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Date2015-04-26 07:09
FromForrest Curo
AttachmentsNone  None  
I understand this opcode and its relatives are not playing soundfont samples the way Nature intended... but is there anyone on the list that really understands how they work?

Playing preset 46 (harp sounds) I'm sometimes getting buzzy organ-type notes -- with a little higher midi velocity, normal plunky notes, with yet higher velocities, tuned-drum sounds, and with the highest velocities (>100) usually silence.

An artifact of the envelope I'm using? Other guesses?

Date2015-04-26 15:46
FromForrest Curo
SubjectRe: sfplay3
AttachmentsNone  None  
Found it in the notes from when these were new opcodes:

The specific use [set to preset 46] was
a1,a2    sfplay3 p4, p5,kimp,kifr,ipre, 1
aenv    linsegr    0, .05, .5,1,.1, 1, 0            ;envelope
outs a1*aenv, a2*aenv

and the notes say:

sfplay plays a preset generating a stereo sound. ivel argument doesn't
directly affect output amplitude, but informs sfplay opcode about what
sample has to be choosen in multi-sample velocity-splitted presets.
inotnum argument sets the frequency of the output when iflag = 0.  When
iflag == 1, inotnum doesn't directly affect the frequency of the output
(see below). Adjustment of amplitude can be done by varying the xamp
argument, that actually is a multiplier factor...

I was changing the volume of the sound via kimp; meanwhile the midi velocity was arriving unchanged from 'p4' -- Hence, playing different samples!

On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 11:09 PM, Forrest Curo <treegestalt@gmail.com> wrote:
I understand this opcode and its relatives are not playing soundfont samples the way Nature intended... but is there anyone on the list that really understands how they work?

Playing preset 46 (harp sounds) I'm sometimes getting buzzy organ-type notes -- with a little higher midi velocity, normal plunky notes, with yet higher velocities, tuned-drum sounds, and with the highest velocities (>100) usually silence.

An artifact of the envelope I'm using? Other guesses?