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Csound 6.05 is released

Date2015-04-27 14:49
SubjectCsound 6.05 is released
We have released version 6.05 today.  This is largely a bug-fixing
release but as ever there new features.
==John ffitch



As ever there are new facilities and numerous bug-fixes.  A major part of
this release is the removal of a number of memory leaks and over use
of memory.  Naturally these changes are all but invisible, just a
smaller memory foot-print.

Note that we track bugs and requests for enhancements via the github
issues system,, and these had a significant affect on this release.

The Developers 


New opcodes:

    o    **None**

    o    Thre opcode sndload is now deprecated

New Gen and Macros:

    o    Paul Octavian Nasca's padsynth algorithm implemented as a gen.



    o    Fixed string location calculation bug when processing score
         lines [fixes #443] 


    o    A short-format copyright option is available, with a fixed
         number of well-known licences (CC, etc)

    o    New command-line option to report MIDI devices in simple

    o    New command-line option to set ksmps

Modified Opcodes and Gens:

  o    adsynt handles amplitude changes better

  o    sfont has better checking for corruptions

  o    better checking in physical models for out-of-range frequencies

  o    ftgenonce and others allows string parameters

  o    gausstrig reworked and extended with new features

  0    use of p() function no longer complains overrides the pcnt warning

  o    fix to midirecv

  o    OSCsend cleans up after use improved

  o    fillarray is limited to 1 or 2 dimensional arrays; in fact it
       failed silently previously for 3D and higher.
  o    oscbnk now works when the equaliser is used.

  o    mp3in now works with both mono and stereo input files

  o    flooper & flooper2 now allow stereo tables

  o    Release phase of expsegr fixed

  o    f-tables created by a large number of arguments could overwrite
       memory, now fixed

  o    performance of plltrack improved

  o    init of arrays clarified and checked

  o    gen23 corrected to stop an infinite loop

  o    alwayson now starts from score offset; this is part of a fix to
       the long-standing problem with alwayson in CsoundVST

  o    invalue now checks for output string size and reallocates
       memory if smaller than default string size (set at 256 bytes
       for backwards compatibility)


  o    The srconv utilityy has been improved but it does not work well,
       with groups of noise in otherwise good output.  We recomment
       the use of Erik de Castro Lopo's Secret Rabbit Code (aka
       libsamplerate) as providing sanmplrate conversion at high
       quailty.  srconv wuill be removed shortly possibly to be
       replaced by an SESRC-based utility.


  pnacl: added interface to allow the use of Csound's MIDI input system.
         fixed audio input to conform to the latest Pepper API spec.





General usage:

Bugs fixed:

    o   bugs in fastabi, oscktp, phasorbnk, adsr, xadsr, hrtfer fixed

    o   bugs in the harmon. harmon2, harmon3 and harmon4 fixed

    o   Csound could crash after a parsing error, a case now removed

System changes:

    o    There are now checks that xin/xout types match those defined
         as part of UDO definition.

    o    jack now has a timeout

Internal changes:

    * Many defects indicated by coverity fixed or code changed.
      Should make csound more robust in edge cases.

    * Parser-related changes simplifies allocation of temporary
      variables, with some new optimisations.

    * code for multi-thread rendering improved and stablised
      vis-a-vis redefinition of instruments.


Platform Specific


    * fixed audio callback to work correctly with lightning output and
    Apple TV. 


    * New experimental audio IO mode: csoundPerformKsmps() is called
    from the OpenSL ES output callback. This mode can be optionally
    enabled by passing a value of "false" to a new second parameter to
    the CsoundObj constructor (bool isAsync).  The default constructor
    and the one-parameter sets this to "true" (keeping backwards
    compatibility with existing code).

    * The OSC and exciter opcodes are included in distribution.

    * There are new file open and save dialogs that permit the user to
    access the SD card on the device, if there is one, in addition to
    internal storage.
    * There is a new "Save as..." button that permits the user to save
    the csd as a new file with a new name.

    * Many of the examples in the archive of Android examples are now
    built into the app and can be run from the app's menu.


       Installation now places csladspa.so rather than csladspa.dylib
       on disk. 
        Linux is now build without FLTK threads,  This removes system
        hangs and is in line with other builds


One dashboard for servers and applications across Physical-Virtual-Cloud 
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Csound-users mailing list
Send bugs reports to
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2015-04-27 20:37
FromSteven Yi
SubjectRe: Csound 6.05 is released
Just to add, I've updated the homebrew recipe (OSX), as well as both
Csound versions used in the Csound Notebook to 6.05.0.  There is a
news entry now on csound.github.io, and I will be updating the manual
on that site shortly.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 9:49 AM, jpff  wrote:
> We have released version 6.05 today.  This is largely a bug-fixing
> release but as ever there new features.
> ==John ffitch
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ============================
> ============================
> As ever there are new facilities and numerous bug-fixes.  A major part of
> this release is the removal of a number of memory leaks and over use
> of memory.  Naturally these changes are all but invisible, just a
> smaller memory foot-print.
> Note that we track bugs and requests for enhancements via the github
> issues system,, and these had a significant affect on this release.
> The Developers
> ==================
> New opcodes:
>     o    **None**
>     o    Thre opcode sndload is now deprecated
> New Gen and Macros:
>     o    Paul Octavian Nasca's padsynth algorithm implemented as a gen.
> Orchestra:
> Score:
>     o    Fixed string location calculation bug when processing score
>          lines [fixes #443]
> Options:
>     o    A short-format copyright option is available, with a fixed
>          number of well-known licences (CC, etc)
>     o    New command-line option to report MIDI devices in simple
>          format
>     o    New command-line option to set ksmps
> Modified Opcodes and Gens:
>   o    adsynt handles amplitude changes better
>   o    sfont has better checking for corruptions
>   o    better checking in physical models for out-of-range frequencies
>   o    ftgenonce and others allows string parameters
>   o    gausstrig reworked and extended with new features
>   0    use of p() function no longer complains overrides the pcnt warning
>   o    fix to midirecv
>   o    OSCsend cleans up after use improved
>   o    fillarray is limited to 1 or 2 dimensional arrays; in fact it
>        failed silently previously for 3D and higher.
>   o    oscbnk now works when the equaliser is used.
>   o    mp3in now works with both mono and stereo input files
>   o    flooper & flooper2 now allow stereo tables
>   o    Release phase of expsegr fixed
>   o    f-tables created by a large number of arguments could overwrite
>        memory, now fixed
>   o    performance of plltrack improved
>   o    init of arrays clarified and checked
>   o    gen23 corrected to stop an infinite loop
>   o    alwayson now starts from score offset; this is part of a fix to
>        the long-standing problem with alwayson in CsoundVST
>   o    invalue now checks for output string size and reallocates
>        memory if smaller than default string size (set at 256 bytes
>        for backwards compatibility)
> Utilities:
>   o    The srconv utilityy has been improved but it does not work well,
>        with groups of noise in otherwise good output.  We recomment
>        the use of Erik de Castro Lopo's Secret Rabbit Code (aka
>        libsamplerate) as providing sanmplrate conversion at high
>        quailty.  srconv wuill be removed shortly possibly to be
>        replaced by an SESRC-based utility.
> Frontends:
>   pnacl: added interface to allow the use of Csound's MIDI input system.
>          fixed audio input to conform to the latest Pepper API spec.
>   icsound:
>   csound~:
>   Emscripten:
>   csdebugger:
> General usage:
> Bugs fixed:
>     o   bugs in fastabi, oscktp, phasorbnk, adsr, xadsr, hrtfer fixed
>     o   bugs in the harmon. harmon2, harmon3 and harmon4 fixed
>     o   Csound could crash after a parsing error, a case now removed
> ====================
> ====================
> System changes:
>     o    There are now checks that xin/xout types match those defined
>          as part of UDO definition.
>     o    jack now has a timeout
> Internal changes:
>     * Many defects indicated by coverity fixed or code changed.
>       Should make csound more robust in edge cases.
>     * Parser-related changes simplifies allocation of temporary
>       variables, with some new optimisations.
>     * code for multi-thread rendering improved and stablised
>       vis-a-vis redefinition of instruments.
> ===
>     *
> Platform Specific
> =================
> iOS
> ---
>     * fixed audio callback to work correctly with lightning output and
>     Apple TV.
> Android
> -------
>     * New experimental audio IO mode: csoundPerformKsmps() is called
>     from the OpenSL ES output callback. This mode can be optionally
>     enabled by passing a value of "false" to a new second parameter to
>     the CsoundObj constructor (bool isAsync).  The default constructor
>     and the one-parameter sets this to "true" (keeping backwards
>     compatibility with existing code).
>     * The OSC and exciter opcodes are included in distribution.
>     * There are new file open and save dialogs that permit the user to
>     access the SD card on the device, if there is one, in addition to
>     internal storage.
>     * There is a new "Save as..." button that permits the user to save
>     the csd as a new file with a new name.
>     * Many of the examples in the archive of Android examples are now
>     built into the app and can be run from the app's menu.
> Windows
> -------
> ---
>        Installation now places csladspa.so rather than csladspa.dylib
>        on disk.
> Linux
> -----
>         Linux is now build without FLTK threads,  This removes system
>         hangs and is in line with other builds
> ========================================================================
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> One dashboard for servers and applications across Physical-Virtual-Cloud
> Widest out-of-the-box monitoring support with 50+ applications
> Performance metrics, stats and reports that give you Actionable Insights
> Deep dive visibility with transaction tracing using APM Insight.
> http://ad.doubleclick.net/ddm/clk/290420510;117567292;y
> _______________________________________________
> Csound-users mailing list
> Csound-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/csound-users
> Send bugs reports to
>         https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

One dashboard for servers and applications across Physical-Virtual-Cloud 
Widest out-of-the-box monitoring support with 50+ applications
Performance metrics, stats and reports that give you Actionable Insights
Deep dive visibility with transaction tracing using APM Insight.
Csound-users mailing list
Send bugs reports to
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here