Re: Cabbage for Android
Date | 2016-01-20 20:51 |
From | Art Hunkins |
Subject | Re: Cabbage for Android |
Attachments | Csound6 HTML5 GUI Clone with Trackpad & Spiritus2.csd |
Rory -
I don't know if the attached .csd is even relevant here but
It is part of an HTML5 GUI tutorial for Android Csound
(currently in revision), and shows how to autoscale sliders, buttons and
trackpad using HTML and JavaScript. My son Dave came up with the scaling
(and other) code that here rather nicely simulates the "canonical" Android
GUI equally on a smartphone and an 8-inch tablet.
The script is at the bottom of the file, and the scaling code
is at the top of the script. The script scales slider and button height, and
trackpad height and width. The trackpad coding is the most complicated by
The .csd requires Android 5.0 at least, but can also be
run on < 5.0 with Mike's Android Csound6[.05]. For the latter only, channel
names butt1-5 must be changed to but1-5 (or other name) and trackpad.x and
trackpad.y to trackpadx and trackpady (or any name without a
Art Hunkins
Date | 2016-01-21 10:52 |
From | Rory Walsh |
Subject | Re: Cabbage for Android |
Thanks Art. I'm doing a similar thing myself now. But if I think I can find a better way. If not, I can always fall back on this type of approach. On 20 January 2016 at 20:51, Art Hunkins <> wrote: