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simple MIDI arpeggiator...

Date2015-07-16 11:25
FromRory Walsh
Subjectsimple MIDI arpeggiator...
I had the need of one of these so I threw something together(see
below). It could do with some extra functionality, like different
playback patterns of the notes being held. It could also do with some
kind of sorting on the held notes array, but it seems to work Ok as a
proof of concept.

-+rtaudio=jack -odac -+rtmidi=virtual -M0 -b2048

sr = 44100
ksmps = 64
nchnls = 2

gkNumNotes init 0
gkNotes[] init 10

massign 1, 1

;instrument is always on and listens for incoming MIDI notes
instr 1000
;reset gkNumNotes to 0 when no notes are playing
if active:k(2)==0 then

kstatus, kchan, kNoteNum, kVel  midiin            ;read in midi
ktrigger  changed  kstatus, kchan, kNoteNum, kVel ;trigger if midi data changes
if ktrigger=1 && kstatus!=0 then          ;if status byte is non-zero...
;    printks "status:%d%tchannel:%d%tdata1:%d%tdata2:%d%n",0,kstatus,kchan,kNoteNum,kVel
    if kVel!=0 then
         gkNotes[gkNumNotes] = kNoteNum
        gkNumNotes = gkNumNotes+1
         gkNumNotes = gkNumNotes-1

;instrument is triggered by MIDI notes, and in turn
;triggers the sound synth, cycling through the held
;notes array. We only ever want one instance of this so
;we use turnoff to make sure.
instr 1
iInstances active 1
if iInstances>1 then

kIndex init 0
if metro(4)==1 then
    event "i", 2, 0, 1, gkNotes[kIndex]
    ;printks "Note:%d Index:%d, NumNotes:%d\n", 0, gkNotes[kIndex],
kIndex, gkNumNotes
    kIndex = kIndex

f1 0 1024 10 1
i1000 0 36000

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