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Re: batch processing / rendering CSDs using anything

Date2007-10-28 16:34
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: batch processing / rendering CSDs using anything
Some time ago, I wrote an example of how to do this, which can be found in "examples/trapped.py". I just now tried it, and it still works fine.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Tim Mortimer 
>Sent: Oct 27, 2007 10:38 PM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: Re: [Csnd] batch processing / rendering CSDs using anything
>Thanks for your advice Oeyvind.
>i've tried various twists & slight variations on the code as i have seen in
>the various examples. none of them run sucessfully (if they do, they crash
>before exiting) & none produce any audio (either to .wav or realtime out) 
>i have sucessfully run csound in python with separate orc & sco files
>however. (as per the koch example)
>i could redesign my program slightly & work from separate orc & sco files.
>in some ways that makes sense in terms of archiving work (just save
>generated sco's with one generic set of orc's per composition)
>but the idea of having a bunch of csd's that can be run individually, &
>batch processed at will is still i think a desirable outcome
>simply getting any embedded csd to run however is the first challenge.
>apologies for being a bit scatty with this. it's not getting a major amount
>of attention from me, as usual, i'm tackling several different issues at
>once (depending on what i feel like tackling on any given day)
>but if I have your attention oeyvind, then you have mine also.
>see if you can make this work below then (preferably outputting to .wav
>import csnd
>csound = csnd.CppSound()
> ./temp.orc ./temp.sco 
>sr	=  48000
>ksmps	=  64
>nchnls  =  2
>0dbfs   = 1
>gisine 		ftgen 100, 0, 16384, 10, 1
>instr 01
>	asig	oscili .5, p4, 100, 1
>        outs asig asig
>i 1 0 4 440
>i 1 5 4 880
>while True:
>    csound.performKsmps(True)
>View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/batch-processing---rendering-CSDs-using-Python-tf4675931.html#a13449563
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Date2007-10-28 23:41
FromTim Mortimer
SubjectRe: batch processing / rendering CSDs using anything
Yes thanks Michael,

Just glanced at Trapped but as i explained in my previous post, trapped.py
also uses separate csound.setOrchestra() & csound.setScore() statements &
not a unified CSD.

i have run several python scripts sucessfully using this orc/sco model, but
am yet to run one with a CSD nested within it.

so the query i'm afraid still stands


View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/batch-processing---rendering-CSDs-using-Python-tf4675931.html#a13459485
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.