| Hey hey,
below is a CSD file to test the m_miditune.udo in realtime. Enjoy!
You can copy&paste the text to the end of this mail.
-odac -iadc -+rtaudio=jack -B 1024 -+rtmidi=alsa -M hw:1,0,0
; -o tuner.wav -W ; Use this to render to a file
sr = 48000
ksmps = 16
nchnls = 1
; If your Csound paths are correctly setup, comment out the following line.
; If not and the .udo file isn't in the current directory, adapt the line below.
#include "m_miditune.udo"
massign 1, 1
maxalloc 2,1 ; There will only ever be one instance of the MIDI tune
gknote init 60 ; the currently active note
instr 1 ; MIDI input
kvel init 0 ; Velocity, not used
midinoteonkey gknote, kvel
event_i "i",2,0,-1 ; Once a note has been pressed run instr 2 forever
instr 2 ; The actual miditune instrument
;avoice soundin "voice.wav" ; for non-realtime use
avoice in
;output input smooth strength melody compression bypass fftsize
aout m_miditune avoice, 0.003, 1, gknote, 8, 0, 1024
out aout
f0 3600
;i1 0 10 ; adapt for non-realtime use
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