| FOUT works fine for me on an Intel Mac and running
csound 5.07 on the terminal. I tested it with this
sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 1
instr 1
kgliss expon 220, p3, 165
asin poscil3 10000, kgliss, 1
fout "/Volumes/sndbook/ARBEIT/sndfout-test.aiff", 4,
f1 0 8193 10 1
i 1 0 3
Rory Walsh schrieb:
> I just tried your code there on my XP box and it
works fine. I'm using 5.05. The sound file should be
in the same folder that the csd is in. Do you have
write access to the drive your using? I don't see why
you shouldn't on windows. Are you logged in as
administrator or guest? Maybe try a different
filename, extension, I'm just clutching at straws
here, I really can't think why it's not working. If I
was you however I would staunchly refuse to simply
accept that it doesn't work on your machine. Keep at
it, I'm sure there's a simple explanation. Let us know
if you figure it out.
> Rory.
> Alex Weiss wrote:
>> Updating seems to have been a bad idea: the code
still doesn't work and I get the python error now. If
that's not Murphy's Law, I don't know what is ;) Seems
like I have to accept the fact that fout doesn't work
on my machine. Oh well...
>> Thanks anyway!
>> On Oct 14, 2007, at 12:31 PM, Alex Weiss wrote:
>>> This is weird... I've just tried the code on my
Mac, using MacCsound. It worked flawlessly. On my
Windows machine, I'm using 5.04. But I'll try to
update, maybe that'll help.
>>> On Oct 14, 2007, at 2:49 AM, Jonathan Murphy
>>>> Which version of csound are you using and what is
your command line?
>>>> Your code works for me on linux with csound 5.06.
>>>> Jonathan.
>>>> Alex Weiss writes:
>>>>> Hi everybody,
>>>>> it seems that the fout opcode isn't working on
my machine. Even the
>>>>> most simple code doesn't work:
>>>>> asig poscil 1000, 1000, 1
>>>>> fout "sound.wav", 4, asig
>>>>> clear asig
>>>>> The code compiles with no errors or warnings,
but no sound file is
>>>>> created. I searched my whole hard drive... Am I
doing something wrong?
>>>>> Alex
>>>>> P.S. I'm on a Windows machine, if that's of any
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