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Re: open source mastering

Date2007-09-13 14:41
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: open source mastering
This kind of mastering can certainly be done in Audacity, but it would take longer since not all previews could be done in real time. All of the required software (high quality EQ, compression, reverb) either already exists, or could be written in Nyquist or Csound.

For that matter, now that I think of it, a high-quality CD mastering application could be written for Csound with an interactive Python GUI, and it would probably be able to run in real time on a fast PC. But it is not a completely trivial task, since one would want some sort of automation (remember how I adjusted the controls).

Pure Data would also be a good choice as an open source system suitable for creating a mastering application.


-----Original Message-----
>From: peiman 
>Sent: Sep 13, 2007 9:01 AM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: Re: [Csnd] open source mastering
>What I understand about mastering does involve some element of mixing and
>editing e.g. making and mixing "stems". 
>And the possetion of a very good EQ that unfortunaitly lacks in audacity +
>the ability to audition the eq in real time as you mentioned. I don't think
>a wave editor alone is sufficient for mastering purposes unless all one is
>going to apply is a crude global EQ and compression as so often heard in
>some badly mastered home-made pop tracks.
>Please correct me if CD mastering has a different meaning than mastering. 
>bernie arai wrote:
>> On 9/12/07, peiman  wrote:
>>> I tried to mix in audacity once but it's a bit of a nightmare...! very
>>> good
>>> for standard wave editing but not multi-track mixing in my experience :-)
>> i think the question was about cd mastering, which is a different process
>> than mixing.  i agree that audacity would be a difficult path for
>> multitrack
>> mixing, but very nice for mastering audio for a cd.  the only complaint i
>> have is (correct me if this runs differently now) that applying plugins
>> (like compression, the essential mastering tool) can't happen in realtime,
>> which makes it laborious to test settings.
>View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/open-source-mastering-tf4431706.html#a12654401
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