Hi to all,
I share with pleasure the attached "Master
Keyboard C-Setting",
tested with Csound version 6.07 beta <double
samples> Dec 24 2015, on Windows Xp
and with Csound version
6.09.1 (double samples) Jul 10 2017, on Windows 10.
I have started to adapt some sounds, also
There are indipendent tonal and sustain
pedal for each instrument, split point with or without xfade, store/load
In command line you have to insert
-+raw_controller_mode=1. I prefere launch the csd by a batch
My commands are:
@REM command line for IBM-Windows Xp, with
M-Audio 410 fireware ASIO driver:
csound -odac16 -+rtmidi=winMM -M8
-B1024 -b256 -+raw_controller_mode=1 --nodisplays --m-amps=0
The inputs of each #include-instr are 'iamp'
and 'inum'.
Lately I added optional 'gkdetune',
'gkBendWheel', 'gkModWheel' and 'gkPedalCV'.
I not implemented the system intonation
section. The system is going to overload.
The output is asig.
You can launch and test each sound
"commenting on the comments" (;/* and ;*/) in each _inc_sound, then you
restore the two commented sections and put togheter all sounds in the
"Master Keyboard C- Setting".
Would be a good thing if
csounders-keyboardistes developed together something like this, with a
library of sounds.
One goal is to minimize the
You could save each setting of each your
piece in a different folder.
I attached also an adaptation of McCurdy's
BasicMonophonicSynth. My adaptation works partially (Iain, would you explain
why? In my adaptation I changed "active 1" to "active 3" )
Any suggestion to improvement is
Andrea S.