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[Csnd] LPC inverse filtering from within Csound

Date2018-06-25 18:16
From"Jeanette C."
Subject[Csnd] LPC inverse filtering from within Csound
Hey hey,
I have the following problem and would like to know if there is a way to solve 
it purely within a Csound orchestra:
I have a constant tone (of not necessarily only harmonic overtones)
I would like to find its formant (LPC?)
I would like to remove the effects of the formant (inverse filtering?)

The original tone would possibly be present in a-rate form and in the 
frequency domain as an f-rate signal.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Best wishes,


  * Website: http://juliencoder.de - for summer is a state of sound
  * SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/jeanette_c
  * Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMS4rfGrTwz8W7jhC1Jnv7g
  * GitHub: https://github.com/jeanette-c
  * Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeanette_c_s

What's practical is logical. What the hell, who cares?
All I know is I'm so happy when you're dancing there. <3
(Britney Spears)

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