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Sound not allways the same

Date2015-06-19 22:50
SubjectSound not allways the same
Hi all,

If someone has some minutes to heard this :


The problem is that i discovered that the same score with the same
instrument produces not exactly the same noise. Here an instrument with a
Pluck opcode.

Can you tell me if you think also that the produced sound isn't exactly the
same at the several lines of my score ? And second question : what can be
the origin of this (little) issue ? Need i to use filters ? Any clearing
procedure ?

Soundcard : built-in ICH10

The problem (varying sound) comes with Jack/Alsa, Alsa alone and Portaudio.

Thank's for advance,



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Date2015-06-19 23:38
Fromluis jure
SubjectRe: Sound not allways the same
el 2015-06-19 a las 14:50 COCHEDELAFERTE escribió:

> pluck4.csd
> The problem is that i discovered that the same score with the same
> instrument produces not exactly the same noise. 

in the (not so good) old days, i know many people would have responded
RTFM... which i always found unnecessarily rude.

but the truth is that the answer is in the manual page for the pluck

ifn -- table number of a stored function used to initialize the cyclic
decay buffer. If ifn = 0, a random sequence will be used instead. 

you're using 0 as a table number, meaning that the karplus-strong
algorithm will be fed a different random sequence each time, producing a
slightly different sound. which is one of the "good" things about the

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Date2015-06-20 17:34
SubjectRe: Sound not allways the same
Hi Luis,

You are right ! Now i remember that  a time i also found the reason,
searched ftables in several example files, wrote some ftables but without
big result, and worked on another thing... And these days, i forgot this
random sequence and thank that my Jack installation was a little broken !

Here an exemple, with the best ftable i found ; as you can heard, without
(=0) ftable is better :


As i said, i tried also to write some ftables (gen10), but that provided
nothing interessant as noise.

In all cases, thank really, Luis !



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Date2015-06-21 15:56
Fromluis jure
SubjectRe: Sound not allways the same

hi, sergio, glad to know you have it working now. 

if i understand correctly, you prefer the sound of the algorithm excited
with a complex harmonic signal instead of random noise. that's fine. 

the advantage of using random noise is that the same note will sound a
little different each time. this is normally considered one of the strong
(no pun intended) points of the algorithm... :-)



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Date2015-06-21 18:28
SubjectRe: Sound not allways the same
Hi Luis,

OK : full understand.

I prefer... not really, only there are several cases.

I searched how to reproduce with a ftgen10 (harmonics) the first rendering
of the opcode using the random algorithm ; the first is allways good. Maybe
to pick it in the sources ?



View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/Sound-not-allways-the-same-tp5742306p5742329.html
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Date2015-06-21 18:38
FromForrest Curo
SubjectRe: Sound not allways the same
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(Weighted random distributions might work out more the way you'd like without always sounding the same?)

On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 10:28 AM, COCHEDELAFERTE <Serge.Coche@free.fr> wrote:
Hi Luis,

OK : full understand.

I prefer... not really, only there are several cases.

I searched how to reproduce with a ftgen10 (harmonics) the first rendering
of the opcode using the random algorithm ; the first is allways good. Maybe
to pick it in the sources ?



View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/Sound-not-allways-the-same-tp5742306p5742329.html
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