| Hi All,
Just wondering if anyone can explain why the behaviour of linseg and
expseg is fundamentally different (obviously not in terms of
timbre/maths). expseg seems to ignore xtratim/release, whereas linseg
does not. In this instrument the left channel (expseg) releases after
0.11 seconds, whereas the right channel (linseg) releases after 2
seconds (which according to the code - to all intents and purposes
identical in each case - is correct). Is this undocumented/buggy, or
is there something that I've missed?
Thanks in advance,
;-+rtaudio=alsa -+rtmidi=alsa -Mhw:1,0 --expression-opt -odac -d -m0 -f -W -b-4 -B256
sr = 48000
ksmps = 16
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
massign 0, 0
massign 1, 1
gisin ftgen 1, 0, 32768, 10, 1
opcode env_exp, a, iiii
iatt, idec, isus, irel xin
xtratim irel
krel release
if (krel == 1) kgoto rel
aenv1 expseg 0.0000001, iatt, 1, idec, isus
aenv = aenv1
kgoto done
aenv2 expseg 1, irel, 0.0000001
aenv = aenv1 * aenv2
xout aenv
opcode env_lin, a, iiii
iatt, idec, isus, irel xin
xtratim irel
krel release
if (krel == 1) kgoto rel
aenv1 linseg 0, iatt, 1, idec, isus
aenv = aenv1
kgoto done
aenv2 linseg 1, irel, 0
aenv = aenv1 * aenv2
xout aenv
instr 1
midinoteoncps p4, p5
kcps = p4
kvel = p5
aenvL env_exp 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 0.3
aenvR env_lin 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 0.3
aosc oscil 1, kcps, gisin
aoutL = aosc * aenvL * kvel/127 * 0.5
aoutR = aosc * aenvR * kvel/127 * 0.5
outs aoutL, aoutR
f 0 3
i 1 0 2 440 127