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List changes

Date2007-10-31 12:50
SubjectList changes
I am about to cut this list over to a new system.  I believe that all
members have been transferred to the new system, but as this is
software one can expect a few glitches.  I am still a little unsure
how the digest readers will fare...

The mailing list name will remain as csound@lists.bath.ac.uk

==John ffitch

Abstract of Instructions

All administration commands must be sent to the electronic address

Available commands are:

 HELp                        * This help file
 INFO                  * Information about a list
 SUBscribe       * To subscribe or to confirm a subscription to .

 UNSubscribe    * To quit .  is an optional email address, useful if different from your "From:" address.
 UNSubscribe *        * To quit all lists.

 SET |* NOMAIL         * To suspend the message reception for 
 SET  DIGESTPLAIN    * Message reception in compilation mode, sent as a plain text email with all attachments
 SET |* MAIL           *  reception in normal mode

 INDex                 *  archive file list
 GET             * To get  of  archive
 LAST                  * Used to received the last message from 
 QUIT                        * Indicates the end of the commands (to ignore a signature)

Date2007-11-01 15:34
FromAndres Cabrera
Subject[Csnd] Re: List changes
Will archives be kept from the list?


El mié, 31-10-2007 a las 12:50 +0000, jpff escribió:
> I am about to cut this list over to a new system.  I believe that all
> members have been transferred to the new system, but as this is
> software one can expect a few glitches.  I am still a little unsure
> how the digest readers will fare...
> The mailing list name will remain as csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
> ==John ffitch
> Abstract of Instructions
> All administration commands must be sent to the electronic address
>                     sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk
> Available commands are:
>  HELp                        * This help file
>  INFO                  * Information about a list
>  SUBscribe       * To subscribe or to confirm a subscription to .
>  UNSubscribe    * To quit .  is an optional email address, useful if different from your "From:" address.
>  UNSubscribe *        * To quit all lists.
>  SET |* NOMAIL         * To suspend the message reception for 
>  SET  DIGESTPLAIN    * Message reception in compilation mode, sent as a plain text email with all attachments
>  SET |* MAIL           *  reception in normal mode
>  INDex                 *  archive file list
>  GET             * To get  of  archive
>  LAST                  * Used to received the last message from 
>  QUIT                        * Indicates the end of the commands (to ignore a signature)

Date2007-11-01 16:21
FromJohn ffitch
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: List changes
I kept a copy of all the archives, but am not sure how to make them 
   The new system is much harder to control in my opinion and I am not sure 
how robust it is.   It does keep its own archives.
