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File uploaded to sendspace

Date2007-09-17 01:24
FromDavid Ogborn
SubjectFile uploaded to sendspace
This forwarded message is for Dr. B whose email I am temporarily unable
to find and so I am forwarding this to the whole list - sorry! - I think
the person sending the files for the OLPC project below meant to send
them to you...

Yours truly,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	File uploaded to sendspace
Date: 	Sun, 16 Sep 2007 19:21:01 -0400
From: 	sendspace 
Reply-To: 	no-reply@sendspace.com
To: 	david.ogborn@utoronto.ca

sendspace file delivery notification:

You've got a file called SND_DON_RH.zip, (15 MB) waiting for download at
sendspace.com (Your email address was provided by

Description: OLPC donation
You can use the following link to retrieve your file:


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questions, please visit the sendspace FAQ at http://www.sendspace.com.

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