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OT: Fwd: PhD Scholarships

Date2015-08-04 11:56
FromOeyvind Brandtsegg
SubjectOT: Fwd: PhD Scholarships
A large number of PhD Scholarships available in Plymouth,
and probably interesting areas of research for some of the Csounders here.


>Dear colleague,
>The University of Plymouth is offering 50 fully funded PhD scholarships
>starting October 2015, which include projects to be developed at ICCMR
>(http://cmr.soc.plymouth.ac.uk/) on topics pertaining to Computer Music
>or Music Technology.
>We welcome applications from candidates wishing to develop projects on
>the topics of (but not limited to) modelling memory and memorisation to
>study the evolution of cultural conventions (e.g., through
>computational models of musical evolution), development of musical
>memory through embodied experience (MOCAP, NIME) and Brain-Computer
>Music Interfacing (BCMI).
>DEADLINE for submissions 15 SEPTEMBER 2015.
>More information here; first of all, please check if you are eligible:
>l/f ully-funded-phd-studentships/arts-and-humanities
>If you are considering applying for a PhD at ICCMR, we strongly
>encourage you to contact Prof Eduardo Miranda with a brief description
>of your project for discussion before you prepare the application
>Prof Eduardo Miranda
>Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research (ICCMR) Plymouth


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