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About tempo.

Date2015-06-19 10:23
FromGabriele Battaglia
SubjectAbout tempo.
Hi All.
I'm trying to write a simple song you all may probably know.
I wrote the first two sentences but there is a gap in between them and I 
didn't know why.
Could someone help?

Here's the script.


sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1.0
instr 1
; Main instrument
in1 = cpspch(p4)
in2 = cpspch(p5)
kf expseg in1, p3, in2
kamp expseg .3, .001, 1, p3-.001, .1
kste expseg p6, p3, p7
a1 poscil kamp, kf, 1
al, ar pan2 a1, kste
outs al, ar
instr 2
; second
kv poscil 15, 12
kf = cpspch(p4)
a2 poscil .4, kf+kv
al, ar pan2 a2, p5
outs al,ar

f1 0 16385 10 1 .5 1 .25 .75 .8 .92 .31 .35 .36 .27 .47
;p1 p2  p3  p4   p5   p6  p7
  r 2
  t 0 120
  i1 0   .8   8.00 8.01 .3  .3
  i1 +   .   8.02 8.03 .3  .3
  i1 +   .   8.04 8.05 .3  .3
  i1 +   .4  8.00 8.01 .3  .3
  i1 +   .  0.00 0.01 .3  .3
  r 2
  t 0 120
  i1 6.4 .8 8.04 8.05 .3 .3
  i1 + . 8.05 8.06 .3 .3
  i1 + 1.6 8.07 8.08 .3 .3
  i2 6.4 .8 8.00 .7
  i2 + . 8.02 .7
  i2 + . 8.04 .7
  i2 + .4  8.00 .7
  i2 + .4  0.00 .7

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Date2015-06-19 10:35
FromWolf Peuker
SubjectRe: About tempo.
Hi Gabriele,

each (repeated) section has its own relative time, just change two lines

  i1 6.4 .8 8.04 8.05 .3 .3

i1 0 .8 8.04 8.05 .3 .3

>   i2 6.4 .8 8.00 .7

  i2 0 .8 8.00 .7


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Date2015-06-19 10:41
SubjectRe: About tempo.
On Fri, 19 Jun 2015, Gabriele Battaglia wrote:
> I'm trying to write a simple song you all may probably know.
> I wrote the first two sentences but there is a gap in between them and I
> didn't know why.
> Could someone help?

The "s" statement resets the clock to zero, and I think the "r" may do so
as well, so this code is probably not what you want:

>   s
>   r 2
>   t 0 120
>   i1 6.4 .8 8.04 8.05 .3 .3

You have a 6.4 beat pause at the start of each repeat in the second
section.  Changing the start time to 0 will probably give the result
you want.

Date2015-06-19 11:35
FromGabriele Battaglia
SubjectRe: About tempo.
Yes, it work now, thank you all.

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