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Delay zak variables

Date2007-09-16 17:18
FromAlex Weiss
SubjectDelay zak variables
Hi everybody

I'm currently working on a Csound instrument, but there's something
that I just don't know how to implement:
If have a zak array that holds quite a few a-rate signals. Now, what I
basically want to do is delay each of these signals (with different
delay times) and write them back into the zak space. The following
code obviously doesn't work:

(kr = sr)

kcount = 1

		azak zar kcount
		adelay vdelay azak, kdelay, 5000
		zaw adelay, kcount
		kcount = kcount + 1
	if (kcount <= izakspace) kgoto loop

It seems that there is no way that I can use a loop to perform the
operation (which was the reason I chose to work with zak to begin
with...). Do I really have to delay every signal manually?

I hope somebody can help me out here... Thank you in advance.


Date2007-09-16 19:06
From"Steven Yi"
SubjectRe: Delay zak variables