| HI,
I noticed one problem in CsoundQt that is probably related to the udp listener
in Csound API:
when I use --port option by the additional command line flags, everything
works fine and UDP messages are received and compiled fine, BUT:
when I have an error in my csound code and the actual performance will not
start, next time when I press Run again, CsoundQt hangs.
I checked that after an error, the given port is still in use by CsoundQt and
so it is logical that you cannot start listener on the same port again.
What I suspect is:
the udp-listener is started before the code is parsed successfully and not
released on error (that usually probably happens when performance is ended).
Does it make sense? I guess it is easy to fix?
Should I file a ticket? Or is it something I should look for inside CsoundQt?
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