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Getting latest fixes on git included in my Csound version

Date2016-04-09 17:42
FromKarin Daum
SubjectGetting latest fixes on git included in my Csound version

I need help. 

In my current projects (about communication) I have to use the fast Fourier transform as implemented in  pvstanal  ... pvsynth to simulate intonation (time stretch/compression, pitch scaling and amplitude variation - and for the first two I need FFT). The pitch scaling in pvstanal is sub-optimal (see my recent posts on it). I hoped that pvscale with mode 1 or 2 would do better. These modes avoid the "helium voice effect" but do not yield sensible results when used for intonation because of the large pitch scale range required. When speaking normally the pitch varies by about one octave which means for pvscale kscal ranges from about 0.7 to 1.5 or so. When scaling down with pvscale mode 1 or 2 the fundamental gets lost, which means that the voice will not be lowered as should and when scaling up by more than 1.2 the amplitudes of the shifted fundamental increase by up to 20 dB!!!! with respect to the frequencies above 2kHz. Apart from problems with the dynamic range this means that consonants will not be recognised anymore.

In one of my recent post where I have compared different methods available in Csound for pitch scaling I've also included a method which yields reasonable results by splitting the lower frequencies (vowels +l,m,n) to which the pitch scaling is applied and higher frequencies (consonants) which will not be scaled. To do so I would need pvsbandp which is not working when used at different non-overlapping times. In these cases Csound crashes. 

This has been fixed on git together with other bugs (i/o) I've reported this week.

In order proceed I need these fixes implemented in the Csound I'm running. I followed the instruction on git for installing Csound from git (MAC OS-X). This worked in that sense that script was running without  problems and creating the following libraries in /usr/local/Cellar/csound/HEAD/lib:

total 1984
drwxr-xr-x  6 daum  admin   204B  9 Apr 17:13 ./
drwxr-xr-x  9 daum  admin   306B  9 Apr 17:13 ../
-r--r--r--  1 daum  admin   780K  9 Apr 17:13 libCsoundAC.6.0.dylib
lrwxr-xr-x  1 daum  admin    21B  9 Apr 17:13 libCsoundAC.dylib@ -> libCsoundAC.6.0.dylib
-r--r--r--  1 daum  admin   198K  9 Apr 17:13 libcsnd6.6.0.dylib
lrwxr-xr-x  1 daum  admin    18B  9 Apr 17:13 libcsnd6.dylib@ -> libcsnd6.6.0.dylib

Is this all what I need to do? I currently don't see any difference in the behaviour of Csound with respect to the bugs.
Do I need something differently? I also download the csound-develop.zip. But if I look into Build.md I see the same instructions than on the git-site.

What do I have to do to get the latest develop version available on my MAC.

Thank you for any help.


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Date2016-04-11 00:42
FromFfanci Silvain
SubjectRe: Getting latest fixes on git included in my Csound version
Karin Daum, Apr 9 2016:
> What do I have to do to get the latest develop version available on my MAC.
Hi Karin,
I don't work on Mac, so I don't know about the buld process as such, but to get the latest Csound you just need to "pull" the URL given on the github website:

On Linux the command is:
git clone = https://github.com/csound/csound.git

or later on, if you already have cloned the repository once:
cd csound
git pull

Then follow the build instructions. Depending on which special opcodes you need, you may have to update extra external libraries, mentioned under requirements and dependencies. but for the FFT opcodes, there shouldn't be anything in particular.

Maybe run:
after installing csound. On Linux this is recommended. Not having worked with the MAC OS X commandline a lot, I'm not sure, if this tool exists, but it's highly probable.

Sorry, for not being more specific, but I'm very much a Linux user. Maybe you'll get more in a few hours.

Good Luck!

* Homepage: https://freeshell.de/~silvain
* Twitter:  http://twitter.com/ffanci_silvain
* GitHub:   https://github.com/fsilvain

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