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>> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
>> Send bugs reports to
>> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to
> https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can
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