| Hi All,
There were a few things mentioned at the Csound conference regarding
the current website at csound.com / csound.github.io:
* Creating a team to support the site: the team would regularly review
issues in the tracker and emails to the mailing list to see about
updating the site for new content or additions/corrections to the
pages. The work would then be spread out by the site maintenance
group. I think Bernt has volunteered to be a part of this, and others
would be welcome.
If you are interested, please email me and I will look at adding your
Github user to the site maintainers team, which will give you push
access to csound.github.io. For maintainers, I would recommend that
small changes like new posts or pages could be done directly to the
main site, but structural and theme-related changes be done in forks,
so that they can get reviewed by the community first.
* I have added some brief instruction describing how to contribute to
csound.github.io here in the README.md file:
In case others are not aware, the csound.github.io site is generated
from source files in a git repository. Users can submit new news or
corrections to the site, either by directly pushing to the site (for
those with access), submitting a pull request (for those familiar with
Github's pull request system), or by filing an issue in the issues
An example of an issue is here:
If there's any questions or comments, it'd be great to discuss here
and please feel free to file issues. I would suggest if you're not
sure whether to file an issue or not, to go ahead and do so. It's
much better for us to review and just close out an issue that might
not make sense, rather than for us not to know about an issue at all.
steven |