I'm in a bit of a rush this morning but i was desparate to post this
I've made a pretty much kick arse phase vocoder piano (using separate PVX
files for all 88 keys) with complex partial masking & panning, the whole box
& dice.
Problem is as soon as i added PVSsmooth, the whole thing ceased to function.
(click, ckick, click, thousands of samples out of range...)
It's taken me about 4 hrs last night, & a bit of time this morning, but i've
reduced the whole 700 odd line instrument to the simplest, "non operational
example" below
if pvsmooth is commented out, it works fine (just like the original, more
complex instrument)
it seems the conversion
kbindB = dbamp (kbinamp)
kbinamp = ampdb (kbindB)
that takes place during my pvsftr/w loop means that pvsmooth ceases to
if 0dbfs was the problem, well, why would pvsmooth work at all? (without the
so somehow dbamp , ampdb, & pvssmooth don't seem to be operating together
very keen to sort this out. a tiny bit of smoothing on the routed noisy bins
of my piano fsig is going to have it all sounding sweet. & i really want to
keep using dB rather than amp values for bin attenuation (that's my
"spectral tide" essentially....)
probably the final thing to add is that im still on 5.06
very keen to find the issue, & work towards a solution. (& if it's a bug,
well, alert the fixer!)
(off to work - thanks oeyvind & victor for further python suggestions - will
look at that tonight)
much thanks
-d ;-o "testout.wav"
sr = 48000
ksmps = 64
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
seed 0
gadB01 init 0
gibins init 1024
gipvsrwtablecount init 3000
instr 3001
ipartialatten init 0
inoiseatten init +18
adB01 init p5
avelatten = ampdb (adB01)
ilen init p3
;;; overall amp env
idec init .05
idur init ilen-idec
aamp expsega 1,idur,1,idec,0.000000001
igrpmasknum = p4+1000
igrpnormnum = p4+2000
gipvsrwtablecount = gipvsrwtablecount+1
;;;read fsig to this ftable
ipvsftw ftgen gipvsrwtablecount,0,1024,-17,0,0
;;; ********************************
ktimpt line 0,p3,3
;;; ********************************
fsig pvsfread ktimpt, "PVOC\\Piano\\Piano47.pvx"
kflag pvsftw fsig,ipvsftw
if kflag == 1 then
;;; ************************
kindex = 0
kbinamp table kindex, ipvsftw
;printk2 kbinamp
;;;if this conversion & reconversion is removed
;;;pvsmooth works
;;;this conversion also works fine
;;;if pvsmooth is removed however
;;;(see below)
kbindB = dbamp (kbinamp)
kbinamp = ampdb (kbindB)
;printk2 kbinamp
tablew kbinamp2, kindex, ipvsftw
kindex = kindex+1
if (kindex < gibins) kgoto binloop
;;;return amplitude to centre fsig
pvsftr fsig,ipvsftw
fsig2 pvsmooth fsig, 0.025, 0.025
aoutL pvsynth fsig2
aoutR pvsynth fsig2
aoutL = aoutL*aamp*avelatten
aoutR = aoutR*aamp*avelatten
outs aoutL,aoutR
i 3001 0.000 4.018 67 -6
i 3001 4.023 7.975 67 -6
i 3001 11.998 3.987 67 -6
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/pvsmooth---ampdb-conversion-issue--%28wierd%29-tf4687773.html#a13397540
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